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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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For personal reasons I won't go into here lol, this week's New York made me uncomfortable.  I felt like LuAnn (really raw confession from her... those kinds of moments really ground these shows and helped to round her usually-superficial character) as the sober spectator.  I've been Leah/Tinsley/Sonja more times than my alcohol-soaked brain could ever remember, but that $h!t easily could've turned... Leah and Sonja legit. trashed Ramona's yard (with something flammable) and their drunken antics fight could've quickly ended relationships.  Drunk or not, if someone holds you accountable, you have to accept the consequences for saying/yelling things you can't take back.  Not trying to be judgey (I relate to this all too well), but I totally understand why Leah doesn't drink.


Were they testing Elyse for an apple?

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And what good tea it is if true.


So Nene hired that lawyer to go after Kandi? REALLY? KANDI. If that was to go to court, Kandi's money will outlast the Moose's money so  as Leslie Jones would say...HAVE AT IT!!! CUZ YOU WILL NOT WIN!!!


I am here for Eva the Diva LETTING NENE HAVE IT!!! YoYo exposing the Moose, and Kenya Bombshelling her with that alleged tea that is probably what sends Nene running and not coming back to finish filming the reunion.


Not here for Big Sis, Little Sis versus everybody. Porsha, why?


Shades of Season 10 reunion with Nene subbing for Wig to me.

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@Cheap21 I think that is the longest BH post you have ever written, but it certainly was a good one!


Like you and @Chris B I am surprised to find myself enjoying BH. It feels like a brand new show, but with HWs we were already familiar with. It doesn't connect in any way to, say, BH S2 (one of the best standalone seasons) with LVP, Taylor, Kim, Brandi etc. It feels more like a Kardashians-The Hills New Beginnings hybrid. There is some very obvious scripted scenes (Erika fake-crying on Tom's shoulder). But there is also a feeling of karma coming for some of these women, too. I love Garcelle bringing freshness and guts to the show. Contrast her with Teddi cowering passive-aggressively behind her dumb invite. Teddi is clearly petrified of Erika, Rinna and Sutton. Garcelle put her ex's affair on blast, and he was a bigshot CAA agent, so she has no effs to give about an accountability coach party. 


Kyle is such a non entity that it is shocking. The most exciting thing we have seen thus far is her calling Mauricio at some Agency pot-palooza (um, where was Portia?) and some woman calling his name offscreen as he ended his call with Kyle.


Dorit and PK pretending this lawsuit is no big deal. Whatever. The lawsuit had to do with Beverly Beach and the Kemsleys pocketing the financing before any money was made! I did appreciate PK talking about his background in the UK. I actually like PK sometimes. 


Rinna talked about her daughter's mental health issues for one reason only: to absolve herself of blame for that same daughter's anorexia.

Edited by Cat
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I am disgusted with myself for watching and loving what I am seeing on RHOBH this season. It's clear that the filming was a mess and that the producers had to scramble in order to put together a good season because they could not fail after all the criticism that has been levelled at RHOBH for years. 


They are taking chances with production and I am finding it refreshing. Breaking the 4th wall with the producers talking is excellent and actually addressing the show itself is very important for these franchises to evolve. 


Dorit is so much more enjoyable this season, that it's kind of amazing. I liked that the producers challenged her and PK on their lawsuits and even though they hardly addressed it (it's obvious the house is solely in Dorit's name for creditor protection) I liked that scene the best. 


I really like Garcelle and enjoyed seeing her with Ali Landry and Erika. I enjoy everything about her so far. 


Erika has been so different this season that even though she's inauthentic and performing at all times, the character she's now playing is so much more relatable.


Rinna continues to struggle to find an actual storyline and I don't like that she's featuring her daughter's mental illness at all. Let's face it: her daughters would be complete unknowns if Rinna hadn't pushed them into the spotlight and kept them there by talking about them. She should focus on spotlighting her QVC business and how it's developed. 


Kyle is a non-factor and should be fired. 


