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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I was dreading watching a solid hour of Kyle complaining about what a bad friend LVP is. Luckily the episode vindicated how much I love LVP. She handled Dorit, Kyle's attack rottweiler Bethenny, and Kyle with clear-sightedness. Despite how disappointing BH has become, I am liking LVP more than ever this year. Her apology to Kyle was perfection -- though Kyle could not resist bitching in her VT about how she 'made' Lisa give it to her. Ho, if you have to force an apology as hard as you say you do, then it isn't a real apology. Twirl on that.


Can't stand that needy, two-faced Kyle. She was a coward for getting Bethenny to do Faye Resnick's work (Faye would have handled it more elegantly than Skeletor). And then when Bethenny had done her bit, she couldn't face LVP on her own so she hurried away, embarrassed, and went to talk to everybody else about what an awful person LVP is. She has milked this victim persona dry. Surely the jig is up and she has now been exposed for the victim-player she is? I am ready for LVP to drag her at Reunion.


Pretty much hate all these b!tches at this point, with the exception of LVP and Teddi and possibly Camille. Dorit is foul. Rinna is a f*cking hypocrite for whining about how TV replaces women over 45, but cannot stop telling us that LVP is "almost 60" (and so are you, Rinna) in an overt attempt to have Bravo get rid of LVP on the basis of age. Kyle is seething with jealousy that LVP is still on the show. Erika wants her spot, badly. It is a little depressing to watch BH never having really got over the hatred spawned by Munchausengate.



You hit the nail on the head! They are DonnaMartinGraduates' boobs! It's like Dorit took the picture (below) to her plastic surgeon and told him "Give me these" :


Image result for Donna Martin boob job gifs

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I don't watch BH regularly, I should preface, but Erika looks so old and false before her time, in a way that reeks of deep insecurities. It's very Gaga, but even Gaga has moved on somewhat. It's like she actually is the star of The Comeback season 3 and we won't know this until a few years from now when Lisa Kudrow says she couldn't continue in the role due to other commitments. 

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 And ITA.


I mean... i wish she'd eviscerate her another way. This is just playing to everybody's 'here she is pitting friends against each other' accusations. This last episode LVP was pretty upfront to Dorit, Kyle and Teddi about where she stood and her feelings. Now she's going to pretend everything is ok and toy with Dorit like a spider with a fly? Shades of Brandi being forced to sing for LVP 3 years ago. It kind of undermines LVP's position and makes Dorit look like the poor victim. Erika, meanwhile, laps it up. 


I didn't see Rinna at her birthday so I guess that cold war/hate fest is still ongoing. They really despise each other and that is hurting the show.

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It does feel passé and, yes, insecure. Literally every episode the past 3 years has been about Erika being primped for a look. Clearly the shadow of Gaga is all over this. Gaga realized way back when Artpop flopped that 'committing to fashion as art' was becoming pretentious and ridiculous and an empty gesture. It became a case of the Emperor's New Clothes -- there's nothing there! She kind of had to re-prove her chops as a singer after that.


For Erika the 'look' is all she has. There are no chops to prove. It's the same with the Kardashians -- they spend hours being made-up and groomed, just for a 2-minute scene in their empty white house talking about their latest Snapchat. It is inane. And Erika has taken on their old assistants and make-up artists so she is clearly aping them. I wish this trend would end. There is no reason to have an army of make-up artists putting five layers of contour on your face, just so you can be filmed snacking in your own kitchen.

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-Bethenny & Fredrik (it's on Bravo after BH)

-Shark Tank (ABC)


But yeah you probably don't watch the other two. Judging by B&F ratings, nobody is watching that one either.

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I think Porsha is really trying to change that.  After reading the comments, I caved and watched.  While Marlo spends most of her time on air trying to get that ever so elusive peach, Porsha is trying to shake that "go to" violence behavior.  Leaving that trip was the best thing.  I applaud her for that.  Marlo is trash and all out of relevancy so she is more extra than usual.  While Porsha was honest saying it was not her job to speak to Kim (not sure I agree with that), Sheree was being her usual self, ducking and dodging.  


And I'm sure you notice, the way to gain favor on this show now is to throw the Kandi thing in Porsha's face.  Why is this everyone's go to weapon when it affected only Kandi?  It was established that Porsha was indeed fed that information by Phaedra.  Also, there was a flashback of Porsha owning it and apologizing to Kandi so whey are these ladies not only bringing it up as if it happened to them, buy not acknowledging that Porsha made good on this with the actual victim?  Nene wants the ladies to stand up for her because it's the right thing to do, but when is anyone going to do the right thing for Porsha?  

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I don’t think Kandi would be bothered either way because she’s had a phenomenally successful career outside RH. Most of these women have money or had it before the show and many have had some ancillary success, but as we all know they are rarely satisfied and want more more more. And they want to be stars on top of everything else. It’s not enough to just make some cash. But Vanderpump Rules is just a steady warhorse of a show and totally transcends the RH franchise in ways that even Kandi’s never did. Granted, LVP is a supporting cast member on her show, but her friggin name is in the title. That’s gotta burn her fellow housewives.


I mean, crikey. Her spinoff has had spinoffs.

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What’s crazy is when Pump Rules started I honestly didn’t think it would last this long. But as you said, it’s really become its own beast and I’m sure Lisa much prefers filming that to BH.

For some reason, no one has told Bravo that Bethenny is not even close to as popular as she was in her heyday. Most of that is her own doing. Getting rich was literally the worst thing to happen to her personality.

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Christ, yes, LOL. 


On one hand, you can see the difference between made up and not made up at all (see Nene this past week during her alone time with Porsha) and realize "yeah, it's best they wear makeup whenever they're filming."  But on the other hand, you had the NYC cast demand a pay raise around season 5 or 6 because they all needed a personal makeup crew for the entire season of filming. Apparently, they had already been using their own makeup teams, but out of their own pockets. 


But people like Erika are just too done up. Always. Can't she take the "less is more" approach for just one day? 



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