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I wonder which scene was harder to film: Kyle telling LVP what the girls are saying and being kicked out by Ken, OR, Dorit not being supported by her husband in an empty restaurant and having to say she thinks LVP is lying?


I hid my eyes when watching both scenes like I was watching a horror film.


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I'd say Dorit. Kyle asked for the verbal ass-kicking she got. Who goes into someone's house and flat out call them a liar? Oh yeah, Kyle does. 


With Dorit, it was painful to watch because even her hubby knows that she is full of it and that they handled the situation incorrectly. I'm telling y'all now, PK is gonna make Dorit make up with LVP. Especially now that PK has to reveal his financial records to the courts. He is trembling in fear right about now, and BH is their most legit source of income. He can't afford to lose that right now because Dorit wants to keep their fake tabloids story going. 

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Potomac is a delight to watch this season. Everything about it is working for me.


Leaving the Michael wants to suck d*ck comment as neither Robin nor Candiace wanted to mention it, thinking the other hadn't noticed, was Bill Bell levels of leaving a story thread dangling to be picked up on later with devastating consequences.


Candiace's mother continues to be abhorrent. 


Gizelle continues to demonstrate why Karen was absolutely right to cut her out of her life. Gizelle could create a problem out of anything and that introduction to the Ubiquitous organizer and then demanding why Karen wouldn't answer her same questions 2 years ago (hint: things change over 2 years!) is proof positive of that.


I really laughed at Karen's dental appointment. Karen can make anything seem like appointment television. "These days I'm working on a crown." Oh Karen, never change.


Katie seems legitimately nuts. That mardi gras mask and cigarette break was haunting.


And then you've got Ashley, whose seriously cruising for a bruising. The way she tries to stir crap up with Candiace shows the ugliest side of her. She is awful and has so much bad coming right for her.

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So far I've been enjoying the season. And you all can hate me all you want but I like those braids. But Karen IS the gift that keeps on giving. 


And Gizelle is not sitting there trying to start a fight with a hoarse voice. Just ewwww. Sit down.


I'm here for Candiace doing to Little Miss Ashley what she did to Charisse last season. Drag her.




SMH at those ladies. Though I have to admit...I've actually been enjoying the last few episodes. Easy, breezy, and then something stupid happens. lol. 



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Okay I can officially say I'm done with Lisa Rinna. D-O-N-E. I've tried because I love her soap worked, I loved Soap Talk and I loved her friendship with Eileen. I can't keep supporting her though. The LVP thing has been obnoxious, but what she did to Kim tonight was shameful. I know Kim could be the biggest bitch at times, but I'm so sick of her using that woman for a storyline! Kim was going through serious health issues when she had her issues with Rinna and Rinna gave as good as she got. Why now after so many years would she greet Kim that way? That was shameful and calculated. How is it a shock that Kim is at her nieces birthday party when Kim is closer to her nieces than she is to Kyle? And Denise? She's lucky she built up a lot of goodwill this season because I wasn't down for her jumping in to also attack Kim. Lisa Rinna HAS to go! 


Then you have the nonsense with Camille. First of all, why would she tell you about a People magazine article? That is insane. Plus she's always been clear that she IS upset LVP didn't go to her wedding but she understands and considers her a friend. She can be disappointed but still support her. Participating in an article that doesn't bash her makes her two faced? Teddi and Rinna need to come up with an actual story. If both are back next year I can't see myself wanting to watch that.

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What an episode. That was epic.


We covered a lot of ground: from rehearsals with LuAnn to Christmas tree lighting with Dorinda, to bathing suit shopping with Bethenny and Sonja, to pill accusations, to flashbacks of pottery that no one attended on time, to a Jill Zarin cameo...and that was all before a baller mansion vacation in Miami. 


I think LuAnn's accusation that Sonja is on something is an ugly one to make. Especially for someone who claims to be an alcoholic in recovery (and as we know she fell off the wagon and violated the terms of her probation so she’s one to talk...and I love Lu but she’s a hypocrite). While Sonja was obviously ripped out of her tree the first night in Miami, she didn't seem high to me. And she's also harmless: Sonja hurts no one but herself. Even wasted, she's nice to the staff, hugs everyone, and then gets laser focused enough to hit LuAnn where she lives. 


Note that Dorinda defended Sonja and said Sonja's been a better friend to Lu than even Dorinda has (which is true, and was big of Dorinda to admit), and it's not always been smooth sailing between Dorinda and Sonja as we know so this is honest progress. They've had a nice little friendship this season. And then Tinsley said to Bethenny that Sonja was clear and articulate with her points against LuAnn. And then Bethenny went right over to LuAnn and says that Sonja is right and Lu is wrong. In vino veritas. A drunk Sonja brings THE TRUTH.


Ramona is a total nightmare, as usual, unpacking her suitcase and treating the staff like crap. But the trip wouldn't be the same without her.


Barbara was such an afterthought this episode but when Ramona basically shrugged off her existence and coming clubbing with her I felt sorry for Barbara. That was just mean.


Next week looks incredible. I'd wager we've got another 2 - 3 episodes to go before the reunion? 



Edited by DaytimeFan
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