Sutton is wholly unlikeable and comes across terribly. I listened to an interview she gave Heather McDonald's Juicy Scoop podcast and she came off much, much better but I think we're seeing the real Sutton on this show and it's not flattering. She reminds me a lot of RHOV's awful Jody. 


Denise was more entertaining hopped up on painkillers than Kyle will ever be when she's trying to ham it up. 




loved this episode. These women give us everything: drama, comedy, thrills, romance, lust, tension, suspicion - they do it all and they do it well and I'm forever indebted to them for getting the world through this pandemic one naked pool romp at a time. The key to RHONY is that the cast, for the most part, is not self conscious about the cameras. They don't care how they come across (while all other franchises, with perhaps the exception of certain housewives) are extremely aware of how they come across on camera and want to be perceived positively. 


Luann hitting on the tennis pro and then the dog groomer (who I have no problem believing she hooked up with that night) was hilarious and like watching SATC's Samantha Jones in her prime. 


Dorinda, Tinsley, Leah, and Sonja's drunken shouting match/pool party/bacchanal was just what the world needed to see. I laughed and laughed.


Dorinda and Sonja in bed with Sonja's dog Marley with their face masks on was amazing and another comedic high point. The thing about Sonja is she's harmless and rallies like a champion. 


Ramona leaving her own party to go to someone else's was so Ramona. 


Bravo to BRAVO, they're getting us through this pandemic.  




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@DynamiteKiddo I can understand your feelings about watching the drunken shenanigans. It is uncomfortable to watch something that is half entertainment half alcoholics anonymous. And yet as @DaytimeFan said, they are providing (to me) a service during these pandemic times. Dorinda and Sonja masking in bed. The tiki torches. Leah wrecking the place and then acting like a daughter hiding from her parents the wild party she held at their place. I think Leah started drinking again because she knew she has to with this group. She wants to fit in. And despite the age difference, she is winning them over. Even winning over a grudging Dorinda. She was like another Avery with Ramona. Her connection with Donja is now cemented. I think she is a really good addition to the group.


And without Bethenny, there is a lightness to the show. Tinsley has much more interaction and asides. The women show off their personalities unabashed. Luann was a star this episode, getting knocked back by the Italian tennis instructor and then moving swiftly on to the dog groomer. Luann has never looked more stunning, and we are seeing her forceful magnetism unleashed. I felt I was in vacation with these women.


Sonja is another standout. Literally the gift that keeps on giving. These wonen are determined to grab joy by the balls and live excessively. I saw Sonjs on WWHL last week -- she got stuck in a yoga retreat in Florida during the pandemic, where she still resides with one yoga outfit  and zero makeup -- and she was a joy, just shooting the [!@#$%^&*] and imitating Dorinda doing "CLIP! CLIP!" There is no malice with this woman, and she has no problem showing who she is, makeupless, stranded and making the absolute best of things.

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I almost feel bad for Nene too. It's clear that someone in production has it out for her. I also point out that she told no lies about Eva. Eva is incredibly boring and no matter how well she performs at the reunion, she should not be returning to the show because she brought nothing, and I mean nothing, this entire season. She brought nothing last season either. Tanya and Marlo both brought MUCH more to the show and neither of them gets the glory Eva does...


I've finally caught up on RHOA today (it seems that the broadcast of the last two episodes has been delayed in Canada, but they're up on Hayu)...overall it's been a very decent season. 


I do not care for the Kandi and Todd drama at all. Todd is a petulant twerp. Mama Joyce is a bitter cow. Kandi is an industrious, kick ass, woman and she's better than both of them put together. Todd publicly flogging himself was needed. He has no clue how good he has it. Little Ace is adorable. 


It is blatantly obvious that Cynthia is only in Atlanta for the show and that she otherwise is in Los Angeles with Mike. Her own child isn't there. Speaking of children, what on earth is Cynthia playing at with mentioning a baby? We do not need a fake pregnancy musing storyline a la Melissa Gorga. 


Porsha looked like a superstar at Kandi's baby shower. This season has been incredible for her. 


Kenya is a bitch with an ugly heart. I don't like watching her because none of it rings true. Fake as they come. She has made me feel sympathetic to Nene. 

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