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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I cant beleive I ranked Nene so high! Claudia's hair looks great but I dont like the style of her dress. Kandi's look would have been flawless if not for her boobs

LOL...yet you placed her at #2, so obviously she was pulling it off well before you saw it was inspried by Bey

LMAO at you shading Poorsha by not even mentioning that irrelevant ho

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I didn't even think the wedding spinoff was that great! And y'all know I have always ridden for Kandi!

Sidenote, I wonder why Kandi always gets her spinoffs shoehorned into the "RHOA" name, whereas Kim and Nene did not? Maybe they knew it wouldn't do as well without the name?

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I was going to do a long-ass post but you took the words right out of my mouth. DF STOPPPPPPPP ITTTTTTTTTT wink.png Speaking the TRUTH like that will only get Kim riled up about her iron-clad sobriety. When she's not too busy playing Kathy against Kyle and defending her dangerous dog against mauling children and elders, of course.

By the way, did anybody catch the absolutely epic clip of Lisa V in the break, talking about her lady parts, standing up and saying "Well, this girl is talking her p***y to the Ladies' Room" and then sashaying out of there like Alexis Colby after a smackdown? I wish I had that gif, I would erect an altar to it and worship its fierceness.

I don't want to laugh at Kim. This is sad and depressing because it highlights what a deluded state she is in now. It's probably easy to blame the enabler Brandi, but Kim is 50 (I know, I was shocked too -- for the wrong reasons). She handled herself in a mean way at Reunion but she came at the women and was adept (with a little hep from Andy) at dominating the conversation. She is struggling with sobriety but she is not a baby. She needs to accept responsibility for her actions. The one thing she was unable to do at Reunion was accept blame or responsibility for anything. And Andy and the others still held back from really giving it to her. One person's sobriety cannot rest entirely on another person's shoulders, as Kyle probably well knows.

I only hope this is her Aha Moment and she truly is able to pull herself out of this dark hole she has gotten herself in. As far as the show is concerned, it is not helping her or doing Brandi any favors. Both need to go and reflect and be on their own. Their loneliness is what keeps them acting cray and staying on this show, lapping up the attention they think their "millions" of fans dote on them.

I haven't watched RHOA the last 4-5 weeks because I got kind of bored. Is it worth catching up? I ask this because I actually want to watch Reunion now. It looks good. I actually feel for Nene because so much of her anger and jealousy must stem back to her abandonment issues with her mom. Her relationships with women in general are all sourced to this.

Porsha lawd.

Kenya I want to love but it's her smugness, I guess, that makes me want to see her take it as much as she can dish out. She's smart and funny but she's not the STAH she thinks she is and she isn't Nene level yet, as much as we might hate to admit that.

Phaekdra, lawwwwwwwwd.

Kandi isn't perfect but her reads on people are truthful and on point. Todd needs to sit his ass down trying to be the next HW. Peter already has that role and he isn't going to give that up, even for his bro!

Cynthia's hair... ok, I like the concept. I love the waviness. But it is too damn much. It looks like the stiff wire wigs they used to put on mannequins at JC Penney.

I am watching Africa Trip season and wow I finally get the glory that is Marlo. I really wish she was a HW on this show tbh. She makes drama happen.

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Although I do think Kenya overall looks better than Nene, I have to give top honors to Nene for not assaulting my eyes with her usual atrocious reunion look. Thank God Andy made them all wear white as I shudder to think what could've been.

Claudia looks fine if you're going to dinner at one of the more fancier restaurants at the mall but this is the reunion. Step. It. Up.

I would love Cynthias look if she wore her natural, short pixie style hair instead of that over curled show dog hair they plopped on her head.

Porsha's dress reminds me of a tree but I really like it.

Kenya's dress looks better standing up but she still looks good.

And meh at Kandi and Todd's ski trip. They were so much more interesting last year.

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Not surprised about Kim, but I wonder if this lil "slip" is a result of watching the reunion and seeing the ugliness between her and her sister?

(I'd also hit the bottle if I saw what years and years of sun damage does to your face at 50 years on high-def TV. YIKES. Thank God I stopped fake-bake tanning! Kim Richards reminds me every time I see her on TV what happens when you don't take care of your skin)

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For me it's...

Nene (I'm sorry...other than Alexis Colby and Dorian Lord...no one I've seen can pull that look off...FIERCE BITCH...BLOOP!)

Kenya. (Just love it.)

Toyota (well...it looks good in that pic at least)

Shady Phae Phae

Claudia (it was alright)

Cynthia (why?)

ETA: Thanks for the YT clip.

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