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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I just finished part one of RHOD’s season 4 reunion and this is one of my favorite seasons of housewives! I think the reason I enjoy the Kary/Leanne feud so much is because they simply don’t like each other. Nobody is trying to destroy someone’s family and it isn’t as dark (until Thailand) as most recent housewives feud. I *love* a random feud like this. Kandi/Nene, Heather/Ramona, Bethenny/Kelly and Gizelle/Monique are other examples where they just don’t like each other, but it isn’t super heavy and dark. Overall this season I feel like everybody earned their paycheck and they mostly kept a good balance of fun and drama. 

Now Thailand? Lord! The hardest thing about this is that interviews are filmed months later and even before she said the racist statements, she’s in her talking heads *still* making comments like that. How could she still not understand that wasn’t okay? And she truly doesn’t seem sorry. She doubles down and makes excuses so much that it is cringeworthy! With that said, I did enjoy what she brought to the season overall, but she did need to go. 

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I am happy to report that I just finished the season!!! lol. 


This finale was something else. Truly an end of an era. But it was nice to see that (other than the last minute) they were all in a happy place, drunk, and being FUN drunks. Nice, light fluff. The season started off as one drunken night after another. But thankfully balance was found. Should be interesting to see where things will be going.


As for how things stand entering the reunion...


RAMONA. Surprisingly I didn't feel bothered by her at all. Other than how she treated Elyse...the storyline that just disappeared...she did not have much going on but her rivalry with Leah. And a mother/daughter dynamic emerged. It would be nice to see where it goes since online it is going back to straight rivalry. And she has interesting friends. Elyse. That snobby one that was at her party. John who might be aggressive, but has smooth game IMHO. It's weird. He is kinda slimy, but...I'm game. I blame it on being on Lockdown.


SONJA. Say what you want about her, but just when you think you know everything about Sonja, she reveals something else going on. I liked the business side of her coming out. I loved seeing her do a charity bingo for GLADD. I loved seeing her being so adapt at throwing herself into any crowd...the black guys at Leah's party, the gays here...and when Dorinda exploded, she was still trying to keep the happy vibe. Hopefully she will get to a point where she can sell the townhouse. I feel like she's been trying to do that FOREVER.


LUANN. VIVA LA DIVA!!!  She really was Lu and improved. I loved that she was out and about and trying to do better. She was being fun and somewhat classy. I love how tongue-in-cheek she was about herself. If I disliked her for anything (which is not much), it would be she not going harder on Dorinda about her drinking. But I understand why she was not. Until Dorinda hits bottom...there was nothing much she or the others could do. And Ramona, though she was right, was not helping. 


DORINDA. If the beginning of the season was about Tinsley vs Dorinda and Leah's joining the group, the latter half of the season was about Dorinda's drinking. It quickly overshadowed everything. That was clear on the great Mexico trip when Dorinda deflect, deflect, deflect anytime it came up. Their best nights were the nights when either Dorinda was not thinking of herself (Sonja's party) or when she was not even there. And then that last scene of the season...WOW. So much anger at Tinsley. A bad look. If Tinsley did not drop the bombshell at the reunion, fans would never know. Not looking forward to Dorinda's downfall, but it is what it is.


LEAH. I thought she was a good addition other than losing her s*it every time she drank. I am looking forward to her rivalry with Ramona now that this season has shown a little more layers to it. And Ramona needs to be called out from time to time. She has been a breath of fresh air. And I look forward to seeing more of her family, more of her business, and seeing how she develops outside of Drunk Leah. And while Elyse said she was not going to be on next season, I hope she does since they are now friends. 


Overall, a good finale.




So far, so good. 


Like the rest of you, I loved the voiceover from Jeana. And it was nice the producers definitely are trying to see this season like the Lizzie/Shannon season as a soft reboot. The only difference is...Lizzie and Shannon were strong presences among a group with strong personalities. This cast...well...


I guess we will see.


EMILY. I will start with my favorite of this cast. I have always liked Emily. Her body issues are relatable to me. And her drama with Shaun was believeable. I still cannot believe he did not see how he was coming across. That said...HE SEES IT NOW. I am sorry to say it, but 'second season curse' appeared to have hit Emily. She has now gotten used to the camera and it appeared she is now 'playing a character' (c) Ex Soap Star. Or if not a character, I felt Emily was playing to the camera rather than being her...the thing that made her likable. Like their dinner, anyone noticed how Shaun kept looking at the camera as if he was worried about something. So was Emily at times. And there is a little cattiness to her on-camera presence that was not there before. I found that worrisome.. In fact, I felt the only time Emily was real was in the last 5 minutes when Braunwyn revealed her secret. And that was probably because Emily was not expecting that. 


