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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Atlanta sounds like a HOT mess that I can't wait for!  I wonder if they'll just swap out housewives in the title cards as the episodes air (sort of like what NYC did with Aviva) - Kenya won't be around for a few episodes, Eva will jump in, etc.


OC - David is scum.  Not only is it obvious he can't stand Shannon, but to show such disrespect to her in front of his kids and her mother, that's rude.


Dallas continue to entertain.  I'm Team Brandi and Stephanie - they know how to have fun and let loose.  Kameron needs to chill.  I used to like Cary, but that's so tacky to tell everyone that Rich's penis is tiny.  Cary does come across as better than everyone and I'm ready to see Leanne bring her down a notch.  I continue to love D'Andra.  

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Another snooze of an episode building up to next week's coffee with Vicki and Tamra. I do enjoy watching Vicki with her grandsons and Steve. She really needs to lock Steve down.


I'm glad Peggy isn't taking David Beador's assholish questioning of her cancer lying down. The bottom line is this: Diko and Peggy have not articulated what happened to Peggy well but they are not making up that she had a double mastectomy and that she did so because of concerns about cancer. 


Shannon's marriage is dead. Deader than a fur coat. Her mother seemed nice, but the type to keep up appearances. 


Megan remains tirelessly irrelevant.


Some have said Lydia is doing the show for money reasons...look at her mom's house! It's HUGE! Like, Aaron Spelling huge. 





I loved this episode. Lots of fun.


Kameron is such a pill. A joyless snob. 


I enjoy the Carey vs. Leanne stuff because they're evenly matched. 


Brandi blowing up everyone's gossip is great to watch. It torches any hope she has of maintaining friendships, but I don't think she cares.


When Stephanie Facetimed Travis and he had at least 4 chins on display lying back in bed and she remarked "Hi Sexy" I couldn't help but find their marriage a little charming. 

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Dallas is truly killing it. Much like Potomac, they put in work to ensure they would be renewed for a 3rd season. 


I'm sorry but I LOVE Kameron. She gives me everything I need. She's the snobbish, aloof, Southern belle that you used love to hate on soaps. However, I love her. She gives me such joy with her stiff upper lip and high brow attitude to everything. I also enjoyed that her presence alone unnerves Brandi, and she took Brandi and Stephanie down a peg without breaking a sweat. 


Kameron v. Brandi is everything that is missing in soaps right now. Old money v. nouveau riche. High-class v. low-class. Chanel v. Walmart. I just gag watching these two clash over their class statuses. This is what I want when I watch Housewives. I want rich broads fighting over class standing and such. 


Still on Brandi, she is such a snake though. If these women didn't see that tonight, they are clueless. She has her hand in all the pots. I keep saying it but it needs to be said--Brandi is gonna get dragged come reunion time. She is doing too much this season. Stephanie can't even save her a** if she tried. 


I found it tasteless when the women spoke on Rich's penis size. It was ironic Cary brought it up seeing as she cried all last year about Leeanne speaking ill-will on Mark. Now she goes and commits the same sin. She can no longer take the high moral ground with Leeanne. She's just as bad. Leeanne also made a valid point about this too that Steph/Brandi/Cary can get away with murder, but when she acts out, she gets called to the carpet and is expected to apologize. I hope Leeanne brings this up at the reunion. 


D'Andra is a jewel. I find her a joy to watch. I was touched with the scene with her and Leeanne. I genuinely believe they are true friends off this show. Loved how D'Andra expressed joy for Leeanne's engagement and how the two are so similar in life. I didn't think anyone could reign Leeanne in like Tiffany could but D'Andra has proven otherwise. 


I am excited to see the climax of Cary v. Leeanne again next week. 



I agree with @DaytimeFan that it was boring. 


The episode was all about Doug's nuts and Peggy's cancer. I found both to be appalling. 


David asking Diko about Peggy's diagnosis was not genuine, and I am glad Peggy got livid over it. It is obvious that Shannon and David are in cahoots. They'd rather Peggy be the scapegoat with her cancer over their crumbling marriage & transgressions being exposed to the world. I find the entire scene to be disgusting. 


I don't care about Doug's nuts at all. Get a vasectomy and move on. Having a party over it was so stupid. 


Vicki & Tamrat meeting up annoys me too. Either play nice or one of you b-tches gotta go after this season (preferably TamRat). Vicki did make a valid point that TamRat would've long forgiven her had Shannut not been the interloper. 

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Well damn. Ever feel like it is the End of Days? I do, with Bravo and some of these RH shows!


Atlanta is doing the most but is in danger of overreaching itself with this trip mess. Meanwhile OC is veering into NJ territory with behind the scenes stuff they can never directly allude to. S3/S4 of NJ made for incredibly frustrating viewing -- the women were unwilling and unable to go into what had been said and done. Clearly Tamra has put a gag order on this Jeff Timmons story and will probably try to gag all mention of this email, too. So now we have another 10 bloody episodes of talking around the actual issues at hand (lest we forget, Vicki also doesn't like anybody bringing up Brooks' scam on TV). What an effing mess. 


In addition... how many fake cancer accusations is this show accumulating? Three? I can't with this. Not only has there been real cancer in my own family, but it makes me feel awful for someone like Jill Zarin who is currently dealing with a terminal prognosis for Bobby. I have no wish to watch this nonsense on a RH show. It's painful for me, and they are being too flippant about lying about it (and yes i understand that Peggy is likely an exception in all this with her preventative mastectomy).




