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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Regarding the season 4 NY reunion...looking back it wasn't so much toxic..it was a lot of crosstalk and yelling...where Andy Cohen had to tell them all to be quiet.


In the season 4 lost scenes of episode of BH...kyle had an expert advise her on how to present her caftans (I think she was going on QVC or HSN)...and the coach told her to stop talking about herself because doing so wouldn't convince people to buy her product...and in the talking head..Kyle was rolling her eyes.  Kyle has always been overshadowed by her sisters, LVP, Denise and now Garcelle...it's why she's so pressed all the time 

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Denise is not the first person to use cease and desists which makes the outrage so ridiculous. Do they want us to forget Kyle sent Brandi cease and desists? Of course, they do as it would mean Kyle can't claim Brandi is always honest. It also means they can't use the cease and desists as an admission of guilt. 


Sutton and Garcelle owned part one of the reunion. The other women were pathetic. I think it's worse than season four of RHONY because these women have no legitimate gripes against Denise. IF she lied, so what? It's not hurting them. It has nothing to do with them. They just see blood and they are attacking. Andy is an embarrassment. The man needs replaced. He's useless as a host. 

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Kyle cannot grasp that 1) she isn't special and 2) she's not nearly as likeable or relatable as she thinks she is. One of the most transparent and oblivious housewives ever.



THIS. Andy needs to go as host of these shows. His bias is incredible.



Andy has been a problem for a long, long time on these shows.



Someone much smarter and sharper than Andy. His nemesis, Kathy Griffin, would do a good job at it. Wendy Williams would do well too because she likes the shows, but she doesn't really care about them and isn't personally invested. That is Andy's downfall - he gets personal with the housewives and who he likes (and hates) gets obvious.

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When Vicki imploded at the reunion, I was so happy she finally got everything that was coming to her and humiliated herself in the befittingly ugly way that IS Vicki.  But I am pretty heartbroken for Dorinda.  I'm one of the few that always saw her rage and cruelty and was shocked she got away with it unscathed . . . but there was always SO much to LOVE about her.  This is a sad, sad way for such a great 'wife to go out.  And she evidently sealed her fate at the reunion.  What a shame.  For Dorinda's sake, I hope there's more to the Tinsley story we're not privy to . . . because it makes zero sense that she lost her mind (job, and good name) over that silly socialite.  There has to be more to the story; I heard D, T, and Carole (and John, Scott, and Adam) had a terrible trip to Dubai . . . maybe it all started then???  Who knows, lol.

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Watching some of the other RH shows (NY, Potomac), you realise that the problem with RHOBH is that none of these women are friends and therefore no authentic bonds are formed. Consequently, BH devolves into an episode of Survivor, where strategic alliances form to bring down a target. Popularity is king and measured by social media clicks. This works when the show actually IS called Survivor and the rules of the game are clear. However, BH is still fronting like this is an actual friendship group and blah blah friends tell each other da troof. The fact is, even a 20-year so-called friendship (probably more an acquaintanceship) between Rinna and Denise is merely fuel for these popularity games where Rinna wants to dent Denise's popularity with the audience. None of these women like or trust each other and I doubt they are in contact during the off-season (except for Kyle and BAT bc Kyle needs a sycophant).



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I enjoy Wendy Williams' show but she is a bad interviewer. And that's with the guests she actually knows. Even with Hot Topics, Wendy needs her producer Norm to fill her in on what's going on. Wendy is self-absorbed and messy and has had a lot of drama in her life. As a result, she would be better suited to being an actual HW herself (she would never, though. She doesn't want to reveal her private life).


Kathy Griffin is a good suggestion as I imagine she watches these shows. She would have to be in Interviewer Mode, though, and not in Let's Talk About Me Mode. The one good thing about Andy at these Reunions is that he doesn't make it about him all that often and basically leaves the women to talk. I do agree his bias is so problematic, though -- he gave Kyle total control of the narrative in the Kyle-Garcelle discussion so that she could sing her fave song "You're So F*cking Mean."





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 I didn't feel it was as terrible as Dorinda has been in the past...? I mean, yes, Dorinda looked awful ranting and raving about somebody who has already left the show. Literally, I thought they were going to walk Tinsley out as a surprise cameo. 


However, I understand where Dorinda is coming from. Tinsley chose to break her contract and leave. The other RHONY women are there. Dorinda feels she is under threat because of her age, and Tinsley is the demo that Bravo prefers and wishes was back on the show. IMO, Leah more than makes up for Tinsley not being there. She is far more interesting and pro-active, for a start. I know people on this thread love The Tinsler, but for me, it was four seasons of nothingburger SLs (SCOTT). Tinsley does not have enough of a personality to make a truly interesting HW -- that's why they had to bring Dale out. And yet Bravo really want somebody like her to anchor RHONY. Of course Dorinda is jealous. Of course Dorinda is worried about her own job security. She feels resentful that Tinsley (in her eyes) is being rewarded for not showing up and breaching her contract, and all because Tinsley is young and pretty and pliable.


It was a sweet finale to RHONY, despite the final 2 mins. I love the friendships between all the women. Sonja asking Leah to be her workout mate was touching, even though it was about promoting this fitness app (!!).


Viva La Diva is now locked into my brain. The best disco songs are the ones sung non-ironically, and Luann basically thinks she is Donna Summer/Barbra Streisand about launch into Enough Is Enough. I'm relieved (as I'm sure the rest of the cast was) that the cabaret show was NOT the finale. We've seen it enough.


Ramona is such a Trumper. I don't want to give any RH attention to 'the administration' (as DT's gaggle of dangerous and incompetent sycophants are now called). But I sort of wish the Bravo cameras had been there when Ramona and Kimberly Guilfoyle partied in the Hamptons and KG caught the coronavirus.

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Before Nene irked her, I would have said Wendy Williams. She used to be a good reunion host for THE A LIST if I recall correctly.


I could see Kathy Griffin as a good host as others have mentioned. That host who does the MELBORNE reunion would be prefect cuz he seem to be objective and ask the right questions.  

I guess I was just blinded by his...charm, chest hair (?), scruff when he had it...but I didn't used to dislike Andy or I was just blind. But I've been coming around slowly, but the BELOW DECK reunion sealed it for me. You would have to be a special kind of tone deaf, not to mention extremely self absorbed to not 1)let someone else host when you just had surgery and was doped up 2) not watch the season in question to know why the audience wanted those Bru lynched and 3)attacking the victims which was most of the women crew members. Attacking the OG cast member for something LAST SEASON that was already discussed at last year's reunion to deflect off the fact that she was almost assaulted by the main villain of the season who happened to be a hottie was gaslighting (there's that word again) and so vile. They even brought in a girl member who left the season early for love to verify that the male villain isn't all bad. The audience saw right through that. So clearly Andy knew that men...that whole posse...was in the wrong. Nasty.


And I am not even going to go into the RHOD reunion. Too many glass houses and we know how triggered I get over the whole of Season 4.

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