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All of THIS.


I'm slowly binging the second half and it's clear that Ramona and Dorinda are the storyline. Leah...has her moments. Good moments, but she's kinda just there. 


 IKR!!! And I expect it to go UP as the fight beings...



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Rinna is a piece of sh-t and the stuff she said about Heather Locklear solidified that. I hate her and its said to say this bc Ive been a big fan of hers for years going back to her time on Days of Our Lives and Melrose Place. This whole season I wobbled between her, Teddi or Kyle, but nope, Rinna is the absolute worse


Teddi has always been boring but she paired that with being super annoying this season. She was so damn irritating. I dont know if it was the pregnancy, or she wa putting on a show bc people said she was boring in the past but she felt very inauthentic and it was unappealing. I didnt mind her before bc she was just there, but she was absolutely unlikeable this year


Kyle...always playing the victim. Just tell the truth, just tell the truth. I HATE how she gaslit Denise. Stevie Wonder could see right through her and her act. She's nowhere enar as innocent as she pretends to be

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Get over it, girl. You got used...and it WASN'T by Denise. 




Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.


The highlight for me was the friendship between Sutton and Garcelle.


Otherwise I could see why people on Twitter (who majority are Team Denise from what I can tell) called the episode of Gang Rape of Denise Richards. Which reminds me...another highlight? All those Bravo Twitter Podcasters on WWHL and ALL OF THEM WERE TEAM DENISE. Ole Andrew Cockhead was so pressed. And loved the one who called out Kyle for being behind the S6 on up.


To me it was waaaay too familiar to the last part of the RHOA reunion which I ALSO found to be pointless. 


DENISE. I wished she had done better tbh. While she gave as good as she got, she was clearly over it. And at the same time, at least in the end, the viewers were seeing the REAL Denise. Here she was sitting him filming a reunion where people were coming for her...and she was unbothered, sitting there sipping drink, sitting there memorizing her lines for her next episode of B&B. Lying or not, she was being more how she has been all this season and last. And stood in her truth. I just wished she had let the claws out and not be knocked around like a punching bag. I did like She made Ex Soap Star back down from those texts. Clearly *LisaRinnavoice*She got something to hide*LisaRinnavoice* Denise called your bluff. And she better be very happy that Denise is a TRUE friend and true friends bury their friends' secrets even if they fall out. Truly a better person than Ex Soap Star.



I cannot believe how many times I told her to shut up when she was to sit there and talk about 'be honest.' How about you be honest about all these takedown schemes and the common thread for all of them: YOU. Wannabe Twink Andy is always saying how she does not make producer decisions and we know he's lying about his influence. So guess what viewers think of you as a producer? There is a reason why Camille called you out yesterday. Wannabe the queen, but can't hack it. Unlike Camille. And you will never be the Queen. Deal with it.


Real Housewives Of The USA RANKING 75-73


ERIKA. Barely there and therefore irrelevant except to say liar, liar, pants on fire. You were bothered that Ex Soap Star was trying to steal your thunder. Garcelle had your back. At last, learn how to have hers. But given you are friends with Wannabe Queen...time for you to go.


DORIT. Didn't really do much this part, but look gorgeous. But since she brings something to the show. She can stay. lol. I cannot believe how much she has redeemed her image. While I found her partying offseason with Kyle worrying, I hope going forward she continues to stand up for herself.


GARCELLE. 'You want to go first, Denise, or should I?' was a hoot. I didn't like them trying to come for Garcelle over Erika. They were all mad Garcelle stays working (I just found out she was recurring on Season 2 of TELL ME A STORY and we here all know I loved her on THE MAGICIANS). And Garcelle has proven she was the type that would tell Erika personally AND privately that she can't come see her since she talked to her regularly on the phone/text it seem. And IF Garcelle is truly coming back, Someone Called Toddy better hope Garcelle doesn't decide to acknowledge her because she will not be able to handle it and Theodore let me tell you...you think Twitter is bad? It ain't got nothing on Black Twitter.  KNOW THAT. I loved Garcelle's expressions throughout as the ladies (and Little Boy Andy) attacked Denise because a person with common sense knows and can see what's going on. I also loved how much Garcelle kept giving Tasha

Kenya GIFs | Tenor


EX SOAP STAR. It takes a cold bitch (note I did not say bitca  ) to not see how much they are hurting their friend. And Denise was a better friend than she was to her by not saying what skeletons were in YOUR skeleton. Be lucky. And then you tried it twice with Garcelle. Such a disgusting piece of tw#t.


ANDY COCKBLOCK. Speaking of tw#t...karma is surely coming for him. I did not like he was egging Ex Soap Star on. He was being messy as if he didn't research Heather Locklear (the only time I agree with Lips myself when she said Google it). You are as transparent as your producer friend Kyle. I pray those blind items from years ago finally, truly, completely comes back and buries you. And when it does, irreelvancy is what you deserve. You are a host, not a housewife. ACT LIKE IT.


DUSTRAG MELLONSHAM. Well, I see someone got on the Karma Express. If you are not leaving, I guess that means you can do what your best friend would want and 'be honest.' *smirks*


Actually looking forward to the LOST SCENES episode as I've already mentioned because I would like to see what was left out and if my theory was right.


That said...pathetic that producers did a 'Denise Runs' montage.


Over this narrative and choose to exclude myself from it going forward. 


Well Andy Cockblock wasn't her friend anyway so...


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Maybe it's time for Andy to go..because he seems to have lost whatever instincts he once had.


I do like when people answer his questions in a way he doesn't like or expect.  Like when Taylor Armstrong and later Dakota Fanning said during season 5 that Brandi was played out...and he could barely contain his shock and annoyance.  


With Covid-19 still in full swing, people losing their jobs, possibly the roof over their head....the current format will wear thin and more people will opt not to watch spoiled wealthy women fighting over petty things.

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Nene is the David Caruso of reality television. She always bites the hand that feeds her and is apparently quite difficult with production from what we have seen. She really did appear to burn her bridges on RHOA last season, so this isn't a surprise and the show will not suffer from her absence.


I have not yet seen the RHOBH Part 2...but it sounds like it's what I've expected given the way the season has progressed.

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