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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I think the problem with RHOC is that it is obvious that the housewives (V/T/S) are "producing" the material. Tamra was a humourless human sledgehammer this season. Compare that to someone like Kenya who brings a marching band to Marlo's event--could not stop laughing. I would get rid of Shannon and Vicki. Vicki needed Brianna  there to call her out on her behaviour. Since she's not there much, Vicki only has Steve and he's a block of wood (and their engagement seemed staged for the camera). I didn't miss Vicki when she was absent from the episodes. I find Shannon so unpleasant and self-centred. I think an isolated Tamra would work well. I would definitely keep Emily, Kelly, and Braunwyn as some of my favourite moments have been there talks with each other. Heather won't come back if Kelly is there, but I don't want Alexis or Gretchen. They are just too fake and produced and I don't want more religious talk. I don't even remember Lizzie (must have skipped her season). Was she any good? I liked Meghan, but I don't think the show can handle another nasty divorce. 

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Lizzie was phenomenal. She was pretty, intelligent, and honest. Plus, she is one of the few that took Tamra to task. S9 of the OC is their BEST season IMO. The Bali trip where Tamra got exposed was must see TV. It always pissed me off how Bravo didn't want to bring Lizzie back the following season b/c Tamra pulled strings with production to sabotage her return. The only offered her a 'friend' position and iced her out 99% of the season despite having filmed most of it.

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I love that moment so very much. Lizzie will go down in Housewives legend for that moment alone. She just told the truth and Tamra couldn't handle it. 




The finale was 'meh' to me...but I hear that guitar music that closes out the show and all feels right in the world. The problem I have with the show is that half the cast is producing their entire storyline and nothing is authentic. The reunion Part 1 was so ugly for Vicki. Her ego and behaviour was atrocious and I feel like this may be the end for her. I am of mixed minds about that. On the one hand, Vicki has been in our lives for nearly 15 years - so her exit would be big. On the other hand, the show is a toxic mess. Vicki and Tamra and Gina should all be dumped. Tamra has zero storyline and that's been the case for years - and she's a loathsome awful woman who isn't enjoyable to watch at all. They may want to dump Kelly too because she's very polarizing, although I do enjoy watching her. Shannon is a mess but she's transparent so makes for compelling TV and doesn't feel as produced as the others. Emily has flickers of being interesting (the passing comment about dating a drug dealer with a boat and a lot of jet skis, plus she's demolished Vicki on Twitter). 




I'm loving this season. I couldn't stand watching Dennis. He is such a Mr. Potato Head bastard. Nene should be very concerned because she is not needed anymore and has brought very little to this season. Eva brings nothing to the show. Loving the Cynthia/Mike scenes - he is totally into her and they seem a great match. Kandi's little Ace is SO cute: the scene where they said grace was so adorable. Kenya crying behind her purse had me rolling my eyes.




The Easter dinner scene. Whew. That was heavy. Teresa is so blindingly dumb I can't handle watching her too much because I think my IQ suffers. Her brother, Joe Gorga, is so emotionally tuned in and he's really looking out for his nieces. His quietly getting upset while talking to Joe Giudice in ICE spoke volumes. He is quietly devastated for his sister and is also trying to be the voice of reason about the likelihood of Joe Giudice being released and the money they are wasting. 




The finale was chilling. I do not see how Leanne comes back from that - the whole cast turned on her and she dug herself into a massive, gaping, chasm without breaking a sweat. This show also needs to be recast (aside from Stephanie and, ironically, Kameron)

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I agree with you and @DaytimeFan so much on this. The more I watch, though, the more I believe Leeanne was xenophobic without even realising it. It's not that Kary is Mexican which is the core problem -- the actual problem is that Kary and Leeanne are oil and water, and Kary is D'Andra's henchwoman dedicated to 'exposing' Leeanne for any little thing she does.


Nevertheless, Leeanne has clearly internalised negativety about Mexicans, and you can see it in her intonation of that word. She is mad that Kary does not know her place, that she is being too uppity, and how dare she be uppity, she's just a chirpy Mexican! Replace chirpy with effing, and with that tone? Leeanne absolutely has work to do on herself. I hope she is ready to do the work, too, after watching that footage (and I'm sure there are Texas outreach programs which would be more than willing to help).


The second problem is the finale, where she doubled-down on everything she said. She was bullied. She was pushed beyond her limits. She doesn't recall saying it. She cant be racist cuz she slept with Mexicans and sat on Julio Iglesias's lap (um he is Spanish tho). She would never use the word 'chirpy.' She is sorry if anybody was offended by her using the word 'Mexican'!


It was clear that Leeanne knew she had said the wrong thing at this point. She just did not want to be called out on it. That's the problem. Leeanne has a pride problem, and a fame-has-gone-to-her-head problem. I don't like Kary at all, but she deserved a genuine apology for those comments alone.


D'Andra was so thrilled by this turn of events, she could hardly stand it. Honestly I am so turned off by her, and I used to defend her a LOT. If it wasn't for Bravo wanting to see Mama Dee every episode, D'Andra wouldn't even be on the show.


I hope Leeanne does not double-down on this again at reunion because it will destroy her and the show. Personally, I have enjoyed Dallas the most this season and do not think it deserves either its low ratings or to be cancelled. But Leeanne's presence/story is the only SL in town right now. I don't know if the others can carry RHOD without her (much as I love Kameron, Stephanie or even Brandi and the Mama Dee story this year). This isn't NYC or ATL which have strength and depth in their casts. Dallas still feels new and shaky. I would be sorry to see it go, though, and personally cannot wait to watch reunion.