SHANNON. So far...Shannon is giving me Soap Heroine. And it was nice to see her happy. And look at her with a blend family. I was loving all of that. After seasons of drama, she was happy. Of course, this show would be nothing without drama. And with Tamra and Vicki gone, there was only one thing going on that was drama for Shannon. Well two if we count David being a fame whore outside the show...and that would be Kelly. And even that just felt like something made up to get something going. And it appeared easily resolved.


GINA. Meh. I was over her last year when she turned on Emily. Of course with Emily being catty now, I guess they fit better into each other. There is potential there for drama with the drama with her ex, getting a new guy, and her dislike of Braunwyn, but it just smells of being relevant vs being relatable. Guess I am just over her. 


KELLY. Like her or hate her, she does keep it moving. I simply just don't care either. Right now, she is just there. It's kinda boring. And her and Shannon are our anchors now? And other than planning a wedding, what else will we have? But I know Kelly will at least eventually bring more...and I saw they edited in the mask fight for the THIS SEASON promo...so I guess Kelly might become my LOVE TO HATE or JUST HATE. But...definitely not boring me completely or giving me meh like Gina.


BRAUNWYN. I am waaaaaay to used to calling her Brown Wind. LOL. That said...the fact that I'm making an attempt to remember how to spell her name is telling to me. And I loved her new house. And that last scene...honestly...I teared up. I know how much of a big deal that first step toward admitting one is an alcoholic can be. That has always been an issue on my father's side of the family that I always worry for myself as my father's son, as a Southerner, and as a San Diegan since we were voted this year as the booziest place (even more than Vegas hehe) in the U.S. I have mentioned going on a path of self discovery this year and that was one topic that has come up over the last year among me and my oldest friends. While I have gone through phases, I have to say that I am not and have always been intelligent enough that if I felt I was using alcohol to numb pain too much that I am also wise enough to stop. Something I cannot say for some of my friends who I felt was projecting for other reasons, but that is another tale.

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  In any case, I found new respect for Braunwyn for doing that. And more importantly, she was being REAL. And we really need more housewives like that. I also liked she owned her behavior to Emily and apologized. 


ELIZABETH. Her vibe? Vicki 2.0. The fun and self-absorbed part. So far I like her.


I am not liking those THs at all. They look silly. Exceptions were Braunwyn, Shannon, and Kelly.





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I can't with Candaice continuing to play the victim. She knows good and damn well what she is doing; however, I feel all that is gonna come crashing on her when she/Chris attack Michael at the finale. Also, she keeps underestimating Karen too. The more she pushes her to choose a side, the more Karen will be drawn to Monique. Candaice is a moron. 


Furthermore, she failed to realize that she is a pawn on Gizelle and Robyn's chessboard. Of course, they don't want Monique jailed. They simply wanted her to be fired and when realizing it wouldn't work, they started to backtrack. 


I am not here for Wendy either inserting herself in the situation next week. I am growing to dislike her ass more and more. 

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Candiace is wrong to try to force Karen to pick a side. The only side she is interested in is anyone that is 100% on hers.


Im also on Ashley's side. She prefaced her commentary with the fact that she didnt see the physical fight but she did see the beginning of the arguing. Candiace is taking no accountability bc she was an active participant in the fighting and what escalated things. Monique was wrong to hit her but I cant get with this narrative that Candiace did absolutely nothing wrong


I love watching Nigerian families and Im glad Wendy's family finally got more focus. I feel bad for her husband and how that family has shunned them. That was so wrong


Also big miss not having Monique on this episode especially to have her reactions to being charged. That was a big part of the storyline that should have played out on screen

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Ashley with a Corona in her hand...and everything is right in the world...


...or is it?


I called it at the start of the season. I said that Gizelle might have bitten off more than she could chew by thinking she can manipulate Candiace to get at Monique. And when Candiace looked at her and asked 'don't we?' in response to Gizelle saying that they did not want Monique in jail...Gizelle knew. She unleashed a monster.


Power went out here so it took a while to watch this...but good episode. It was more day to day living, but as usual the aftermath of the fight was still the undercurrent.


