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I really felt sorry for Kenya because Apollo, Phaedra and Nene owned her in part 3 and all she could do is look away since she didn't have ANY comebacks. Unless she's prepared she cannot defend herself and she looked helpless. I thought both Apollo and Phaedra were cruel and I'm tired of Phaedra calling her a slut/whore because it's unwarranted. And since Kenya cannot successful check a bitch Phaedra continues with that BS.

When Cynthia said she couldn't blame Peter if he cheated the looks on everyone's faces were priceless. Even Andy had a WTF look on his face. She truly has no backbone.

Nene came off the absolute worst in this episode. She has so much contempt for everyone and I have no idea why Andy caters to her bullshit. If she feels she's above the show she should leave. Andy honestly told her how he felt about the Queen comment and she retorts if she wants him to take down his pants and kiss his ass. Really?! Totally uncalled for. And Kandi is absolutely right because she's a hypocrite. Her family is off limits but she could talk trash about everyone else's family.

Can the show survive without Nene? I believe with the right replacements it can. She clearly think she's above the show and Andy should should stop being a punk and show her the door.

Whoever coached Porsha coached her well. She isn't going anywhere.

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Porsha was coached very well. She used big words IN THE PROPER CONTEXT.

As for Phaedra and poor Kenya, too bad so sad. Kenya has been inappropriate with Canine Apollo since they met last season. Has Phaedra gotten on Apollo? She may have in private. When Apollo and Kenya were playing in the water and he was picking Kenya up and tossing her in, that was wrong. It should have been the end, but there have been text and more than likely calls as well as private meetings. Phaedra does not owe Kenya a kind word!

Feel sorry for Kenya? Nope! Talk sh!t, get hit!

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I felt for Kenya because Apollo was ever much the instigator in what transpired between them and there he was looking all smug presenting a united front with Phaedra soley for the cameras while Phaedra calls her out of her name each and every time. I loathed Phaedra in those segments. I'm not saying that Kenya is perfect since she did flirt with him but Apollo was downright disgusting even talking about her "dirty toes" and Phaedra equally so because she damn well knows Apollo is attracted to Kenya and she can't stand it.

As for Porsha, I sat there stunned because her stunt worked. She was poised, humbled and came off articulate. She even managed to throw shade at Cynthia and said almost the exact things Nene said about Cynthia which tells me Nene is also coaching her. Kenya is now the one looking like the villain who attacked poor innocent Porsha who succumbed to the "pressure" of Kenya's bullying her. Kenya brought a lot to the table this season but at this point all of it is being overshadowed by all the sympathy being thrown at Porsha. When she said she wanted to thank her fans I wondered what fans. The insta fans she acquired from the stunt she pulled to hold on to her peach.

Job well done, Porsha.

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Dont get me wrong. Kenya lies and exaggerates things to play victim as well. Nene just straight up lied during this reunion and even when asked about her comments towards Brandon she tells Andy who is one of her BOSSES does he want her to pull his pants down and kiss his ass? She is so far gone with her ego at this point in my opinion. She truly needs to humble herself. I will give Phaedra that. Kenya did sleep with Christopher Williams and it was obvious. But that is choice Kenya made to f-ck him. Infertility is not a choice and should not be fodder for an insult among women. I am NOT saying Kenya is innocent I would feel that way if it was said to any woman on any franchise.
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Just a few thoughts...

Apollo is trash. He's dumber than a box of rocks and I have no idea how or why Phaedra puts up with him or defends him. She's ridiculous for that and loses credibility.

I'm Team Kenya - girl totally makes sense to me. And I think Cynthia sees that now. Nene is completely rude and delusional in her hypocrisy. She's too dumb and runs her mouth too much to know how not to show herself over and over again.

Porsha did well and Andy totally is going to let her come back. The Kenya/Porsha storyline will continue. They basically are using the props as their way out of this mess.

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I only watched the first 10 minutes of Porsha's special, but I thought she came off very poorly. Andy kept giving her opportunities to apologize to Kenya or say that she would be calm and rational if she had a one-on-one with Kenya and she wouldn't go along with that. If she's basically telling you she accepts no responsibility and will go off again, how can they keep her? She is just trash. As for the main reunion, I found it smart that Kenya mostly ignored Apollo, who is just disgusting and vile. When it came to Nene, I took it as Kenya giving up due to the LIES. I LOVE LOVE LOVED when they called Nene and those stupid wives out for lying about Nene screaming about the star being late. I LOVED that. And again, had it not been for the video footage, or the texts re: Marlo, Kenya would have no proof she isn't lying. And even with proof people still blame her.

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Yes, NeNe, you and Greg should go on a 50 state tour across the country doing a gay pride parade in each state (except Mississippi and Alabama cuz they don't like us or you) to promote your love of gays. Wow, they both looked terrible when NeNe half-assed a semi-apology (which would make it 1/4th). She really did herself no favors at this reunion. Season 7 will be a make it or break it year for her.

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As far as I remember once, Kenya was full-on with the dumb jokes but she didn't go in on calling Porsha a ho until a few seconds before she got dragged by the one who was throwing out the ho/slut comments like second nature.

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What irks me about Nene is not that she stands by what she says because that's why I fell in love with her. It's this new thing of acting like she's too good to give an apology and is simply appalled that anyone would find her digs offensive. Maybe I didn't notice because I didn't care for Sheree or Kim but it was on full display tonight and she is just awful. I don't understand how an almost 50 year old woman could be so incapable of compassion and dismissive of other people's feelings.
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