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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Mohammed and Shiva still haven't got married?!  


That aside, she claims her kids advised her to change her name back to Hadid. :eyeroll: I think she did it b/c Gigi and Bella are the so-called 'it girls' at the moment and she is riding the wave of it all. 


She then proceeded to pimp out Gigi and Bella's relationships on WWHL, which I found odd and disgusting but not once really promoted Lyme Disease like she claims to do so. She seemed very alert and quick on the feet for someone who suffers from an ailment that clouts your thinking.


IMO, the more that comes out about the clan, the more I am not impressed. I still believe that Mohammed paid for Gigi and Bella's careers much like Cara Delevingne's parents practically paid for hers. That's why I don't refer to them as supermodels. They had to buy their fame. Naomi, Christy, Cindy, Linda, Tyra, etc. didn't. Their talent and drive did all the work for them. 

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Lydia may be returning to OC for some 'special' reason:




They're getting a late start with filming.  At this rate, they won't premiere until later this summer.  I follow most of the OC ladies on Insta and they're all still feuding with Vicki - she seems to be over everyone.

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I hope they don't bring Lydia back. She was boring. Only time she sparked my interested was when she read Heather's ass at the reunion, and made a fool out of her. 


I am shocked that they haven't started filming as Heather said a few months ago that they were gonna start filming in Feb; however, I am not shocked the women are still mad at Vicki. I get think inkling feeling that Bravo is about to do a redemption season with Vicki and it is gonna consist of women from the past that she is still close with--Gretchen, Lizzie, Alexis, and Jeana. I can see all four of those women, if not all, of them coming back in some capacity.


My theory/reasoning:


Vicki and Gretchen made amends last year, and Gretchen was one of the few to defend Vicki on WWHL and social media throughout the season and afterwards. Plus, she still stays on the tip of Tamra's tongue. I can easily see her being brought back to dismantle Tamra and her clique (Heather/Meghan/Shannon). Also, Gretchen and Shannon had an icy introduction on WWHL, so there's always that. 


Lizzie is still on good terms with Vicki and was another one that defended her adamantly post the reunion. She's also extremely close to Gretchen and the two hang out all the time. I could see Bravo wanting Gretchen/Lizzie's bond to be a highlight of the show as they are both youthful and carefree. Also, it'll cause Tamra's head to spin b/c she's always intimidated by a younger, prettier woman. There were also pics of Lizzie's b-day where some of Tamra's current foes (some man, her daughter-in-law (Sarah), and of course Gretchen)  attended. I can see this being a catalyst if Lizzie (and Gretchen) were to be brought back. 


Alexis returning would be obvious too given that Tamra is now saved seeing as she deemed Alexis 'Jesus jugs' back in s7. I can see Andy and them bringing her back to put the screws on Tamra and test her new found love for Christianity. She's also still close to Vicki to this day. 


Then there's Jeana. Andy wants her back and expresses it all the time. Jeana is an OG. Jeana is dear friend of Vicki, and she has had a rocky history with Tamra. Bravo will want to exploit this. 


I think adding those 4 women in some capacity along with Vicki could be an explosive season, but knowing Bravo they'll cast some new broads, who'll be duds and fall under Tamra's spell. 

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I've seen snippets of the BH mid season trailer and it looks OHHH so juicy. 



Kathryn is giving me life and Lisa earned back all my good will for calling out Yolands absolute bullsh*t walking/running lie! Inconsistency my a$$. Erika is a basic b*tch and another LA trick who married rich. Not impressed at all by her hollering at Rinna.


As for Rinna she played her part perfectly this last episode. Sat back looked pretty and let the beast from Amsterdam rage on and on like a crazy demon. Yolanda thought she HAD her and was going in for the kill. Little did she know Lisa Vanderpump was gonna chime in and shoot that line of attack down. And Kyle also stood up for Lips which I liked. The way she tried to come at Lisa V was just beyond desperate. I pay any of these ladies a billion bucks just for them to say to Yolanda's face...."Yolanda I think you're lying and you DO NOT have Lyme Disease. You have MUNCHASUENS syndrome." Snf just sit back and look at her shocked expression. 


Please give me this Lisa Rinna!

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Yolanda conveniently didn't draw the distinction between Munchausen and Munchausen By Proxy. Lips never mentioned Munchausen By Proxy. Once she was fully confronted she folded. 


LVP nuked Yolanda with logic. And once LVP highlighted Yolanda's inconsistencies and then exasperatedly said they all hope she gets better it was game over for Yolanda.


Next week looks interesting, the LVP is the villain edit isn't going to work. They've had way too many seasons attempting it and it failing consistently. 



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I loved Lydia. I felt she was true to herself and called people out in an honest, no-nonsense manner. I was actually bummed when she didn't return the folloawing season but I guess she realized the toxicity was taking over this show.


I agree with NBA -- having Lydia back is to support the Vicki Redemption story. Since the other three (Heather, Tamra, Shannon) don't want to be part of that choir, they are bringing in the Lizzies, Lydias and possibly Gretchens and Jeanas so that Vicki does not seem completely ostracized and out of the loop.

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Really enjoying Season 6 of NYC so far. It's fun and light, with just the right amount of drama. BookGate is hilarious. Aviva is such a fascinating piece of work. She spreads rumors and goes after Carole because she felt excluded or looked down on or whatever and in the same episode has some really fantastic, touching stuff with confronting her accident head on. She's still nuts as chit, though. Kristen is fun so far -- I like all her sideways comments. And her husband is pretty hot. Heather has been more interesting than she's ever been to me. LOL at Ramona just up and going to Africa during filming. That Andrea/Sandra/Shimmy/Sarah chick is sooooooo annoying. BEGONE, troll! And Harry's fυcked half the women in New York??? How? Is he that good of a talker? Is his dick magical? Or is it just confidence and the amount of money he has? I do find his relationship with Reid interesting and laughed so much when Reid said to his face, I don't get it!

Edited by YRBB
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