WENDY. This episode went a long way to humanizing her for me. We got to learn more about her foine husband's family. We saw more of her family. And it was nice to see. I lol at her telling Robyn who was early for an event for once that Nigerians are fashionably late. But that promo for next week...ugh. I don't like her winding up Candiace to go against Karen. And I don't like her selective amnesia on Karen either. Just starting stuff for the sake of starting it. Ugh.


ASHLEY. Oooooo....gathering Candiace, girl!!! lol. And Candiace thought she was just going to be slick with that shade. But guess what? Ashley let you know...she will leave when she is good and ready...as a millionaire herself since she has a nice nest egg once she decides...and eventually I feel she will....to leave Michael. On her terms at that. In fact, it felt like she's been setting up for that. Look at her new sister in law appearing. Look at her uncle appearing. It felt like she wanted to have more connections to potential stories around when the Michael story finally dries up. And...it will. But she will land on her feet. TeamGolddigger...I mean Ashley.

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GIZELLE. You worked so hard to get Monique. You worked hard to get her out of the group. And you opened a Pandora's Box. One I suspect will bite you on your butt. Candiace has already shown she is not afraid to step to you or Robyn. And neither of you will pick a fight with her given you would look like hypocrites now if you do. Candiace might have checkmate on ya. Oops. 


ROBYN. Basically comic relief this episode. No problem with that. She was funny dancing. She was hilarious being early and no one seeing it like a tree falling in the forest when no one is around. And her drama (c)Erika Jayne. Hilarious.


MONIQUE. Not shown. Sadly.


CANDIACE. Mariah from M2M said it best...you showed your slip. I feel online opinion is 50/50. However, Monique has started to show remorse (and if you been online receipts), but Candiace? A little bit of humble pie would go a long way. She didn't need to be attacked, but she is not only not owning her part, she is really playing victim. From introducing a new character to play victim to, to the post-it (lord, not Post-It, Carrie Bradshaw) to her attacking Ashley...Candiace is trying to play that victim card. However...it is coming across as a little phony. And when your husband has to shut you up...that is not a good sign. And sadly...Karen saw that too. And the Grand Dame...IS WHO YOU SHOULD TRULY HAVE ON YOUR SIDE. smh. To quote Robyn...you almost had me.


KAREN. Hmmmm...I liked her talk with Ray. And it was very interesting how honest they could be. Now if they could bridge their growing gap. Meanwhile, her at the table watching Candiace vs Ashley was very telling. In that moment, you could see her moving that much closer to Team Monique because Candiace is coming across as a villainess rather than a victim. And next week, those girls are going to come for her. Uh...NO MA'AM.



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Every time they show the clip of Candiace yelling “ good niiiiiight,” repeatedly and then “drag me” I get irritated. She clearly taunted Monique. Days and weeks later she pulls out a square to dab her weepy eyes. What happened to the big mouth yelling at Monique? She didn’t act like a victim that night, she kept yelling, calling Monique names. She didn’t act like a victim that night, she was a participant.

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On a reality show, you're expected to forgive and move on when another housewife does something to you. I find that so bizarre as that's not the way life works. I'm all for Candaice not getting over it because that's real. However, I don't like milking it and seeing it as an opportunity and I'm someone who clearly thought Monique was in the wrong. I think the other women are being disingenuous, but Candaice is not making herself look good. She reminds me of Kim Richards when Rinna attacked. KR could have had the moral high ground but she was such a ghastly liar that she allowed a crying Rinna to get the sympathy. Candaice should take notes. I will say this: my belief is that you never really have to go after another HW because they always bring about their own downfall. I'm thinking of Kelly Dodd, Jill, Kim, Nene, Phaedra (rewatching some of ATL and she was awful. How was she liked?), etc. 



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Haven't watched RHOP yet... but I will later today! I am almost afraid to, because it seems like Gizelle and Robyn are getting away with their nefarious schemes. God, I am hoping for some karma their way. Seriously, Robyn would be the Teddi of Potomac if she didn't have an actual sense of humor! The only comfort I get is that Cha Cha, who tried to get on the show with that horrible rumor about Monique, is STILL edited out. 

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Also this is making the rounds on Twitter today



By way of RH nostalgia, you know that finale music on OC and BH which is played as the women muse on what they've learned this season? I found it. That music always hits me in the feels. I know @DaytimeFan loves the OC guitar ballad. I love the BH one also. It reminds me of the Richards sisters being torn apart, or LVP vowing to keep it moving even after another betrayal.


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