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It's like RHoM Ana and Marysol.

I just got done watching the episode. And this? Wow. I see more layers in their exchange. And given my own history and some stuff at work tonight I would have to go Team Nene on this. Why? Cuz all of this. No wonder she was keeping it on a let's moving on. She was...being a friend. Yes, they had a falling out. And she was friend enough to keep like that. But Cynthia had to push so Nene set the record straight.

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Watching the show, I get Cynthia's point of view. And I had a similar falling out with a close friend of 14 years myself that while it is very fade, it is possible. And the boiling point for me was the fact that I was always the 'sidekick' and he was my Nene. We have travelled together and been each other's rocks over that time. I don't mind being the background sidekick. The 'power behind the throne' kinda of guy. But that doesn't mean I don't have my own thoughts, feelings, and dreams. And my differences came out over the last few years and how I've grown as I've gotten older while I feel like he was still in place. So I didn't feel like he was being a friend like he should be or happy for me to pursue my dreams or give my opinion EVEN when he was asking for it. It was like he wanted me to be 'the sidekick' and I had outgrown it. So maybe in the end, I outgrew him. So we had a falling out.

And that is really between us. I don't even discuss it with our many mutual friends. And they know not to mention his name. I am sure someday we will sit and talk about how it all went down. But what's done is done. It is what it is. I know I was hurt. In some ways, I still am. But I am not going to throw...too much shade that way...and I don't like it when other people do so I still DO care.

And I see Nene's side with that text and what I said above. Because I am not going to put that out on display. It's between us. And I could talk about it and throw a whole lot of things that would shock our mutual friends because he was not an angel. But I'm a ride or die friend. Always have been. So the fact that there are things going on in my life that I don't even discuss with him or the fact that he has already been in the 'neighborhood' of where I live now and YET has not even bother to call, text, email...anything...not going to lie. Makes me see red. But I hold my tongue.

Sorry for the rant. Friendship issues have always been a sore spot. It's why I loved Season 2 of THE HILLS. lol. I got that whole dynamic.

ETA: Just saw the first 5 minutes again. And Kenya held her own. I didn't like at the Mario comment, but it was nice to see it is still a sore spot with Nene however. Again, good friends at one time.

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Nene and Phaedra, f—k you both with your ugly facial expressions! I also didnt like how Kandi kept cracking jokes and belittling what was done to Kenya I liked that Cynthia with her beautiful hair defended Kenya.

"I TWIRLED away" Kenya slays me….LOL.

"Dont make me call Marlo" DEAD!

"Come on Head Doctor, Im sure you have some clients"

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The bridal shop brawl is still the BEST single moment from the season. LOL at Mama Joyce saying she’s waiting for her peach. She was enjoying herself too much on that stage. I think she was serious about that. Can she replace Poorsha? “I aint trying to be her mama no way.” “Its been a long time, but hey I can still wrap up a good wig”. “Go to the next page”. She was killing me…lol. Was she drunk? She sounded like she was on something. “I have to read Miss Cynthia”. Loved Kandi calling MJ on that with her taking Kandi’s money. Now this crazy old broad is talking about how she would have been a stripper back in the day if they were paying what they are now


Its sad to see the destruction of Cynthia and Nene’s friendship. Nene has been a poor friend to Cynthia and its too bad Nene didn’t own how disrespectful and demeaning she’s been to her. LMAO at Phaedra whispering “Help her Jesus”. Nene was SO STANK in that segment, especially with how salty she was to Andy. I love that Kandi called her out on being selfish. Nene is very shady and rude to her friends. Andy was right when he said that Nene can dish it out, but cant take it. He looked irritated with her tonight

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Andy Cohen’s never met Ayden? I would have thought that Andy would have been around Phaedra’s family at some point over the last 4 years. Especially with as many times as she’s been on WWHL, you’d think she’d have brought him to NY at least one of those times.

Edited by Cheap21
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Of course these women support violence. I just wish they'd own up to it.

Nene needs to quit or be fired. She doesn't want to be here and it's clear and it's damaging the show and the brand. They don't need her. She doesn't wanna discuss things that happen on the show? It's personal? Yet she will blog about it? Please. Cynthia finally saw her for the awful friend she is and had enough of it. I think it's clear nene is hurt by this friendship ending tho but still. And Cynthia is dead on about everything. She knows nene well. And when you have is many friendships calling out over a short period of time maybe you are the problem?

Joyce is funny but also sad. I thi kkandi handled it well. He called her out but was classy about it at the end.

Fakedra is so jealous of Kenya. She hates her not because of Kenya I because of appolo. He was/is thirsty for her and Kenya exposed it and his ass. Her insults are all about salut shaming or Kenya being unable to have kids and she's not nearly as witty as she thinks she is when she's on the spot.

Andy/Auden was cute

Can't wait for Kandi to go in on nene next week!

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Cynthia and her croc tears...!@#$%^&*] OFF!

Good luck hanging with Kenya next season [YOUR LAST] as you will slowly become everything you have been fighting over the seasons. Can't wait to see Cynthia with her fishnet body suit and booty pads as well as making up stuff for SL purposes because that is all crazy bitch Kenya does. There's not a genuine bone in that woman's body. There is no demand for Kenya because people know she is good for laughs only. Cynthia, you hitched your wagon to the wrong peach!

Mama Joyce could die tomorrow and I would skip right over the tweet making the announcement. She is an ugly human being who was doing way too much to earn a permanent spot. I'd love to drive a stake thru her black ignorant intoxicated heart! Khandi should have been embarrassed.

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Apollo's right hand woman sent RealityTea an email right after her 5 year sentencing. She basically says Phaedra had a part in it all but she left her out of it because someone needs to be there for the kids. I can't wait for that lying dirtbag Apollo to get exactly what he deserves! These fools know he's going down which is probably why Phaedra is so lackluster at the reunion (Slut, whore? Really Phaedra? That's it?) She also confirms that she's covered up many affairs Apollo has had. Big shocker, right Kenya? Haha! Poor Phaedra, no matter how much she pretends to be a southern belle the truth will always come out! *twirls away*


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I honestly bought Cyn's tears but at the same time the cynical side me of does wonder if this is all a plot between Nene/Cyn to have storyline next season.

That being said Nene came off horribly in Part 2. Even Andy called her out on her seemingly not giving a damn about Cynthia crying right in front of her.....

Kenya was fake as usual. Her whole rant at the beginning of Part 2 was absolutely laughable and I'm glad Nene put her in her place.

DEAD at Andy Cohen and Mr Ayden Parks....

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Honestly, Nene seemed so fake to me during DWTS - at least during the live shows. She plastered on that fake smile the entire time... when Erin asked her anything, her responses were fake and rude.


I'm so in love with Shannon. I've never seen a new housewife be so totally natural and comfortable in front of cameras so quickly, while not giving two shits. She's also a drunken mess when she needs to be and I love it. I do fear that she'll have a rough Season 2, and I do see her relationship being the next Simon/Tamra.

I'm over Heather... she does have some terrible stick up her ass this year. Even Terry is annoying me. I'm team Tamra/Vicki/Shannon right now!

I'm loving this season already and there's only 4 housewives!!! Also, this season seems way more polished... similar to Miami, BH, and NYC. The production values went up, they bought better cameras, and the whole thing looks 'richer' to me than in the past.

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