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Search For Tomorrow Discussion Thread

Paul Raven

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Those 70's scenes are definitely a cut above the ATWT eps of that era.

Sets look classier and better lit.

Kim's apartment from that time on ATWT looks cheap and the lighting is stark. The women's makeup looks garish.

It looks like Love of Life also had better production values in the 70's.

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She did, and the producer before her...(he of the bad lighting, cheap sets and garish make up) was Fred Bartholemew...former child star, turned ad agency exec who was given ATWT and was pretty much a hack...I remember when Search was on before ATWT as a kid, even if I wasnt interested...it always looked better then ATWT did at that time.

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The clip of Jo's commercial for council is a nice tribute to Mary Stuart.

Nice that at that point the show was recognizing Jo/Mary and her legacy when later regimes seemed to sideline her.

Interesting that they ignored her longest running marriage to Arthur, instead talking about her being a young widow and then mentioning her marriage to Tony.

The Corringtons were doing a good job of integrating the old and the new, but then the show began dropping too many characters

Jo marrying Martin seemed, on paper a good way of integrating her into the new family on the show but did anyone like Jo and Martin?

In the scenes where she was showing off her wedding dress, Kathy and Ellie were talking about her new romance as like a fairy tale and Jo was agreeing but Mary played it like she thought the reality would be different(which it was)

It seemed doomed from the start, which was unfair to Jo. I think viewers would have been happy to see her in a satisfying marriage, not without it's challenges as she tried to be  a part of a new clan, but overall a good match.

Instead Jo became a nag and a drag.

Where and why did that all go wrong?


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Like with every long running soap with mediocre ratings, too many changes in writers and producers.  And the switch from CBS to NBC did SFT no favors.  Ironically, the show was at its best on NBC at the time of its cancellation in 1986.  SFT had one of the best final episodes of a soap. Did P&G and NBC really think in 1982 that the entire CBS audience would follow the show to NBC?  The average rating of the show on CBS during 1981-82 season was 6.8.  The average rating of the show on on NBC during the 1981-82 season was 3.4.  

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