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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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My thoughts exactly.

I'm in no mood to watch Kim talk about her "fabulous life without NeNe" and NeNe act as if she is leagues away from her "humble RHoATL beginnings".

Unless these folks are willing to be in the same room together for more than twice a season, they might as well move on to some new Housewives that are willing to mix it up.

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OMG Yes, would've loved it if the cameras were on her when they broke (no pun intended!) the news to her. My TiVo randomly recorded their recent re-airing of season 1 and I watched parts of the very first episode, and yes, it's amazing what a total poser she was. How the mighty have fallen. But really, she's served no purpose on this show since season two. Her lasting impressions are "who gon' check me boo?" and She by Sheree. Andy Cohen loves to quote those phrases, but that's about all she's provided. Looking forward to seeing what spin she'll give for her departure from the series.

As for NYC, their preview showed way too much of the newbies and too little of the veterans. I think The Countess was only in one clip with Ramona (something in regards to Ramona's "pinot-filled ass", ha!). Two of the 3 new ladies look a little... strange.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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It is so sad to see how much Sheree has lost, she has really lost everything : her home, her job, her dignity. In the first season, you almost by default sided with her because she came off as pretty rationale. Nowadays, she seems like a dillusional diva with a lion's mane.

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Sheree was painted as the "villian" of season 1. She was WAY too bouji tobe likeable. You had Nene on one side being fun and a great personality and then you had Sheree, being super stuck up, pretentious and just plain stank. I beleive she was the most hated from that season, rivaled maybe by only Kim. I dont think alot of people were siding with her then.

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I read on another site that the story isn't true about Sheree being fired in New York. She was fired weeks ago, due to lack of storyline and high demands. It's not surprising at all. If Kim's spin-off is a success, I could see her preferring to do that since she doesn't hang out with many of the HWs as it is. I finally saw all the new pics and video of RHONY and it looks mildly interesting. I still say it was a HUGE mistake firing Alex. Watching the previews it looks like the originals take a back seat and they don't seem to mesh well. LuAnn particularly looks out of place and with no friends or allies. Alex would've kept the focus more on the original group, I think. She also would've blended in well with the new ladies, at least look and style-wise.

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I think with ATL, Shree and Crynthia need to go. Bring on one or two replacements, Nene is nearing the end and its likely Kim would be better suited for her own Bravo show now as shes isolated so they also need to bring in two or three friends of the housewives. But bravo also needs to force them all to be together from time to time, not as forced as BH where they nearly all get together every ep, but more than almost never.

Jersey is also in a place where next season (not the one about the air) needs to bring in a number of replacement options.

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Kandi and Phaedra are really the only ones that seem to have a place on this show. Cynthia, surpsingly has seemingly become more relevant this season, but without Nene, who needs her? Nene is at the point where she needs to leave for her own career and future. Staying could make her miss her oppurtunity to move on. Kim seems to be over it and with her family and life coming together, its best she go to. Sheree has no story which is why she brought on her older daughter and her bf to give her something. Other than that she's had her child support issues which have gone nowhere and she's manufactured drama with Kandi and Cynthia to make herself feel relevant. I say keep Kandi and Phaedra and MAYBE Cynthia (although she can go too) and add 3 new people. Addind so many at one time though seems like such a big risk, but they should have added one or 2 this season to make the transition into next easier to swallow. Audiences dont tend to like abrupt changes like that but its time to shake things up.

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So the HWs for this season of Jersey are just the same as Season 3? I agree they need some people not related to them to join.

I just don't know what will happen with ATL. the only ones that I can see doing another season are Kandi, Phaedra and Cynthia. Hopefully Kim will get her own show ala Bethenny and Nene does one more season while they ease in some new girls.

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Yup. It seems both cities are in need of a NYC overhaul next season. Beverly Hills will still be good for another year at least, and OC is pretty much a lost cause to me IMO. Just doesn't click like the rest of 'em.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I thought Ronnie and Mary looked almost like twins. I had a difficult time telling them apart. I would've enjoyed them and their relationship more if they were sisters. Reiko was a breath of fresh air and I loved her cars, body and snark. Jody is annoying and reminds me of Jill Zarin. She's a phony and a total bitch. I do LOVE her home though. Would be my top choice if I could live in ANY housewife house. Christina was delightful and so pleasant. I didn't enjoy seeing Jody give her a hard time. It was so one-sided and even if Jody did think it was inappropriate for her to have a relaitonship with an older man, in her own words she kept saying Christina was a child. How can you blame that on a child then? Geez.

I found this show to be a combination of NYC and DC. It's lighter and more pleasant than these series are these days. I already prefer it over OC and what's become of ATL and what is happening with BH. I want to experience their lives and have some drama, hell even MAJOR drama here and there, but overall the franchise is getting too dark and toxic. This was a nice reprieve from that.

Considering how lackluster OC and ATL have been I think Bravo should've scooped this series up. It's very well produced, well cast and seems interesting enough to fit. Plus the money is there in spades it seems. If they're smart they need to get the US broadcast rights and treat it like their originals. The season preview (and premiere) set things up better than OC and it also looks better than New York this upcoming season.

Speaking of New York, I cannot wait for that show. I do think dumping Alex was a mistake. I think she would've mixed well with the new ladies. I could see her and Heather getting along and probably Aviva as well. The problem with the three they kept is that they're so different and so disconnected. I felt like LuAnn could easily be written out. Sonia and Ramona seem to be the ones mixing with the new wives, and even then they seem more like the supporting players. I hope Aviva just takes over this show like it seems.

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