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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Lisa R's trip to Oregon was touching and real and humbling. Many of us have walked this road, and all of us will one day, where the role reversal between parents, children and grandchildren gets intermingled and the caregivers become the cared for. Lisa R has my respect for acknowledging the small role she has played in her parents transition. Her dad looked great for a man in his 90s and her mom reminds me of so many people I've met in my life. I wish them so much good, they seemed like really kind people. Her daughters are typical LA children and that's not a compliment, once I heard her daughter ask if the menu at the restaurant the family went to was gluten free I had to roll my eyes strongly. They both need a serious reality check and Lisa R is the kind of tough, smart woman to do it.

Kyle keeps trying to Make Kyle Happen. Nice try boo but that's not possible because you are solidly in the LA B-List. And. She. Always. Will. Be. Because. She's. The. Realtor's. Wife. And. Just. Not. That. Likeable.

Lisa was swatting away flies this episode. The conflict between her puppies and her swan was of graver significance than her interpersonal relationships with her enemies. I love how Ken has absolutely no energy for bullsh*t anymore. He really doesn't care.

Yolanda lost so many points with me, after several episodes of image repair, by trying to instigate drama with Lisa which was thirst at its worst. Lisa had to blow her off about it not once, but twice. I really don't understand why these women think that forgiveness and moving forward means that things go back to how they were before the relationship took a major hit. Things never go back to being the same. Sometimes they improve, sometimes they don't. But Yolanda whined, moaned and bitched about Lisa being a Hollywood friend...so Lisa isn't acting like one anymore, meaning she isn't going to invite Yolanda to her Palm Springs Walk of Fame event when she doesn't genuinely want her there.

Brandi was just a pathetic mess clinging to Ken, demanding Lisa RSVP to her housewarming and going in on Eileen about who first played Billie (she worked with the "Real Billie" for 3 years you idiot, she even remembered Krista as the recast, enjoy losing $100!). Brandi is another one who can't understand logic: if Lisa was so horrible last season, why be around her? If she doesn't want Lisa to be "fake" (everyone housewife's favourite word in a fight) then why should she be upset when Lisa, genuinely, doesn't give a sh*t about her? There is a glaring lack of logic with Brandi.

Eileen silently observing everyone is the classic mark of a more introverted personality. And that's fine, her comment regarding Brandi's "renovated vagina" made me laugh. Eileen's spectacular Malibu villa and delightful friendship with Lisa R more than make up for her frosty quietness. She's fitting in great.

Kim was a non-entity this episode.

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I just watched this weeks episode again because it was so good. BH really found wonderful additions in Eileen and ESPECIALLY Lisa Rinna. I know her daughters sound like asses but they are teenagers. They are self absorbed right now one day they will get it. I felt so sad when Lisa's dad was asked how he felt at 92 and he said that he felt like he didn't belong. :( it's going to be so heart wrenching when parents get that age. Ugh.

Brandi is pathetic. I feel like everything she said last season concerning Lisa and the tabloids was a LIE. She is way too thirsty to get back in Lisa and Ken's good graces because she never had a friend give her the things Lisa did and she was a fan favorite. Smh at her.

Yolanda... Girl I like you but bye! I really don't get why she thinks Lisa would invite her to the Palm Springs thing. Just because someone forgives doesn't mean they forget.

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I love how last year ALL these women came for Lisa, yet now they are all groveling to get back in her good graces. Its actually quite pathetic on their part and quite remarkable on Lisa's. She is a BOSS bitch and everyone should remember that next time they entertain the thought of trying to take her down. Her tagline this season is absolutely PERFECT to what we are seeing play out on screen


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I LOVE Lisa Rinna's girls and everything about her. I thought they felt just like normal teenagers, with a Beverly Hills twist. I thought despite their comments, the joy they exhibited when they saw their grandparents was amazing. I loved those scenes from top to bottom. Lisa Rinna is a winner on this show because she is REAL. Her family is real and she is unfiltered. I don't expect people to be perfect and politically correct at all times, because lord knows none of us are. I wish more of the wives took after Lisa Rinna and from the looks of things, Eileen. She's another one that is working because you can tell she is simply being herself and she is interesting enough based on her own merits. I love that Eileen is not trying hard.

Typically new housewives go too far over the top initially to introduce themselves and their brand. If you look at the new ATL wives or even Joyce and Carlton last year, you got that sense. With Rinna and Davidson I feel they simply let us see their lives and have slowly thrown them into the mix. THAT works and that is how it used to be done and needs to be done in the future.

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Another thing that works for them, versus previous newbies, is that they're NOT "newbies", in the sense that so many viewers already know one or both of them. They're "brand" is their body of work. And soap opera work for 20-30 years is way more impressive than direct-to-VHS movies or beauty pageant winnings.

Great BH episode. I, too, am the quiet observer initially. You tend to learn more gossipy things right off the bat and then you have leverage because you're not all exposed like the other people. smile.png

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Eileen's Blog


Love how she's not afraid to state it. It definitely felt weird watching it. Like one those scenes where you can just tell half of the people there don't want to be there (Ken/Lisa for one). Brandi trying so hard was a whole nother level of awkward.

"When Yolanda introduces Eileen Davidson as my friend Eileen, that's funny. I thought you only just met her and she was Lisa R.'s friend, but I understood the message."

SHAAADEEEEEE.....Love yah Lisa Vanderpump!!!!

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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It was especially ridiculous giving Yolanda's little crusade/rant on "Hollywood Friends". If you don't want Lisa to pretend to be your friend then don't get upset and all hot and bothered when she acts accordingly...

Eileen was gracious in her comments towards Brandi and Yolanda in her blog which was surprising but then again I suppose she's one of those people who's going to comment as stuff goes down and not lay down hints about things changing in the future (ala Joyce or Lisa V from last season).

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Tonight was actually a good episode. I love that we are gradually moving towards what's to come ahead in this season.

Phaedra annoys me with her claims that she did not know what Apollo did. Bitch, please. You knew that man was stealing assets from people because your Red Box shaped ass was benefitting from it. And for her to carry on that Apollo had the option to join some of her other businesses--just stupid. Does she not think that most people have drawn conclusion that her "businesses" were also a front for nefarious actions to occur too? Phaedra needs to stop with the charade. I can't wait for her to get caught and be exposed.

I feel so sorry for Todd. Kandi shows me each week that she does not give a damn about her marriage. And how she went back and snitched to her mother what Sharon said....closedeyes.jpg She is just like her mother--a sh*t-stirrer and starter.

I applaud Kenya tonight for doing what I thought she'd do--mentally screw Porsha. Kenya once again made Porsha look like a fool while coming out smelling of roses. I cringed for Porsha getting aggressive when once again it wasn't necessary. But Kenya [the beauty] managed to sooth Porsha [the beast] by giving her hug. I said this last week and I'll say it again--Porsha was and has been pressed because Kenya would not give her the time of day. Like a petulant child, once she got the attention she wanted, she's happy. So over Saturn and her childish ways.

Can't wait to see next week's episode. Looks like Demetria is going to be made a fool once again. closedeyes.jpg

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