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I love Joe Gorga. IMO he is a real housewife in all but name, and the heart and soul of the Gorga/Giudice clan. For a self-confessed macho, he is surprisingly in touch with his emotions and expressing vulnerability. He also strikes me as a naturally joyous person who loves life and loves people. His bromance with Marge's Joe and Jennifer's Bill is so fun to watch. 


Yeah, the Easter dinner was sad to watch, but I have such a soft spot for that family, especially the way Gia mothers Audriana, and Antonia and Milania are joined at the hip. I have no clue how Teresa and Not-So-Juicy-No-More produced these stoic, smart daughters, but it was the one of the few right things they ever did with their lives.


Speaking of people who should be real housewives but aren't: Danielle Staub. There is no reason on earth this pot-stirring drama queen who has Marge and Teresa talking about her constantly should be excluded from main cast status!

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Someone in production obviously hates Danielle and loves Marge. That much was clear after they focused the whole season on Danielle last year and didn’t give her a single talking head to get her side of things out. I don’t like heavy handed biases like that by production.

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I am Team Marge, but there is no reason why Danielle should not be a full HW. She is basically Marge's entire story this year. Plus she is Teresa's confidante until they have a big breakup, caused in part by Melissa (according to Melissa). She is driving the main SL.


I also hate when production try and train the audience to feel some kind of way about a HW, without showing us all the facts or letting us make our own minds about it. I can think if one or two other RH shows where they do that. Cough. 

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WOW...so much to unpack.




I guess I should preface by saying I didn't get to see the middle Thailand episode or the finale (if anyone have links.

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cuz the backlash over this has of course resulted in Bravo barely showing repeats), but I still don't see LeeAnne as racist. Ignorant yes. Typical Texan (which as an Arkansan I feel comfortable saying that) yeah. Racist...surprisingly no. Like I have said and continue to see on these clips and advertisements for the DALLAS reunion, LeeAnne really does not like Kary. And Kary really does not like LeeAnne. And they are pushing each other's buttons. And LeeAnne knew how to do that. It's just that It backfired. If anything the fact that this all started over LeeAnne trying to be respectful of other culture while Kary was not trying to be is telling on Kary more than LeeAnne.  If anything going by what is going on on Twitter, I feel Kary (not to mention D'Andra and Brandi) is taking a page out of the RHoBH playbook by using this drama with LeeAnne to cover up for the fact that she did say how she is a strong Mexican, being prideful in her heritage while making homophobic comments on Twitter. Or is this another case of 'it's okay for me to be this way, but LeeAnne acts it and we girls have to jump on her?' You know...LeeAnne's Season 3 argument. Which...was true and while some of the other girls came around.


Speaking of said girls, clearly D'Andra is running with it. More deflection from the fact she can't run a business and isn't more cunning than her mother. Ashley Abbott (and Kristen Dimera) can do better!!!


As for Brandi, good job. Faking the whole time and now seeing you have no storyline, getting back on the HATE LEEANNE bandwagon. WRONG ROAD, BITCA. WRONG ROAD.


Overall, I can't say the show has not become a lightning rod at the moment due to the comments. if anything, it has called attention to the show. And isn't any publicity good publicity? It would be shocking if LeeAnne could pull a LVP where all her enemies (okay, D'Andra and Kary) got replaced the next season, and seeing how Brandi, Stephanie, and Kameron deal with her return a la a phoenix? But again...it is interesting to see how she is going to navigate the next few months...PERIOD. 


All eyes on show. Again showing for better or worse...she IS THE SHOW.

re: D'Andra. There's a reason she is at the end of the couch.


Seriously, the bold. I think that is why I haven't just flat out been anti-LeeAnne. If she will truly work on her ignorance...like she was working on her anger and being Zen in Season 3...and I feel she would be willing sincerely...then I would be down for that. A person can be ignorant of other people and culture due to limited experience...and even maybe be a bit unpc-ed, but can learn better. Of course, maybe it is for me my personal experience kicking in again cuz I had a similar experience and when it was told to me that made me question my whole outlook and positive change came from it. I was glad it was pointed. My problem here was that NO ONE was pointed it out to LeeAnne because they wanted to take her down, bar Kameron. It was also why I was looking forward to the finale because Kameron did what a good friend would do and sat her down to say 'hey, girl. we need to talk. But my work schedule and Bravo so grrrr. Doesn't sound like it came off well at all.


And I do agree with what I have seen online and comments here. LeeAnne has kinda let the fame go to her head. Why do I think so? Because now would be the time for her to find her bowl and Zen this out. And yet...nothing. And yet...that good ole (yes, ole) pride. Because I don't see her doing Kary a genuine apology and even if she could pull it off, I don't think Kary would believe her. They disliked each other that much if the history between pre-show is true. 

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JANUARY 1, BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



That said...NJ


I've been seeing in bits and pieces, but I am really enjoying the season. I am only disappointed that it is not in 'real time.'


TERESA. Those girls. Wow. What they are going through with the Joe drama. Just rough. And I agree with the rest of you. Brother Joe is coming across so likable. And this soulful man is looking kinda...hot? Weird for me. But I love him being the rock. 


MARGE. She still has her moments. But I feel like she is either doing the most or getting a bad edit or being Season 7 Eileen of RHoBH. Now nearly as funny as I am used to her being. Maybe it's the fact that Marge Sr moved out. But...?


JENNIFER. Loving. But that advice about the bullying of her daughter. But...parents are allowed to make mistakes. 






And Season 9 was my first OC Season. And I still find it so watchable.


And what I liked about Lizzie was that she sat back and let the incidents build. And then by the time the ladies got to Bali, she had ALL the receipts. Probably the closest to a takedown that Tamra has ever gotten.


That said...this season...started off so strong.


I...just lost interest. Other than maybe Viki's meltdown, I don't even want to watch the reunion. Over it.


Just too toxic. And it didn't start off that way at all. 



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