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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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That's what I don't get. She stayed bashing Brooks when Ryan is no better. Honestly, I believe he's a bigger scam artist than Brooks. He knew Briana came from money and preyed on her goofy her a**. I still believe that he is a little woman beater too. As you brought up, how he handled Lydia's mother, convinced me of that.


Briana is Vicki 2.0, which is why I can't stomach her. She stays looking down on Vicki when she's no better. 

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TBF, wasn't last year the first year that BH and VPR did not come back together with BH being late last year as well?


I wasn't liking Kenya's until I heard it on the video and how it flowed with the words being said with her part. LOVE.


Sheree's is my favorite. And I loved Nene and Kandi's as well. Cynthia also flowed with the pictures on screen.


I feel like I'm missing someone. Hmmm...

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This last episode was so good. A drink got thrown and the reaction and background music was straight out of a classic Erica Kane moment. 


This season, as a whole, has been excellent. Much as it pains me to admit it, Ampika didn't derail the franchise by leaving.

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Not here for Teresa this season in her family scenes. Stop milking Joe's absence on camera and making your daughters talk about that sensitive subject. You can practically see Teresa look at the camera trying to make sure the cameramen are getting a good shot of her daughters being upset. Ditto for scenes with her father while they discuss her mother's death. I know this happened to you and you're upset but stop milking their grieving process!


Loved the Antonia and Joe Gorga scene! So cute!


I didn't pay attention to much else. This season is BLECH!

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Finally caught up on the housewives this week.


Dallas - the lighting is out of this world - the reunion set and the ladies look gorgeous.  Brandi and Stephanie look really good - their pops of color are really vibrant (Brandi's red hair against her dress, Stephanie's blonde hair and blue earrings and dress).  Cary and Leanne look great too.  I love the drama that only Mark is allowed to come on - good cliffhanger.


OC - I'm just ready for the reunion and a new season.  I really like Peggy with her husband and family, but I just don't think she's a good fit with the ladies as an ensemble.  Lydia said it perfectly - she's not able to communicate her feelings well and it gets lost in translation.  


NJ - I just really like Margaret.  I do like that Delores has a backbone this year, but her loyalty to Siggy is annoying.  Antonio is really growing up and is like a little Melissa with her facial expressions.  Otherwise, this season, eh.  


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Real Housewives of Sydney:

This has just started showing in the UK, and I am on episode 2. Figured I would post my thoughts even though some of you already watched this, like a year ago.


The women are not as witty and as likeable as the Melbourne crowd, or even as watchable as Bond villainess/idiot savant Lydia. However, I can see this is a glossy franchise in the Melbourne/Vancouver/Auckland mould, with all the trappings of luxury and real estate porn. And that's ok with me!


Krissy/Nicole - can't tell them apart. They have the same hair, same nose job and husbands living in other hemispheres (cue impending divorce proceedings). I think Krissy is Chewbacca [(c) Athena X], the loud wookie with equally loud kids. Nicole must be the one who claims she 'commutes' between London and Sydney. 

Athena X - pretentious attention whore. There is no way somebody who claims to be spiritual would make fun of another woman for being tubby as a kid. Her self-hyped fashion sense is either fabulous hit or 70s miss -- in that sense she reminds me of Angela Stone from Auckland, braying about her sense of style, deeply insecure and in need of the RH paycheck.

Victoria - Total bitch but I already love her because she doesn't pretend to be anything different. Surprisingly open about her marriage that ended with him cheating on her, and the father who seemingly abandoned her for a cheque. I think she's going to be the OG for me.

Matty aka Marysol Patton's lost twin. Her face is a walking billboard for her business, but so far I am liking that she is upfront and doesn't beat around the bush.

Melissa - I forget she exists, but when she pops up, she seems a nice addition, FOH-styles.

Lisa - Where to start with this one? Obviously a sociopath. Why have children when you can't stand to be around them? Both Bertie and Harry (pls note the British royal family names she gave them) look absolutely traumatised in her presence. Then we have the husband who used to shag Pauline Hanson and was part of her hateful, racist party. Now he's a 'stay-at-home dad.' Uh huh. Sounds like something a politician does when he gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar and has to leave politics for a while. I'm pretty sure her tweets must be as foul as she is, so I'm not going to bother googling them. She's involved in 'securing financing' from wealthy Chinese backers? Ponzi scheme for sure. Expect a bankruptcy filing and law suit in due course.

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It warms my housewives-lovin' heart to see these ladies' faces. I love the 3 OG's along with the best find of all, Dorinda! 


New Jersey is blah and will likely never recapture their old spark, and OC has been an unexpected disappointment, despite thinking early on they'd have a great year with 7 castmembers. 


Gimme some Atlanta, Beverly Hills, and New York and I'm set

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Tonight was somewhat stale but I expect it to be like that for the first few episodes. 


Kandi and Carmon were funny when they were shading Porsh-t at the bridal shower. Porsha does have an excuse for everything to prevent her from admitting she's wrong or the problem. I feel bad for Shamea because Shamea is a loyal friend to Porsha and it is not returned. Shamea calling Porsha out for selling her up the river to Phaedra was everything. Porsha cannot stand when someone calls her out on the truth and she results shutting down just like a child. Own your sh-t (as Rinna would say) and accept it. Just goes to show that "therapy" did not work for Porsha for the time that she went. Lastly, can Porsha stop thinking all is well with her and Kandi? It isn't. You lied on the woman last year and pegged her a rapist. Do you think that half-assed apology at the reunion really means all is swept under the rug? It isn't. 


Gotta commend Kenya once again for making the wise decision to keep her man off the show. I get her being upset about everyone questioning it but by refusing to not bring him around these women, will pay off in the long haul. Even Cynthia says she wishes she had done the same. And speaking of Cynthia, I don't think she's over Peter at all; she misses that man and wants him back. Cynthia, if you want him, go get him. Screw what the public thinks. It is your life at the end of the day and you have to live it. 



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I like it. It was light and breezy...no sign of toxicity at all really. It was nice kinda truly status quo on everyone...


...but Nene apparently.



ETA: So Toyota is so on the outs with everyone (except for Sheree in the role of Kandi as floater between castmates) that she can only film with her sister.


OOOPS...never mind...saw the promo for next week.

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