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Let them troll. I started laughing when I started reading about Hillary for the umpteenth time. Because guess what they have - nothing else.  57 straight days of a front page story on the NY Times about the Clinton Foundation that amounted to - let's all say it "crickets" while not one dime of Trumps foundation went to anything charitable. THEY DON;T CARE about breaking the law unless it's Hillary Clinton. They don't even care that a foreign power - an enemy - has influence over us, that Mr. I am getting rid of ISIS in 30 days, has done nothing but a failed travel ban that isn't a travel ban except he just again said it in a tweet yesterday(the ACLU thanked him for admitting it in writing), that they actually brokered the sale) of the biggest arms deal to Saudi Arabia(where both ISIS and Al Qaeda both started) and are still screaming "evil muslims" while we arm ISIS's funders.(and no I do NOT agree with past administrations on SA either).


And this nonsense about executive privilege. Do these people watch anything other than Fox News or read Breitbart? Nixon tried that with the tapes and do any of these people remember what SCOTUS ruled on that? They are all such great historians they should know the answer. Oh and there is no privilege because the genius in the White House already - 1. blabbed on national TV with Lester Holt the contents of the part of his discussion with Comey(translation  - he blabbed to millions of people already, Comey didn't. That abolishes privilege), 2. he indicated he possibly taped the conversation(I'd love to thank him for that because that  abolishes privilege also), oh and 3. the letter which was made public (you know the one where he claimed Comey told him he was not being investigated 3 times) bam that also disallows EP. 


The idiot and apparently even his own lawyer don't know what that you can't share contents of a conversation and claim EP. I'm going to also enjoy Mueller possibly going to SCOTUS and asking for the tapes. I don't know what would be more humiliating for him the fact that they don't exist and he has to admit it or the fact that they do and he has to release them.

Edited by JaneAusten
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Trump's tweets are the gift that keeps on giving. His tweets are the reason he can't claim executive privilege with Comey's testimony. They are going to cost him his Muslim ban and eventually they will be the evidence of his mental unfitness. While that's happening Hillary troll will still be talking about private servers and Greg will just keep posting random racist garbage from Breitbart. So. Much. Winning.

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+ Preach @JaneAusten.!


Trump's lawyer, like everyone else TrumpCo. is connected to, is too busy trying to extricate himself from his own ties to Russia to know about how to apply the rule of law to his client.  These people are so sloppy.


Yeah, I mentioned it in a previous long post that I read that Trump's 'executive privilege' only goes as far as trying to prevent Congress from asking Comey certain questions. He can't prevent Comey from testifying. At. all.


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Did u notice also not one word about the White House under Bush ordering the purging and deletion of 22 million emails housed on a private server THEY USED during Bush's presidency but we are crying about the loss of a few devices?  It's interesting that they don't seem to give a crap about any of the contents in those 22 million emails from an administration that lied us into a war, faked intelligence and made Colin Powell the fool using it to testify in front of the UN(probably why he left the office after one term). It's interesting how they cry about the loss of 4 lives in Benghazi(tragic yes criminal - well only by congress who cut security funding for them) while not seeming to care about the 4,000 American Lives lost in Iraq, the 69 killed in Embassy attacks under Bush, the millions of innocents killed in the middle east as a result of the Iraq war which led to instability to this date in that entire region, has contributed to the refugee crisis that has caused many to flee those areas in fear for their lives and they are still hunted by westerners. Sounds a lot like the Jews in the 1930's to me. But they are PATRIOTS.


Extremism comes in all religions and with all people. None of the countries on the ban have contributed to one terrorist attack. Even iran who is alleged to be our mortal enemy.  80% of the terrorist attacks in the past 10 years have been committed by citizens/residents in all these countries. The FBI said a few years ago the biggest terrorist danger is the lone wolf. Hasn't that been proven? So why are we banning people and not doing something about the communities here. And that includes by the way white males, who have committed more violence have killed more people in the name of right and left wing extremism in this country than any muslim. And you never hear about them because they are white and the news media partially panders to them.




OOH and on another note


Just so we all know white male extremists exist even in Russia for those people who think Russia is paradise. Let's see how long it takes Trump to comment about his terrorist attack.


Drunk white man in Russia shoots 9 people "because he can".

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That ALONE would keep investigators busy for, oh, I would say, the next 30 years.

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IMO, Trump Nation cares about one thing, and that is eradicating the legacy of one Barack Hussein Obama.  That's why - again, IMO - they were and are willing to turn the metaphorical blind eye to everything else, INCLUDING the Russia stuff (which is quickly becoming the most Byzantine umbrella story I have ever witnessed) and even the high crimes and misdemeanors that Dubya's administration likely committed.  They wanted Hillary knocked down and knocked out, because they knew that an administration with her in charge would likely have meant a continuation of President P-Funk's legacy; and as marceline, Jane and others have said, that's really all they have to argue at this point.


You know, I believe we will survive this like we have survived all the other insane [!@#$%^&*] that has happened since America became America.  (IOW, no need to stock up the nuclear bomb shelters...yet.). But I ALSO believe that it will be up to our children and even our grandchildren to repair the damage that man has done to our standing with the rest of the world.  Until then, it'll be like what happens when the adults finally allow a child to sit at their table for Thanksgiving and then live to regret it.


The people of New York City, who had to live with Trump for decades before his big move to D.C., tried to warn the rest of us about the man; and as usual, the rest of us wouldn't listen.

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Right down the street from me.  Of course, he won't say shyt because it doesn't fit the Republican/NRA narrative.  Remember for YEARS they talked about how it was a mental health problem and the minute The Donald got into the WH, they dropped any restrictions based on it.  He won't say a damn thing.


I read somewhere that Melania is having an affair and really, who could blame her?  The thought of that thing on top of me...ugh.  


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If they do make a statement it will be a bunch of B.S. that - we just need more guns and less regulation.  If you just teach people to be responsible gun owners then everything will be fine.  We just need more guns and more education and training on how to use them. 


I've never ever understood this narrative.  The Sandy Hook Shooter knew how to use a gun. 

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They sleep in separate bedrooms from my understanding. she may be the reason why he doesn't see Baron. she hates his guts and hoped he would lose....now she's shackled to him until he either resigns, gets impeached or.....that other thing. where did you read about the affair?

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I won't lie -- for the right price, I WOULD sleep with a man like Donald Trump and/or have his baby.  I mean, if I just GOTTA let that orange bastard on top of me, I might as well get something out of the deal.



Welp.  All we can do now is...hope for the best?

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