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I have not been a consistent watcher this season (only try to watch for Sutton, Garcelle and Denise), but  have the lawsuits been discussed? I thought they mentioned Dorit's lawsuit, but I can't imagine Kyle and Erika would ever allow their lawsuits to be discussed on air. 


IS anyone surprised about Lisa Rinna? She has been selling her daughters ever since she got on the show. 

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Not to sound overdramatic LOL, but Rinna has lost her humanity doing this show.


Her scenes with Amelia this season --there was no mistaking her distraction and lack of empathy while her kid tried to talk about her issues. Rinna is more interested in planning her next outfit than any of that sh*t. That's why she and Erika are so tight. 


She leaped on Amelia's mental issues because she was being blamed for her daughter's struggle with anorexia. Pushing Amelia and the Slow One into being InstaModels prob did not help those body issues. When you are a failed InstaModel? That must do a number on your self-esteem. Designers will only invite the Hamlin girls to sit at their shows -- not to walk in them. 


Unlike her slow older sister, Amelia seems like she has a functioning braincell and would like to do more with her life. But Rinna stays pushing this InstaModel life. Rinna may be a hustler (so she says -- haven't seen her hustle for a part in a few seasons) but she has no vision for her daughters' future. She stays copying Yolanda Hadid and Kris Jenner but cannot imagine a life for them beyond that.


Or for herself for that matter. She seems set on 'Beverly Hills maven' (again, like Kris Jenner or Kathy Hilton) but doesn't seem to have been permitted entry into that circle yet. Rinna's $5,000 bid at Kyle's charity event was meant to make her look boss, but Kris Jenner made a straight $25K donation (knowing that is what Kyle needed to break even) which overshadowed Rinna's. 


That BH social world is about maintaining relationships, not losing them. And Rinna is currently bashing Denise on Twitter, calling her phoney and narcissistic, so there's that.




Keeping Up w the Kardashians has gotten stale, but I can't help but like Kris Jenner for some reason. She reinvented the reality TV game and is now a legit power player. Also, she has maintained the same close friendships for decades and I think that speaks somewhat highly of her. Rinna wishes so hard that she was part of that Faye/Kris/Kathy circle! 


Rinna is currently going apeshit on Denise on social media, calling her phoney, narcissistic, etc. I hope that means Denise told her a few home truths at reunion about how no one trusts Rinna farther than they can throw her. 



It's always good to catch up, even with some 'slower' seasons, because it lays a lot of the groundwork about what we are seeing now.


Robyn actually liked Monique at first, until Gizelle let it be known that Monique was to be the target. Robyn is a henchwoman who follows orders. She also likes Candiace and Ashley but will go after them if Gizelle gives her the nudge.


Weirdly -- and despite Gizelle not caring a fig about her -- Candiace also seems desperate to sell her buddy Monique out to the green-eyed goons. This is totally bewildering to me.

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Gizelle is a charismatic master manipulator and also sort of fascinating. You could see how she could be a ringleader. Just watched the first part of the S3 reunion, and she seemed genuinely supportive of Karen when she broke down over her father’s death. 


I want to like Robyn because she seems bright and down-to-earth, but you’re right that she seems to have no mind of her own when it comes to Gizelle. She reminds me a bit of Suzie from Basketball Wives, with Gizelle as her Evelyn.

I was going to add that one reason Chris puts up with Candiace is that he can count on her mother paying for everything.


Monique is just great. And I think her gay brother is super handsome and sweet. 

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Less than 2 weeks until August 2! I am really psyched for Potomac.


I love Monique and her whole family. S4 she kind of had to sit stuff out because she was SO preggers, but she still made waves at Katie's hoedown. 


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I'm thinking Candiace has not forgiven getting put in her place, hence why she started something with Monique this year. Candiace is a mess.

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Monique’s obsession with essential oils also reminds me of someone I know.


What was the deal with Katie? I remember Ashley saying in S4 that Katie “wasn’t mentally strong enough” to handle this group of women, but watching the Potomac S1 reunion, Katie had one of the most commanding performances I’ve ever seen on a HW reunion. She seemed more than capable of holding her own, unless she had a total breakdown. She lost a baby, I saw, which could cause anyone to have a low moment, but is that what Ashley was referring to? (If true, that’s unbearably cruel.)

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Dorit’s lawsuits were mentioned early on and she’s had a great season. She’s more relaxed and open which works for her. Erika’s only story has been doing Broadway and we’ve seen a couple scenes with her husband. For the past few episodes she hasn’t done anything but complain about Denise. Rinna’s only story was her daughters eating disorder, but that’s gone and she does nothing but complain about Denise. Kyle’s lawsuits haven’t been mentioned, but I do think she’s had a good drama filled season so far. 

Katie DID have a breakdown. The lawsuit with her ex-husband caused her to be fired for season two. You’ll notice she awkwardly appeared in a few season two episodes, but she disappeared. She is doing much better now, but when she returned for season four it was a very dark period in her life. She still hasn’t seen her kids in years and on Instagram she’s documented how much money she’s spent just trying to get a visit. It seems her ex is very wealthy which is making the fight more difficult than it normally would be. 

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I love Monique as well. The whole family including his mama are fun to watch.

I also like Candiace even though she is ridiculous. Her mom is pure entertainment.

Love the Grande Dame too as well as Robyn and Gizelle.

I cannot stand Darby. I just have never liked anything about her from calling herself a spring chicken to her restaurant to the husband rumors. 

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Rinna wanted her daughters to have the success of the Hadid girls but although they are pretty, they aren’t super models. I guess that’s why she went with a clothing line for them to attach their name to. 
I questioned if the girl had an eating disorder or if Rinna cooked that up for a storyline. I think not eating is just part of that household as the whole family is thin.

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Katie was hard-done by both Ashley and production. Ashley always plays dirty, so I was so pleased when Karen stick up for Katie and told her that she belonged there just as much as anyone else. But for whatever reason, production wanted Katie out. Shame  because I found her a bright spot last season. Yes, she is clearly going through some serious things. Yes, I did wonder if she had dependency issues. But there were other times when she was startlingly lucid and cut straight through the BS, especially with Ashley. It's hard to explain but, she fills a gap in RHOP. I would have loved to see her back this coming season.

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