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Loving/The City Discussion Thread


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It's bittersweet watching the epilogue of the Loving Murders. And the wrap up of the series. The City had great aesthetics. But the stories were lackluster. Sydney Chase was an unlikable cold fish. Not the type of character to anchor the series. The City does improve towards the end. With the arrival of Queen bitch Tracy Q. 

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Edited by victoria foxton
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I wonder what would have happened if, instead of sending Jane Elliot over to TC, they had sent Susan Lucci?



At the very least, they could have sent them over to OLTL after TC had been cancelled.

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We wouldn't have gotten the baby stealing story (which was more suited to The City anyway, probably...), so that would have been something. That period feels like a lack of ideas on what to do with Erica. 



Debbi still wanted to play a character who was unsympathetic. I remember a letter in SPW taking her to task for wanting to play a bitch, and how that had already been done with Dominique on Dynasty, etc. but I can see why she tired of the heroine role. Of course Ellen was never that unsympathetic, so if those were plans they changed early on. 



Heinle was wonderful as Steffi, which is the only reason I had as much goodwill as I did for the rest of her lackluster soap career. I've heard people say she has finally improved as Victoria in recent years - I wouldn't know as I don't watch it. 

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Exactly.  Erica was in a bit of a rut by the time LOVING had morphed into THE CITY -- and I say that as someone who has worshipped at La Kane's stiletto-heeled feet his entire life.  Moving her from AMC's Pine Valley to TC's SoHo might have been just the thing, both for Erica, and for TC itself.  PLUS, I happen to think she and Buck would have been FIRE as a couple. 

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Sigh.  If only Agnes Nixon had thought of it, I'm sure Susan Lucci would have graciously agreed to join TC (while still making occasional appearances on AMC, of course) as a favor to her.

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No, it wouldn't have been.  But, this time around, they could have had Erica return to NYC in order to -- oh, I don't know -- assume the reins of a high-powered modeling agency, or something.  You know, just so it wouldn't feel like a rehash from her last residency in Manhattan.

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At the very least, I think bringing Susan/Erica over to TC, with her built-in, loyal audience, might have helped TC buy more time to establish itself as a viable show.  As it is, they tried to launch TC with Morgan Fairchild, who (no offense to Morgan or to anyone else) hasn't been relevant since the mid-'80's.



True.  Plus, by most accounts, Lucci is wonderful to work with.  Unless Sarah Michelle Gellar and Lee Godart had joined the cast, I think TC's cast would have had a much easier working relationship with her than they did with Morgan Fairchild (who I adore but, let's be honest, has never had a series or role that ran for very long).

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