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Cecile is my fave character of all-time. I hated her last stint on the show because it didn't seem right (trying to pass Maggie off as Cass's ) even  for her. Agreed that it was written very poorly.

I too think Cecile would've had to grow up substantially before marrying Cass at the end. How to redeem her? She could have returned to her "true love" Cass and announce to him that she had cancer. He could have stepped in to "protect" her and stay by her side as she battled it. Felicia, Rachel, Donna, etc could have suspected it was just, yet again, some kind of scam to get Cass back and not believe she was truly sick until it was too late and they see the physical signs. She could have shown vulnerability with Cass and her feisty side with her skeptics. With AW going off the air when it did, Cass could have married Cecile in that last episode in order to be by her side without the audience having to actually watch her death onscreen. 

(Of course, if AW hadn't ended, they could have gone either way. Have Cecile pass away from illness or have (temporary) remission.)

Edited by Melroser
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Why did it have to be Cecile that married Cass at the end.. why not have it be Kathleen?  Her cousin Jake was on the show.. and the years away could have also matured her and perhaps even have regained her former spirit/spunk the longer she had been out of the witness protection program.. and it would have been interesting to see her reaction to Carl being redeemed and married to Rachel.

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Was the character of Rachel rehabilitated and did the audience by into her living happily ever after with Mac?  Cass may have matured but marrying Lila who was a cheap imitation of Cecile- both spoiled and self-centered- was a quick way to wrap up the show.  At least having Cecile on the canvas from 96-99 would have made more sense to long term viewers.

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If I remember correctly, TPTB didn't get much notice before the last episode, so that scrambled to wrap things up quickly which is a shame.


I think Rachel's transformation lasted over years in the 70s and early 80s. So, it was gradual. She sort of transitioned to matriarch around late 80s when Amanda and Matthew were aged to adults.

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I like to think Cass and Lila would have transitioned into AW's tentpole couple if the series lasted into the 2Ks. Perhaps in any of the thousand other worlds it's Cass and Lila, or Cass and Frankie (who wasn't killed). Or Cass and Kathleen. Cass and Cecile. Cass and no-longer-crazy Nicole Love ...


ETA: Oh, hell, might as well go for it: Cass and Felicia.

Edited by Franko
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Or...Charlie could have fallen ill with some disease, and tests determine that Cecile would be the perfect donor match.  Cecile being Cecile, however, she'd balk at the thought of endangering her physical self -- or worse, she'd figure out how to work this situation to her advantage, so that she and Cass would be together -- until she spent some time with Charlie.  Somehow, Cass and Frankie's little girl would endear herself to selfish, conniving Cecile enough that she (Cecile) would go through with the transplant/transfusion/whatever -- not because she hopes to gain anything, but because she has genuinely fallen in love with the child.  Although Cass, Felicia, Rachel and everyone else would be grateful for Cecile's uncharacteristic, selfless act, they remain suspicious of her nonetheless.


In the meantime, Cass would have a new love interest -- not a character already on the canvas, but a new character created for this specific storyline -- as Cecile and Charlie continue bonding.  Cecile sees her relationship with Charlie as a chance to rectify all the mistakes she'd made with Maggie -- a fact which is not lost on Cecile's daughter, if she's still in town.  For once, though, Cecile isn't trying to interfere in Cass' love life -- for Charlie's sake, she hopes Cass' gf will be an excellent wife and stepmom someday -- even though Charlie would like to see her and Cass together.


Eventually, Cass and his new ladylove (perhaps, a fellow attorney?) announce their engagement; Charlie runs away, tries to return home, then ends up getting abducted; and everyone believes Cecile has participated in the whole thing.  When her pleas to the authorities fall on proverbial deaf ears, Cecile attempts to locate Charlie -- partly out of genuine concern for the child's welfare, and partly to clear her own name.  Cecile rescues Charlie; however, in doing so, she puts herself in jeopardy; and for the first time, Cass sees Cecile in a radically new light.  (After all, she did risk her life to save that of a little girl, which is a pretty un-Cecile-like thing to do).  That's enough for Cass to begin having second thoughts about marrying his gf -- which lasts right up to the day of the actual nuptials, when his fiancee helps him realize -- literally, at the altar, just as they're about to commence with their vows -- that he cannot go through with the wedding, because his heart now belongs to Cecile.  

Edited by Khan
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I just found this thread and wow it is amazing! I’m rewatching 1991 on YouTube, love and miss this show!


I think the first ep I watched back in the day was when Kathleen died? I have a memory if “Cass” with bandaged hands. Remember loving Sam and Amanda, and the whole Steven paternity mess, and eventually Ryan and vicky,


But it was The Who Shot Jake? Story that made me completely addicted, leading into jake and Paulina - still my favorite soap couple ever. As far as I’m concerned the show ended when Jake came back and he and paulina rode off into the sunset and joe - well I don’t care.


Oh and Ryan never died.


Also remember loving the D&M set mostly because there were so many interactions there. Matt, Lorna, Jenna, Dean, Jake, eventually Paulina and Sam and even Hannah.


right now I’m where Jake has proposed the blackmail marriage. I’m one who loves both Cali and Judi, so I’m enjoying it while also looking forward to Judi showing up in a few weeks!

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They needed to take a little of the over the top camp out of Cecile by the mid 90's.  They started there a bit with the scenes of her and Felicia and Cecile was living in her car.  They needed to get her back to the working girl she was in the late 70's and 80's.  Maybe end up working with Donna at KBAY.  But alas years as the Queen of Tanqueray (It's Tanquir mother as Victoria corrected Donna in my favorite scene...) made her too far removed to be that person again.

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I can't see Cass ending up with Cecile long after the fact, either. Whereas I definitely could have seen Kathleen with Cass. When they brought Kathleen back, I felt she was really 'good to go'.

Yes, she was and yes, they 'bought' into it.

For Nicole to be clear-headed and functioning would have been useful!




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It's interesting ... I was originally joking about Nicole Love being cured of her insanity, but now that I've looked up what appears to be the cause, I think it's heartbreaking and dramatically sound to keep her so damaged. Unless I misread the 1989 summaries, she killed Jason Frame because he killed Elizabeth Love. The character page for Reginald Love said he was responsible for the death. Either way, this is a woman who despite an ample amount of advantages, just cannot escape her misery.

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