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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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NYC was laugh out loud funny tonight. This franchise is head and shoulders better than the rest. 


Ramona's naked hatred of Barbara is wonderful. Loved every second of it.


Luann was acting like a total [!@#$%^&*] at the blow dry bar, but she was lovely with Tinsley at that lunch talking about alcoholism and Al-Anon. 


Really enjoyed Bethenny's dinner party. That was fun and convivial. 


Ultimately, this show is so much better because these women actually know each other and generally run in the same circle. Although there's obviously production, it feels far more natural and organic than the rest of the shows. 



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I know the argument that Bethanny is a hypocrite with a double standard for herself and everyone else is not new.  However, Tinsley's talk with Lu really got me thinking about what an awful friend Bethanny can be. 


Tinsley was refreshingly honest in saying to Lu that she realized that her lack of sympathy towards Lu's rehab was based on her anger toward her father.  I appreciated that she wasn't apologizing, nor was she attacking, she was just saying that Lu triggered these emotions in her.  In fact, if we read between the lines, Tinsley is warning Lu that when she watches the Berkshire episodes in seven months Lu might not like Tinsley's reactions, so she is explaining it in advance. By contrast, let's consider Bethanny and Jules.  Bethanny was triggered by Jules eating disorder because she reminded her of her mother.  However, rather than saying that directly to Jules, she teased her, disrespected every word out of her, and was generally not nice to her.  Giving advice is actually perfect for Bethanny because she would rather talk at someone than with someone.


Also, she was condemning Dorinda just last season for saying that death was worse than divorce and now they are bonding over widowhood (despite the fact that a few weeks before Denis died Bethanny was shtooping the hottest cater-waiter in New York and some guy in Boston the week after he died).


On the BH front,  the timeline of LVP's kitchen is very suspicious.  I try to take the show at face value.  However, given that we know she stopped filming with the ladies after the wedding, this kitchen reno could be happening on any day of the year.  In other words, I do not believe she was demo-ing her kitchen on the same day as Kyle's shower for Camille because I don't believe that two film crews would be working on the same day if the entire cast was expected to be at one location at the shower.  After all, Erika couldn't make it to the shower, but it was clear that her rehearsal was filmed on a separate day.  I would bet that producers begged Lisa to come back and film solo scenes in her kitchen and in Vegas that could be inserted throughout the season, but didn't actually happen on the same day.  I would further guess that she is contracted to film a certain number of days and when she refused to film with the cast, they went back and filmed her individually; which would really piss off the other ladies who would probably love to only have to film in their kitchens rather than go to another upside down infer-red goat yoga class.  It is easy to insert scenes in BH because the weather never shifts.  Sometimes in Potomac, they'll show two supposedly contemporaneous scenes and it is snowing in one location and humid in the other.  But, I'll start looking for clues to see if we are really seeing things happen on the same day.


Edited by j swift
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Tamara Tattles has RHOA news: https://tamaratattles.com/2019/04/18/exclusive-rhoa-pick-up-letters-are-being-drafted-today/


Pick up letters are being sent to Nene, Porsha, Kandi, Eva and Marlo (who makes more than Eva even without a peach). Cynthia’s contract was fulfilled with last season so she has to renegotiate. Unless she’s an idiot she’ll take what they offer her boring ass and return. She’s also hearing Tanya will get her peach after turning one down last season. 


The only think surprising to me is that Kenya won’t be back full time. They set it up perfectly for that to happen. 

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Loved NYC this week. Even when they repeat themselves (drunken post-menopausal ladies dry-humping in the Berkshires), they are so funny and fun to watch.


I never thought I’d say it, but I kind of love Porsha on ATL now. Her “Nooo. Not Claire’s. They closed” made me chuckle.

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You would think BRAVO would remember that the best season and reunion was the season Nene was not there. I just don't enjoy her at all. Cynthia gets blasted for being boring, but I would much rather have her than Nene or the woman who accused Kandi of trying to rape her. I know most people like Porsha now, but I think what she did is so disgusting that she should never have been invited back. Same way I feel about Vicki from RHOC and why I stopped watching RHOC after the cancer fraud. Do we really need another season of angry Nene? UGH. If Tanya does get a peach, she should send Nene a peach pie with a nice note attached.


