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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. On 12/24/2023 at 8:18 PM, soapfan770 said:

    Back at you!

    On 12/26/2023 at 11:50 AM, Soapsuds said:





  2. 10 minutes ago, I Am A Swede said:

    Thank you!

    I find it interesting how Brooke is so reviled while other characters, who have done far worse than she has, receive nowhere near the same level of criticism. What does that say about people's views on sexuality vs violence for instance? Stephanie used to bully, beat and belittle anyone who dared to oppose her, and she put her whole family through agony when she went as far as faking a heart-attack just to get her own way. And Taylor shot an unarmed man from behind in cold blood. That is way worse than anything Brooke has ever done.

    Because Stephanie wasn't a hypocrite.


    Stephanie wouldn't have pulled out a Bible and started pretending that she was Shirley Temple. I mean, I love me some KKL, but Brooke is a SMH-piece-of-work WITHOUT a Bible. With a Bible, she's just another hilarious joke!

    I hope to God the show was in on the joke, but I don't know that they were.

  3. 53 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    They are cute and perfectly nice, but I don't find them exciting at all.  Wendy has lost all her spunk.  Tripp needs a sassier girl to balance him out.  They definitely need some conflict or adventure.

    Wendy & Tripp are perfect for leaving the room to get a snack. I mean, there's nothing there. There's nothing that goes on between them, and Wendy getting calls from home doesn't cut it.

    Chemistry? I don't see it.

  4. 2 hours ago, Vee said:

    For many kids it isn't, but for many it is or can be. This isn't the 80s or the 90s. It's not some fantasy and all, it's the kind of behavior many accepting parents now try to model for kids like that. Which is why it was so important and touching to see GH model it for its audience,  the same way it taught them about AIDS, etc.

    I understand that coming out is easier than it was 30 and 40 years ago, but it's also true that it isn't that easy for every gay kid. Not everyone has a parent as loving and as easy as Liz -- that's all I was saying.

    There's still a world out there where it isn't this easy, or easy at all.


  5. 3 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    Brooke HOgan holding a Bible, how did it not burst into flames? LMAO


    This is the funniest sh*t Iv'e read today LMAO


    They HAVE to be punking us with Brooke and that Bible, right? That's high-level camp right there.

    Of course, there's also the fact that Eric's only doctors are family members who stand by his bed all day with nary a nurse in sight. I guess they're changing Eric's diaper, too.

  6. 44 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Aiden coming out to his mom was sweet.

    Is it that easy nowadays to come out?

    I felt as nice as the scenes were they weren't realistic.


    That's why the Aiden scenes were so sweet -- because it isn't that easy nowadays. However, it's not surprising at all that Liz made it easy for her son. That's who she is; that's who she's always been.

  7. 40 minutes ago, Aragorn said:

    I loved this episode! 

    All four Davis girls in a room together.

    Sasha and Cody together.

    BLQ, Lois, and Tracy in a room together.

    Spinelli alone makes an episode worth watching. A Maxie-Spinelli revival is the only thing that would make Maxie interesting to me.

    I'll sign on to most of this, but I just can't with Spinelli. I think he outlived his stay years ago, and I don't think he and Maxie have anything left.



  8. On 12/16/2023 at 12:38 AM, Beachstorm said:

    Omg, Summer and Chance are the next big thing! They are adorable when they interact. Chance was totally flirting with her and then asked her to fill in at a concert of an artist they both love. Soapy goodness coming up!

    I don't think Sharon and Chance work, but I'm not a fan of Summer and Chance, either. I think she's much too immature for him, and I don't see the chemistry.

  9. On 12/16/2023 at 12:31 AM, Beachstorm said:

    I'm still a day behind. Seeing LC/Monica was very great indeed, but the woman looks very frail. She appeared to be propped up in her chair and did not move at all. She had difficulty delivering her lines enough to be clearly audible. I do not want to see her this way. I honestly hope that this is her final series of visits on the show and she can go and retire peacefully.

    I thought LC sounded fine, but I think The show could have done a much better job in staging her.

    They put her in a high-backed chair, making her look smaller and more frail than she needed to appear. A simple change like a lower-backed chair would have made so much difference.


  10. 22 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    Years ago someone here posted the papers from Ronn Moss and Shari Shattuck's divorce. There was a massive cut in the guarantee rate offered. That's why Moss and Flannery left. I assume the other stars took the cut.

    That's mY problem with the video of Ronn Moss's rant. If you're going to vent about why you left the show, don'T be so opaque and mention "the politics of the show" and "the decoration (HUH???) of the show." If it's salary, say "salary."

  11. So just 6 more months of the crap we're getting now???



    In other news, that Sloan threat to Nicole at the end of today's show was so poorly delivered. Too fast, too lacking in emotional power and impact. Rushing out of the room was a bad choice, and it would have been better for Sloan to warn and threaten Nicole and just stand there staring at her.

    Jessica Serfaty just has to do better.

  12. Sorry if I'm offending anyone with my opinions. But they're just that -- opinions.

    Asking Errol to "take out the trash" because I disagree with others is just ridiculous. IRONY IS DEAD.

    Please note that while I criticized the show and Emmy wins and winners, posters here have criticized ME. Look, I can take it and I don't really care, but acting as if I'm some devil and they're applying for sainthood is kind of hysterical.


  13. Other Emmy thoughts:

    --ANOTHER disappointing Daytime Emmys ceremony. The stars were dressed to the nines and there to shine, but given very little in return.

    -- Get real fans back into the room. They'll show more excitement when they hear from the people who love them.

    -- The hosts were fine but not needed. Soap viewers want to see SOAP stars, not ET anchors. That skit in the open was dumb. It made no sense and took up valuable time.

    -- The banter written for soap stars giving awards was CRINGE and took too long. Dump it. Get more soap stars on that stage.

    -- Doing an In Memoriam with a song that's not well-known is just stupid, as is labeling the deceased with egregiously incomplete information.

    -- Clips. Actor reels. That's all we ask for -- EVERY YEAR -- and yet no one listens to us. "They" all think they know better, and they don't. This isn't difficult. Just talk to real soap fans and ask what we want, then give it to us. I never get the sense that anyone in production is in love with the soaps.


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