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I, too, am backing Mike Bloomberg (again, for now).  Is he perfect?  Hell no, lol.  But, the Democrats' primary objective should be to defeat Donald Trump.  From where I stand, Bloomberg's the best guy to do just that.


Bernie Sanders might not be the most evil man ever to walk on the face of the earth.  However, the fact that he isn't doing a damn thing to stop his supporters from continuing with their malicious and offensive behavior speaks volumes.  (Same goes for Donald Trump.  I don't want him gone, because he's so divisive.  I want him gone, because he refuses to do anything to stop it.)


I've had time to think about this, and I've realized that, should Sanders win the nomination, I will either vote third party or (if allowed) write in another candidate.  Will I be throwing away my vote?  Perhaps.  But, I cannot, in good conscience, vote for that man.  I feel as if a Bernie Sanders presidency would prove to be just as destructive to the health of this country as Trump's presidency has been.

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What do you call us kinds of Democrats?  I feel exactly the same.  I feel like I'm on an Island.  And I don't feel guilty either.  I think that if Bloomberg goes Independent that's where I'll go and I know it's deadly for us as Democrats.  But the Sanders people didn't break for Hillary and I think he's an angry nasty man and will never beat Trump because he's too radical.  I honestly don't know what to do - and it won't matter because if he doesn't get the nomination his crazed supporters will be so bitter they won't for the nominee either - so I won't either for him.  I'm not voting for paying more taxes so that debts will be relieved - I paid for my college debts.  I knew what I was signing when I took on the debt.  I'm not bailing other people.  


I don't even know what kind of Democrat I am now other than that I'm gay and Liberal and for women's rights.  And want a balanced Supreme Court which is in danger now.  I'm like - how in the hell did I get here?  


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I think aligning herself so closely with Bernie hurt her, but you're right, she fell for every damn trap the GOP set for her. The second she did that DNA test I knew it was gonna be a nightmare. I will say, I'm glad she played her cards early. I still can't believe she fell into every trap and seemed so ill-prepared when she was asked something she wasn't expecting or wanting to talk about.

Edited by Chris B
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Those of you talking about not voting STOP IT. There are more races than just one. Same reason I had an issue with Kaepernick's so called moral stand when he acted like not voting for Hillary or Trump was some big stand. You all do realize there are other races on the ballot, races likely even more important., We have to keep the house and gain the senate. Don't vote for president fine but absolutely do not sit out. We have state legislative races to vote for also.

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We call you Democrats. 

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But your question about "what do you call us?" strikes a chord with me. I've always thought of myself as a liberal, not a progressive. Years ago when people would ask me what's the difference between a liberal and a progressive, I would say "Liberals show up to midterms." But now it's deeper than that.


Modern progressivism has been eaten alive economic populism. Instead of talking about civil rights and uplifting disenfranchised people, it's all about hating on billionaires and Wall Street. I'm reminded of something I heard in 2016. "I don't care about Wall Street when cops are killing kids on MY street."


I agree with you on student loans but for different reasons. Let's say we cancel student loan debt. What happens to the next round of students? Do they just take out the same debt and hope for the same? If so, where does that money come from since the previous generation doesn't have to pay it back? What about people who took out insane loans to attend an expensive school/program, and now have their degree and a lucrative salary? Should their debt be canceled?

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Instead of cancelling all or a portion of student loan debt, why not reduce or even eliminate the accrued interest and other fees that often send the debts into the financial stratosphere?


Same thing with healthcare: instead of figuring out how to pay for Medicare 4 All (Who Want It), why not take a closer look at the hospitals, the drug manufacturers and whoever else and figure out how to reduce the costs for these services (which might, in turn, reduce the costs of insurance premiums, thereby making health care more affordable to the working class)?



Agree.  Defeating Donald Trump means nothing if the GOP retains control of the Senate and/or regains control of the House.



IMO, one of the Democratic Party's biggest problems is that they're letting too many outside forces -- Trump, the GOP, Bernie Sanders and his followers, even the right-leaning media (both mainstream and fringe) -- dictate the narrative for them.  When Obama left the WH, they automatically shifted into some weird defeatist mode; and until they stop acting so damn gullible, they're gonna be exactly where they are now, which is nowhere.


More and more, I think it'll be the Democratic Party, and NOT the Republican Party, which will end up splitting into two separate parties: one, made up of far-left progressives; and the other, of centrists and moderates who still believe in good, old-fashioned compromise and consensus.

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Of course, I can't tell you NOT to vote.  As a citizen of this country, you have the right to vote or NOT vote as you see fit.  However, speaking as one who didn't vote four years ago and has felt nothing but guilt and shame since, I believe you, and I, and everyone else who lives here in these United States would be much better off if you did.


If you don't wish to vote for whoever the Democratic candidate turns out to be -- again, that's perfectly fine, and well within your rights.  You could vote for a third party candidate instead, or even write in another, outside candidate, if you're allowed to.


But, again, I URGE you to think twice before sitting out in November.  Again, take it from me.  I sat out; and maybe my one vote from Oklahoma wouldn't have made any difference in the long run.  Maybe we'd still be where we are now.  (Well, no "maybe" about it, the outcome would be the same).  But, at least I'd feel better at nights, knowing that my voice was heard nevertheless; and that I did MY part to keep alive what might be the very thing that prevents this republic of ours from disappearing altogether.


Just my own thoughts.  Take 'em for whatever you think they're worth, lol.

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I'll end up holding my nose and doing it only because of the Supreme Court.  God love Ruth but she should have retired when Obama was President.  Now we have a situation where a crazy man could have 3 Supreme Court justices - if something happens to her.  And don't even get me started on that since we did without one for almost a year because the Republicans railroaded saying Obama can't put forth a nominee because the election is in November.  If something happens to on of the SC justices, just watch the Republicans sing  a different canary song and demand that they should get another nominee "right now".  

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McConnell already said he would put one through this year, so you're right. 


RBG would have had to retire in 2014...I wish she had. I don't think she regrets her decision, but it's one that continues to hang over the Court, especially since, even if a Democrat wins the White House, the Senate is likely going to stay in GOP hands. They will not allow any pick by a Democrat to get on the bench, mark my words.

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