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 thank you for giving a laugh this morning! For this scene alone, I cannot wait to watch.

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This show is really getting the right balance between fun and toxic lol. I might not love Kameron on this show, but I can definitely see why she is needed -- a spoiled, snooty princess there to remind the others of her impeccable pedigree and look down her incredible rhinoplastied nose at others.


She is a perfect as a foil for Brandi. I know Brandi is meant to be the wrong-side-of-the-tracks-made-good feisty redhead we root for, but Brandi has a hand in her own downfall. She is definitely forming a mean girls trifecta with Stephanie and Cary, and she is DEFINITELY not just stirring the pot but orchestrating all the bad feeling between the women. I was so ready to have her called out at dinner, but she managed to escape by the skin of her teeth.


She was also out to try and make D'Andra look like a stick-in-the-mud with the dildo, but D'Andra took it in her stride and laughed it off. D'Andra truly is a voice of reason in this group. 


Despite the nasty crack about Rich's penis (which I'm sure Brandi will run and tell Leeanne about in due course), I cannot help but like Cary the most. She has a really dry wit and is smart as a whip.



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I found the premiere to be cringeworthy. A lot of kissing a** and fakery. 


Siggy: Too dramatic. Too loud. Too extra (in not a good way). I don't buy this story with Siggy's hubby wanting her to stay home and not work. This woman has been doing what she's been doing for years. I doubt her schedule is nothing new, and I doubt Siggy is working that much. Do people even still buy self help books nowadays like a decade ago? 


Teresa: I feel like she is actually being genuine and raw for once. We're getting a glimpse of the real Tre, but it is b/c the rug (i.e. life) was pulled from underneath her with the loss of her mother. Not surprised that she is blaming Joe for the time she lost with her mother, but she needs to take responsibility for her own actions in the crime. She cannot blame Joe for everything when she was a willing participant. I do think that she is about to leave Joe FINALLY. Funny how Caroline (though I despise her too) called this years ago along with Tre would leave Joe and put a book out about it. Her book just came out yesterday and people are putting out excerpts of her speaking ill of Joe. Calling it now--come reunion time, Tre is gonna file for divorce. That'll generate enough press attention for Bravo to renew this show in case ratings don't do good and to buy the show another season. 


Margaret: She's OK. She's looks f-cking stupid with those pigtails though. Who is she trying to channel? Cindy Brady? I did appreciate her calling Siggy out at the end over being wound up about that freaking cake. 


Danielle: My bish! However, I do not believe this treaty with her and Tre. It comes off forced, and Tre has done too much for me to believe anything. I need to see Tre apologize profusely to Danielle for me to believe it. Honestly, I feel like Tre only made up with Danielle to save this show, which is sinking, and to have a possible ally had Jaq returned this year. 


Delores: Besides Danielle, she the only one on the cast I like. Delores is sensible and earnest. I just don't care about her ex moving back in, which I find to be farce too. Obvious, she too needed a story and her ex is helping provide it. This is giving me RHOA teas a la Sheree/Bob last year. Clearly, Delores' ex is helping ensure she keeps her position on the show. I am interested to see the tension between she and Tre though. 


MeHo: Ugh! If there was ever a more forced human being on this Earth, MeHo is it. Her relationship with Tre is forced. You could see all throughout the episode that these two still have venom and hatred between them. Especially, when Tre brought up snitching on MeHo about dancing with a man at her bachelor's party. Her relationship with Danielle is forced too. Obvious that MeHo is kissing Danielle's a** b/c Danielle has the goods on Melissa. Melissa was telling Danielle all of Tre's dirt those first 2 seasons of the show, and Melissa fears Danielle will blow the whistle on her. She can kiss Danielle's ass all she wants, but she best believe that the second Danielle needs to stir the pot, she'll toss MeHo to the wolves and snitch. 


Overall, this show is the Titanic. I just found everything to be stupid and forced. The magic that this show had the first 4 seasons is long gone. Dare I say it, but I wish Jaq & Caroline were swayed back this year. I would've at least gotten juicy drama with the original 4 (Jaq/Caroline/Tre/Danielle) at each other's throats and watching the other 4 (Siggy/Delores/Margaret/MeHo) having to dig their way through it. Unless this season pops, I say stick a fork in it and move on to a new city. Preferably Chicago, Seattle, New Orleans, go back to DC...somewhere! 





Looks like Nene & Kim are back at it again...


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Yes! I don't ever remember Tre and Danielle being friends. Not even on the first season. So them feigning like they fell out and became friends "again" was crazy to me last night watching. They should've simply said they were starting a new chapter and trying to be friends for once. So odd watching those 2 act like they were rehashing something that was never there.


Jaq was the only person in s1 of NJ that tried with Danielle. Correct me if I am wrong, wasn't Tre up Dina and Caroline's a** most of s1?





It was OK. Seeing as I know you were a big NJ, I think you should check it out. You might like it. Tre's scenes with her family were the only endearing thing about the episode along with Danielle's long awaited return. Everything else was meh. 


From what I'm hearing on other forums is that this season is only gonna be 12 episodes long, which might be a good thing for the show. Shorter season, tighter episodes/stories. They might be able to rebuild their audience with this season. 

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