RHOBH: At some point during the whole reunion, it might be nice if someone brings up that three of the women are involved or their husbands are involved in major lawsuits/criminal cases. It would explain using LVP as a smokescreen. I see Rinna trying to backpedal now that she knows viewers loathe these women. Like Kenyagate, I don't understand how the Radar Online story is the big to do rather than the dog ending up at a kill shelter. These women really love to gaslight the audience. 


RHONY: Just feels like the same schtick. When you compare it to Tinsley's heartfelt discussion about her dad, it's icky. Not to mention Dennis's overdose. I don't like any of the women on the show except Tinsley. I'm still harboring a grudge over the way Bethenny and Dorinda treated Heather.

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Tamara Tattles is trash. I'd take what she says with a grain of salt. 


B. Scott, who is a very reliable source is declaring that Kenya is in negotiations and will be full-time. STFA, who I don't care for either, is claiming the same as B. Scott, and she is typically on the ball too. 


I think Kenya is back full-time next season. 


I just hate they stripped Shamari of her peach. I feel like it is room for 9 peach holders on this show. I'm over having 6 housewives on this show. 

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I got caught up on this week's RHoBH.


This show is a hot mess of insincerity and you can see how the producers had to work overtime to make this season have a cohesive narrative. 


Firstly, Erika must be an absolute assh*le to work for. The way she reacted to the dancer accidentally kneeing her in the face - she was boiling with anger. 


The dinner fight between Camille and Rinna was awful for both parties. Camille, of course, looked insane comparing herself to Brent Kavanaugh and Rinna looked like massive hypocrite dealing with Kim Richards (who clearly is right under her skin). The only upside was seeing Rinna's mom, Lois, who is a star. Her story was harrowing.


Rinna and Dorit look so weird as friends, same with Dorit and Erika, same with Dorit and Teddi, same with Teddi and Erika, and same with Kyle and Camille - the stuff that's gone on with those women should have been sufficient for their "friendships" to never progress. Yet here we are. And it all feels incredibly fake. 


LVP's kitchen scene highlighted to me that she could be filmed solo and never interact with any of the women again and I'd still totally enjoy her scenes and consider her an integral part of the show. We often forget that the first couple of seasons of OC didn't have the women interacting outside of organic interaction and their own real lives were interesting enough to follow. LVP's life is the glamorous kind that this franchise used to be about. That they have worked in footage of the Vanderpump Cocktail garden launching (which happened weeks ago!) shows that the producers realize they need to keep a consistent thread of LVP in the show for the balance of the season.





Edited by DaytimeFan
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Agreed. Although I'm not sure LVP's kitchen renovation is scintillating TV, I did notice how her Vegas opening was in the mid-season trailer! Production clearly needs her. As you point out, the other women are going to have to bring it in order to convince the audience that the show can go on as it is without her. And while I unexpectedly enjoyed the episode, I wasn't crazy about the trailer. Not that I want to see even more petty drama, but where are the organic relationships between most of the HWs? This is a big problem. Even the discussion about Kavanaugh -- and I do not agree with Camille at all -- was prematurely terminated by Kyle who wanted everything to be happy-happy-joy-joy, which is fake and ridiculous. She should have let it play out to an organic conclusion. Instead, Camille was left on the outs with everybody, and it felt like an excuse to go after someone else because LVP wasn't around. At least we saw Kim. Rinna was so shook!


I like Lois too, even though Rinna is trying overtime to make her happen. There is no need -- Lois works on her own! The discussion about the serial killer was fascinating and real. I did not realise until the end of the scene that the attacker hit Lois in the frontal lobe with a hammer! Horrifying. I also can't believe those insipid Hamlin daughters didn't want to spend time with their grandma, but I've never warmed to them and still am in shock at their 'Instagram model' status. 


The Erika scene was telling. That was clearly an accident but the silent drama queen attitude of hers made me think this unlucky dancer is not long for a job. Also in her VT she was building up to a good point about embracing your dreams, but she spoiled it with yet another champagne gulp (are we going to get one every episode) plus her 'and a big chequebook ' line. Really? That's the best you can do? I like Erika despite everything, but she ruins it with contrived, superficial bs like this.


