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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....

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Crazy lady is ruining the show for me. Oh god, who has two Christmas trees in their house? One for the room no one goes in and another for the one that people do? That poor family to have to deal with her insanity.

Vicki was so rude to Elizabeth. I think she handled her quite well. Vicki was such a bitch and came at her way too hard. She seemed jealous, insecure and its obvious she wanted Lizzie to be her target

The preview for the rest of the season was SOOOO good. I cant wait

I hate to say it but I do think Brooks is a good looking man

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OC - I've got to say, these new housewives are bringing it! Love them both in very different ways. LOVE it. Also, I'm enjoying the holidays during the OC - have we ever seen the different holidays like this before? I only remember Jersey that one season, otherwise I can't remember another city/season showing each holiday like this. I like it!

Cheap - I had 5 Christmas trees up this past year. I love having a tree in every room! ;)

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IKR!!!! In the pics too much beard, but on last night's show...oh, hell to the yes. Sue me for my Southern mountainman attractions. tongue.png

ETA: Hmmm...bag over head takes away the shear insanity he would give in his eyes when he...uh...gets happy. ph34r.png

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Eddie would be my No. 1 choice from the OC. Love those chubby cheeks and ripped bod. smile.png Okay, moving on...

I am *loving* Lizzie. She barked right back at loopy Vicki. Vicki was being rude (and drunk?) and Lizzie wasn't having any of it. The preview for the rest of the season looks GREAT! Can't wait to see Tamra taken down a peg, as well as Vicki. GREAT casting choices in Lizzie and Shannon!!

I grew up with 2 trees, too. I grew up in the Chicago burbs.

Can you imagine a table with OC's Vicki, NYC's Ramona, ATL's NeNe, and BH's Brandi? It would be a fight to the death in who can get in the last word!

ATL: Good grief, now they're doing a Husbands of ATL special next week? They are really cranking out as much as possible out of Atlanta for ratings and to fill up time before Jersey. I don't think I'll bother watching, as the only one I can stand these days is Todd.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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