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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Everyone loves a comeback.

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So...it looks like we have Porsha, Kandi, and maybe Kenya coming back. 5 testing. So yay!!!


And speaking of filming and since I already mentioned DALLAS was starting up this week, those rumors about Cary being back suuurre are getting stronger over the last day or so. 


There also seem to be a blind item running around now that Two old NY housewives are returning. Hmmmm



Oh, like I said...I don't blame the editing issues on RHOP OR NY.   But thank you about RHOSL. I feel like there was a lot of news coming out about it pre-Corona, and now there are nothing but crickets. So good to know for sure. 


After watching an exchange between a fan and a guy who has been dating a reality tv editor for the past 7 years calling Bs on BH in terms of how post-production works and editors work and how it is coming across as 'things that make you go hmmm' I think I will keep my stance until the next set of episodes air to see if there are any abrupt changes. Though I value your opinion, I just feel like something is up for the abruptness of not announcing it sooner. Call it gut instinct.



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July 8th? This is why I am watching Real Housewives of Melbourne S1 in the meantime. Bravo would have done well to put that on a few episodes a week over the 4 week hiatus, but seems to have a real bias against the foreign RH (English speaking, mind you) brands.


If Mo'Nique were to join ATL, I'd be like 

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Which is so funny. People right now are discovering MELBOURNE, SYNDEY, JOHNANNBURG and find ways to 'see' it here. Add on VANCOUVER, TORONTO, CHESHIRE, that Foreign one...and Bravo is just missing out and could have totally used them to bridge the gap between new episodes...cuz there really isn't anything on right and Bravo is basically repeats right now. 


Like THIS alone...the loaded, but flawless shade of it all...



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She was in New York for business when she was in discussions to join the show. It didn’t work out and she went to the UK. I believe she mentioned talking to them about Ladies of London, but she ended up moving to Spain. I did love her feud with Luann though lol. 

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I realise that Melbourne wouldn't get the ratings of even a boring BH repeat. I realise some viewers might recoil in horror at anything involving 'accents.' Nevertheless, as a way of keeping the RH brand going during the hiatus, I believe Melbourne's first ever episode is super easy to get into. Gina literally leaps off the screen as a star. Andrea is horrifically smug. Lydia is a sexed-up dumbass. What is there not to understand? And it's LOL funny! We need some funny in our lives.


Sydney is not a patch on Melbourne and it had its issues (not least Lisa Oldfield herself), but lord, Lisa was by far the smartest b!tch in the room. Loved how she exposed all of them here!

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EXACTLY!!! I still to this day have not seen the first episode of MELBOURNE. However, you and everyone here talked about it so much that when I was home when Bravo did show the first season on the weekend (ugh), I was curious to see this...Gina. And my first episode, her going to that tennis/home event at either Andrea or Lydia and how they didn't like she dressed how she wanted or something or other. And...I WAS HOOKED. Loved Gina. So I watched what I can. lol.


Let's keep it real. I have heard about Lisa since yesterday, but most Americans have not. They just see his on point, but vicious bitca and start to stan. Period. And since Andy is all about that, it just confounds me how he wouldn't act some of the other housewives from foreign shows that even he would know some fans would ride-or-die. 


I do agree. Nothing...and I mean NOTHING is like MELBOURNE. Especially now. 

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While technically true, I still don’t understand why they didn’t air the fourth season on Bravo. Season one did well enough to be moved to primetime and seasons 2 and 3 typically got around 500,000 viewers airing in a Friday with no promo. For an import that’s pretty good. Hell that’s what Dallas gets lol. 

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Wow. I am actually stunned. I didn't expect those ratings. For a foreign import on a Friday with mo promo, that is amazing! And S4 was solid, I thought. Better than S3, which I found a little slow.



If you get a chance to download Ep 1 S1 of Melbourne, it sets the scene really well. Gina utters this line "I parent the traditional Italian way, which is through guilt, and fear." A STAR!!


Sydney had some good elements but when the wheels came off the Athena X bus, I found it hard to care for any of them. Also there were perhaps 2 too many HWs. Frankly, I didn't need to see the ex-pop star attempt a comeback or the medi-spa one. Lisa and bitchy Victoria were probably the ones that Andy would worship if they were on US franchises. BTW, there were rumours that Sydney was preparing to film S2 when the pandemic hit. I think it was suggested that Victoria, Krissy, Lisa and possibly Athena X were returning to the show. I'd be willing to give them a second chance!

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