NYC is such a relief by contrast. The relationships between the women, their lives, are watchable and enjoyable. I really liked Tinsley, especially her convo with Luann. I was also on her side when the women were pressuring her to call Scott. They just wanted to see her humiliated. And Bethenny is bothering me yet again. She is so demanding of validation. You can't just tell her she's fabulous -- she has to be the most fabulous in the room, the smartest, the thinnest, the richest, the most fuckable. She is hyper competitive with everybody, including the audience. It's exhausting. Even her 'advice' was all about Bethenny's happy-go-lucky ways (snort) and designed to put down Tinsley.

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Cynthia did herself no favours with her lame duck "explanation" about Kenya attending her party...but Nene came across as petty, lazy, and dumb in this reunion. Kandi skated that conflict with precision. 


Tanya deserves a peach. Marlo deserves whatever deal she can work out with Bravo - despite being a deplorable criminal, she brings it to this show. Shamari was a non-event and if it's true that she's not being asked back I wholly understand why. 


Eva is another one who I don't think is worth having on the show. She falls flat. But I can see Bravo's hesitancy in recasting too much of the show. 


Portia, of all of them, was compelling and fun to watch.  Imagine that. 


But ATL this season was generally unimpressive. 


Bring on Potomac!!

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Amen. And in the meantime, I need more Grande Dame in those Potomac promos! 


Mmhmm... Erika would be nothing and nowhere without Daddy Warbucks' checkbook. 


Agreed on Portia, surprisingly. She gave me the giggles for all three parts. And her on-the-spot prayer was pretty solid. Ditto @Faulkner on LOLing at “Nooo. Not Claire’s. They closed” 


I actually don't mind Eva. I don't know if I necessarily understand her house-hopping, but I don't really care that much to question it. She's got a house, which is more than we could say about Sheree for years.  Tanya is okay but she comes off as a little too thirsty/wannabe to me. 


Shamari's only highlight was watching her and Kandi as two lil' hens cackling on the end of the couch. Otherwise, bye... 


Then there's Nene..... yeah, she's got the star power and is the biggest face on the show, but geez, she vacuums all the air out of every room she walks into. 

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I will never understand Kenyagate. It makes no sense. Nene couldn't even articulate what the problem was and Cynthia's explanation was confusing. She should have let Kandi explain even if "Kandi isn't important." Cynthia should have just said, "IT was my party and I'll invite anyone I want." Nene's nonsense reminded of Eileen Davidson's campaign against LVP in the sixth season. It also made no sense to me that ED was so upset about LVP's comment/question. I always felt Rinna was egging her on off camera (or Erika).


I despise Erika. I know that's a strong word, but I can't stand her. When I watched last season, I FFed her material. I'm sorry, but why should I care about a woman who gloats about work that other people do for her??? Considering what her husband is accused of, it's madness and disgusting how she always gloats about her money. When she was on DWTS, my mother (who's not a housewife viewer) loathed her. She was particularly upset she got paired with Gleb who my mother and I lust after.


Roxanne Gay was on WWHL and it was hilarious. She had to guess Kyle's disguised voice and then said how she feels so much for Lisa Vanderpump. I'm sure Kyle and Teddy were seething. 

Edited by chrisml
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It's ok! I have a strong reaction to Rinna at the moment. With Erika, I like when she drops the mask and is actually quite smart in her assessment of other people. But yeah she really turned me off on DWTS. She was so uppity and entitled about being there -- I think she truly expected to go all the way but was voted out in Week 2 or 3! The viewers did not take to her at all, and it was a big PR fail. Erika's gloating about money hides a huge inferiority complex, I think. She knows she didn't 'make it' on her own, and she knows everyone else knows, so she is forced to acknowledge it periodically. Her too-cool-for-school persona and not showing up at events is such a power play -- again, a sign of a massive inferiority complex which she is disguising as superiority. And yet there are moments when she is capable of understanding and humor, I just wish she cultivated those aspects of her personality onscreen instead of playing this empty cipher of an Erike Jayne role.


I LOVE ROXANE GAY! Not only do I love her writing but I love how empathetic she is. She is a massive HW fan, and was on the Bitch Sesh podcast recently talking about the genre for an hour. It was fascinating and I would highly recommend a listen. She's not an LVP stan either but tends to be very balanced.

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