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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Nobody is surprised at this. Kim and her filthy addict self has been on full tilt the entire season and her nasty behaviour only acted like a spotlight on the ugly truth she tried, in vain, to conceal.

If ever there was a reality show participant who, for their own sake, should be fired, it's Kim Richards. Having her for next season would only glorify and validate her addiction and awful behaviour.

I don't mock Kim's addiction issues - I mock her evil, nasty, sh*tty behaviour which is not necessarily wholly related to her addiction to drugs/alcohol/whatever. Just because Kim has issues with drugs/alcohol/whatever does not give her a free pass on all the awful behaviour she's pulled. Let's get real: Kim is a bad person. Kim is dangerous. She's dangerous to herself, her family and the community at large. It's a good thing she refused to leave the Beverly Hills Hotel - imagine if her drunk ass had driven around drunk and killed someone?

Kim tried to imply that Lisa Rinna had "a record"...well Kim, the only one with a record is you. A criminal record.

Stopppppp itttttttt Cat! You've taken the words out of my mouth!

Edited by DaytimeFan
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There's too much titty in the reunion outfits - Cynthia in particular looks like a fembot (does she have implants or are they real?), and I'm pretty sure I can see Kandi's left nipple. Why??

Claudia and Nene look nice enough, and while Porsha looks like she's a Cher body double from 1974, I kind of like her crazy look too.

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Nah, I bet it's water...but she has no shame. She should be locked in her house consulting with her lawyers about how she's going to get out of the legal mess she's gotten herself into. But oh no, the PR machine is already starting with the Daily Mail reporting that Kim binge watched the RHoBH reunion and that it tipped her over the edge and that Lisa Rinna and Lisa Vanderpump are to blame because they stressed her out...I mean, what a joke.

The only person who holds any blame in this situation is Kim Richards. She's the adult. She's the addict. If she couldn't handle the stress she simply needed to get off the show. It isn't as if she actually needs the money, she has alimony of $23,000 a month coming in regularly from Gregg Davis according to the book House of Hilton.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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So my mom.. having watched all of the RHOBH reunion.. declared it to be toxic.. and that all the women are mean though she said she could tell Eileen and Yolanda have good hearts. She said Kyle and Lisa R are mean girls, and that Brandi and Kim Richards are professional victims..and really hopes Kim Richards doesn't return for season 6 for her own sake even though she's fascinated with her.

So I recommended my mom check out Real Housewives of New York since the new season had just started. She hadn't watched the show since season 4's reunion where she thought all the women were psycho LOL So I got to hear her assessments of all the 'newbies' plus new thoughts on Luann, Sonya, Ramona, and Bethanny.

Luann is her fav.

Ramona is crazy funny

Bethanny is Bethanny.. though she got a kick out of the whole homeless comment.. stating only Bethanny would say she was homeless LOL

Sonja is self-absorbed and blissfully unaware of how selfish she appears to others

Carole is intriguing though doesnt think the blonde suits her. She also read her book about her late husband as well.

Dorinda intrigues her.. wanted to know the 411 on her.. told her she just started this season.. but she is a socialite that she used to own a cashmere clothing company years ago in London

Heather was bland (told her that Heather was anythign but bland.. but because of the 8 housewives being featured.. she's been at best a background character).

Kristen is bland and non-descript (told her that is true.. but cause she's besties with Brandi.. she remained when she should have been cut last season).

All in all, she said it was a breath of fresh air watching NY thus far vs. how BH turned out... though I told her BH started out not so bad until episode 10.

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