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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I used to ride with Brandi, I just cant, there is no growth. She ain't funny, she ain't cute or just keeping it real, she is nasty

Really Lisa, really, your in Yost house but u r passed at her and didn't invite her to pump

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Yolanda started the ish....by her fake toast...which was yet another attempt to call Lisa out for not inviting her. What else was Lisa supposed to do? Apologize? For what? She doesn't think Yolanda is sincere so she didn't invite her to the opening. Yolanda also insulted Ken and therefore she was not high on Lisa's priority list...using understand why Yolanda isnt getting it...

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I felt so bad for Eileen tonight. Like seriously. You can just tell she was flustered and heartbroken when Brandi's gutter butt ass tossed that drink in her face. I'm glad that Lisa Rinna let it be known that she is "bout that life," and would've whooped Brandi's ass had she did that to her. This is one instance where violence would've been justifiable. And Brandi further pissed me off with insulting Babyface's wife's ring. I wish his wife would've reached across and dotted her eyes. Also, Brandi slinking up to Eileen and acting like she is sorry pissed me off too. She always does that sh*t when she's messed up and I wish someone would call her out.

I don't know why Lisa apologized to Brandi. She should've told Brandi to go choke on a d*ck and die. Do mankind a favor. Please.

YoLyme is a sneaky b*tch, but I am glad that the audience and Lisa are hip to her ass. I'm happy that production showed that clip to support why Lisa didn't invite her ass to PUMP. I just wish that Lisa would come out and say, "Bitch, we weren't friends post reunion, hence why you didn't get an invite. OK? Now get over it."

Next week is clearly going to be a drag as we have to watch Kyle sob about her daughter going to college. :rolleyes: Ch... My mom was thrilled when I went to school. Why cry? Bitch, you better celebrate.

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Anyone watch WWHL tonight? What the hell was up with Brandi and the most fake crying scene with Jeff Lewis? I was so confused and it was so obviously fake.

Anyway... why is Kim a housewife? She hasn't been shown at all in the last two episodes.

Thank God for Lisa and Eileen - they make this show interesting again. I'm sort of tired of all the old housewives. Next!

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I missed WWHL. Who was crying? Brandi? If so, I am not surprised. That bitch always resorts to crying to try and gain audience sympathy but she ain't gonna get it. Especially after she slaps Lisa and pushed Kyle later in the season. Also, it seems like she coaches Kim into targeting Lips and possibly Eileen, so yeah.... Save them tears, trash box.

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Yeah, it was Brandi. In the last segment, something weird happens and apparently Brandi gets upset with Jeff and throws her wine at him... and then totally starts trying to cry and turns her seat around and the guys are all surprised and acting like things got totally weird, and Brandi is supposedly bawling with her back to us... and then she turns around and her make up is all dry and they end the show, but it wasn't something they obviously were making fake, but it came across as super fake. It was weird.

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YOyo and the restaurant opening...give it a rest already!

Brandy likes throwing wine and fingerbanging. Good to know

Moving on...Not here for the Richards sisters...Kyleis always suckin up to Eileen's husband Vinnie. He taught you tennis five "touch ups" ago, do you really think he gives you a second look when he goes home to Queen Eileen every night?

Brandy commenting on ring size...I'll bet Leann has a nice big one, too....sit your drunk *ss down and stop making googly eyes at Eileen!

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For real.

*She* is a natural outcast, Bravo editing be damned. It has nothing to do with the amount of money in her bank account and everything to do with her low-class gutter trash box mouth and social awkwardness.

It's coming forward once again [her being an outsider], only this time I think she's gone too far and all her remaining allies will jump ship.

I loved Eileen coming right out and saying, "we were just talking about you" when Brandi stepped in. Lisa and Eileen buddying up is adorable, and Lisa saying, "if that isn't just white trash, I don't know what is" when Brandi made the finger-banging comment in front of Babyface was priceless. Eileen & Lisa R continue to entertain and delight!

Yolanda. For the love of God. Give. It. Up. You're not friends, foes, Hollywood friends, bosom buddies... You're castmates. Lisa V has to put up with your Dutch ass and your auto-reply comments only when the cameras roll.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Where's my girl Aviva when I need her!?! Cuz we def need her to say to Brandi..."Quite frankly you are white trash!"

Love that Lisa Rinna didn't hesitate to judge Brandi. They both kept and open mind but that wine throwing was the last straw. Completely unprovoked and frankly dangerous. What if the glass had slipped from Brandi's hand and hit Eileen as well?

She was totally off her rocker at the dinner. Insulting Babyface's wife and then ruining that nice moment by the piano. I just can't with this trifling ho.

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Andy asked Brandi to pull on Jeff's hair to see if it was a toupee and Jeff asked would he catch an STD from Brandi touching him and she got pissed. He said he apologized during the commercial break but she was still upset. They kissed and made up on the after show apparently.
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