Members Scotty Posted February 20, 2007 Members Share Posted February 20, 2007 Scooty? Well at least I know I'm not as crazy as I thought! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Danni Posted February 20, 2007 Members Share Posted February 20, 2007 No, I don't have a child, nor do I care to have one any time soon. I am fully aware that it develops. I question the level of development at the end of the first trimester because that's usually what pro-life rhetoric spews despite being notorious for fudging the facts to suit their own agenda. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Kylie Posted February 20, 2007 Members Share Posted February 20, 2007 Terry Shivao had a brain and a heartbeat..but she was far, far, far from alive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Bree Posted February 20, 2007 Members Share Posted February 20, 2007 The new Time magazine is out and their cover story is abortion and these clinics who are accused of pressuring women into keeping their babies and not educating them about adoption and the consequences of abortion. They also gave some statistics, one of them being abortion is at the lowest rate in America since Roe vs. Wade was put into law. So, if abortion is at an all-time low, it makes the extreme pro-lifers' rants and raves about abortion being a huge epidemic pretty much invalid. Remember, these are the same people that scream about abstinence-only education (IMO which is a huge joke). We need sex education and birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Time Magazine also polled women and guess what? The main reason for an abortion is NOT rape or incest, it's because they just don't want the baby. In other words, if they do get one, it's a method of birth control. So allowing exceptions for rape and incest only isn't going to really do anything. While I realize this poll does have a margin of error, this revelation makes it clear to me: Keep Roe vs. Wade and stop trying to get it overturned and/or make the procedure legal only in cases of rape and incest babies. While using abortion as birth control is not a good option at all, government and religious groups still do not have the right to tell women (as well as the men who fathered the babies) they don't even know they shouldn't have a choice because THEY think it's wrong. You do not make laws based on personal and religious beliefs. Not everyone in America shares the Christian/Catholic faith. The sooner Bush, his cronies, and these religious fanatics realize this, the better off everyone will be. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Shawn Posted February 20, 2007 Members Share Posted February 20, 2007 Ouch. That's all I can muster when thinking of that image. Actually it was called Junior I just think its hysterical that one can warp God's teachings to mirror whatever their own personal views are. To everyone pro life, have you been contacted by God personally? Did he tell you that abortion is wrong even though he "told" GW Bush that going into a country and killing your own soldiers was the right thing to do? Did he personally mandate you to the position of Roe V Wade negator? Guess what? HE DIDN'T. Your just twisting the words of the bible to create false evidence to support your position, like many have done before. At the end of the day, and the end of our lives, we each come to Judgement. Why don't you worry about your own lives and your own sins and let women live their own freakin' existences in peace? They are not affecting you in any way, except to anger you for doing something contrary to what you believe. But guess what? It happens every day. I personally don't understand why some people like to get peed on. BUT TO EACH HIS OWN. Let them be judged by the Big Guy and resolve that when their time comes. STOP claiming to know God's word. Until he comes to Earth and has a press conference, saying with his own two lips exactly what you are claiming, I will believe that he is a caring, understanding God. You have no idea what goes on inside the heads of pregnant women faced with this choice. And frankly, you have no right. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Pine Charles Posted February 20, 2007 Members Share Posted February 20, 2007 Yep, the movie everyone is thinking of is Junior. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Mason Posted February 20, 2007 Members Share Posted February 20, 2007 I've tried to stay out of this as much as possible but I just have to say something here. No one here who is pro-life has said anything about this having to do with religion, because that's not what it's about. It's about preserving life, and giving the unborn a chance, rather than wiping them out as if it were a mistake you're trying to erase. It shouldn't be that simple. As I said earlier, if you want to have sex, fine. But you should at least own up to the results if/when they come. Abortion is just irresponsible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Scotty Posted February 20, 2007 Members Share Posted February 20, 2007 That's was Junior. Thanks guys! Twins was about Arnold and Danny DeVito somehow being twins sepearated at birth I believe. And Mr. Mom was about Michael Keaton staying home to take care of the kids while his wife worked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Danni Posted February 20, 2007 Members Share Posted February 20, 2007 Which then begs the question: What should these pro-lifers do with these unwanted kids? Are they going to adopt them? Hell no. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Scotty Posted February 20, 2007 Members Share Posted February 20, 2007 Perhaps we should just solve this whole problem and castriate people who are deemed too immature to take care of children. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ms. Walsh Posted February 20, 2007 Members Share Posted February 20, 2007 PBS did a documentary a few years ago (2004-2005, I believe) called The Last Abortion Clinic which profiled the last abortion clinic left open in Mississippi. In lieu of abortion clinics, the state funds health clinics where the workers give pregnant women ultrasounds, free diapers, and pray with them...all of these measures are done just to persuade these women to keep their prengnacies, even though most of the women are in no shape to raise children (ie. they're unmarried, young, and/or poor). All of this is completely supported and funded by the state. Meanwhile, the state gov't refuses to give money to abortion clinics. (Thus, why all but 1 clinic have closed down.) Also, most women who have abortions do it as the last resort. Unfortunately, birth control is not 100% effective, and the sad fact is that a lot of people do not have access to it (whether financially or because of state regulations.) Of course, people could not have sex, but obviously that does not work. No matter how much the gov't pumps out the abstinence-only solution, people are still going to have sex. It is a normal human function. I'd love to leave religion out of the abortion debate. Unfortunately, however, politicians do not do that. Most of them refuse their individual beliefs from measures that will affect millions of people. Politicians are representatives of the people: their personal beliefs should have an insignificant influence on their political decisions. Individual beliefs do not represent the American people as a whole. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Greg Posted February 20, 2007 Members Share Posted February 20, 2007 Wow...When I 1st heard this on the news about John McCain the words "Go f uck yourself!" flew out of my mouth so fast! What is he thinking?? First off this will never pass. Never. Ever. He is living in fantasy land if he thinks women are just going to let Roe Vs. Wade change. "It's been 40 years girls...times up." It's so not going to happen. And rightfully so. Him and all the other assholes need to just shut the f uck up and stay out of people's private business. Stay out of their bedrooms and stay out their relationships and leave them alone! And 2nd of all...where in the hell did this come from? I must have missed the big out cry from the masses about all the abortions going on? Oh well, get over it! Boo Hoo...poor ole Johnny Boy...who's completely out of touch of what really matters to people in this country. Abortion is not even in the top 10 of things we need to deal with. I don't care about who is having kids and who is not. It doesn't matter to me. Have that abortion if you want girl...hell, have 5 if ya want....cause it's none of my business. I just had a son 7 months ago...well, I helped. (Side note...God bless women and their bodies...there is NO WAY I could go through the pain in passing a baby through some hole in my body...Just thinking about it makes my penis hurt!) There is no way in hell I'm going to let my child grow up with -The Man- all up in his business. If you don't have a vagina or if you don't even have any kids please for the love of God...just shut up and go suck a bag of dicks! It does not concern you. Hell, this world would be alot better if some people would have had an abortion... Go visit Rainbow Babies...take a peek at that premature baby with a crack addiction. The baby that has brain damage from all the beatings the mother got from her abusive BF when she was pregnant... There is many reasons why one would choose abortion...My Aunt had to have one because if she would have carried her baby to term odds were very high that she would have died giving birth. What about the girl that gets raped by her daddy and ends up with a baby? There are reasons that the abortion law needs to be left alone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R!ck Posted February 21, 2007 Members Share Posted February 21, 2007 Just chiming in here to remind everyone that we all have opinions, and we need to respect one another. No personal attacks, and no telling someone to go "suck a bag of #$%^&" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DruRocks Posted February 21, 2007 Members Share Posted February 21, 2007 Sorry but that was pretty funny. AND very childish Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted February 21, 2007 Members Share Posted February 21, 2007 abortion not only should stay legal, it NEEDS to stay legal. because we all know that if it isnt girls and women (because belive it or not, not everyone who gets a an abortion is some crackwhore slut who dont know who her baby daddy is... women who are in there 30's, with a good job, and a nice life also get them, as do all kinda of women from diff backgrounds, races, and wealth) will go to mexico and get it done where it could be unsafe and dangerous and they could get all kinda of things from that and possably die from an infection. what babout the girls who get a lil tipsy one night and hookup. they were not raped, but now they are prego and not ready and/or dont want a baby. and if its made only legal to get one if you were raped how do you go about that? do you ahve to call the police and report a rape to get an abortion? if so than any girl who doesnt want a baby and is preg can say "i was raped!" when she wasnt, and then what about the poor guy? and what if they have to prove they were raped, how does that work? who gets to decide who does and doesnt get to have one? now this isnt a religous thing, and it shouldnt be about the bible or god or even poitics. this is about humans, and rights. now i see it from both sides, because i did get a girl pregnet and we did debate on what to do. this is AMERICA, where ur suposed to be able to make your own decions and choices. hopefully one day we can start living like that. and one more thing, as for the whole adoption thing... a lot of girls dont think they can carry it to term, delive, then give it away. is it weak? yes. but its a fact. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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