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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 19 hours ago, OpportunisticSlut said:

    RJ is his mother's son. Sex is in the genes. Slut from the valley 3rd generation. Now we need a big reveal that he is gay, and the show could perk up these ratings a bit. Bradley can risk it now that we are in living in 2024. And let us be honest, half of the viewers of these shows are gay men. Myself included. AND these are fashion designers living in LA. How homophobic to not have one gay designer for nearly 40 years in the show.



    Yep, just beyond ridiculous that the fashion industry has ZERO gay people. All we ever get is some flaming wedding or party planner used for laughs.

    A gay RJ would be amazing.


  2. 13 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Leo just needs to go away and never come back.

    And surprisingly, I thought RSW did better than he usually does today. He still needs work though. Alex actually seemed sincere today in trying to get Theresa to stay in town. Usually, in scenes like this he comes off as sneaky and manipulative but he didn’t today. 

    You're exactly right about Leo -- he needs to be dumped, period.

    RSW was better in those scenes, but I think Alex actually OVER-apologized to Theresa for reacting when he caught her kissing Brady. I mean, what??? She was kissing another guy.


  3. 55 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Catching up and I'm surprised that @ranger1rg didn't mention how delicious RJ looked in Thursday's episode.

    LOL I wanted to -- I really did -- but I thought I'd get eye-rolling and "There he goes again."

    But yeah, RJ did look incredible, and someone in production clearly knows it, starting that scene with his shirt off as he was closest to the camera. Wardrobe makes sure his jersey-type shirts hug every muscle and the sleeves are beyond tight around his biceps.

    So yeah, delicious.


  4. On 1/21/2024 at 3:22 PM, TEdgeofNight said:

    It’ll come out in time. It’s not my place to say at this point. In due time. But notice the silence from those who ‘thought’ they were her friends. 2 sides to this story. 

    Huh? Not your place to say? LOL What a ridiculous statement -- when you're the one who intimated that Krista was a problem. Silence? We all know that almost no soap actors put their own jobs in peril by questioning the firing of another actor.


    On 1/21/2024 at 3:33 PM, OpportunisticSlut said:

    I am sorry, but this is way too vague and seems like you are only speculating, while wanting to seem like you know something, when you don't know anything. If you know, say it. Otherwise this is just a baseless speculation. Krista Allen has done nothing to deserve this.

    Have to agree with you -- it's speculation based on nothing.


    10 hours ago, TEdgeofNight said:

    I stand completely by my statement. Dear Vee, bless his heart, is always ready to troll people he’s “blocked”. lol It will all come out in time. Patience my dears. Patience. 

    Vee and I have been at odds before, but I agree with him on this.

    You stand completely by your statement? You mean the one that offers nothing? Offers no specifics, no proof? And now all will come out in time? LOL You know nothing.


  5. 11 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    And yeah, Clyde just needs to die. So tired of him. It kinda sucks that the two main villains on the show right now are just annoying pains in the ass. 

    I cannot stand seeing Clyde on my screen. Keeping him around is insane. DAYS can't write another villain???


    2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I think EOB is slowly finding her groove as Theresa.  It's not the same as JL, but I think she's doing better.  I just hope part of her new sobriety journey is to get a new look and darken her.  I still find the wig so distracting lol.

    That's just not enough for me. Yes, EOB is "improving" as Theresa, but I just don't think she works as the character. The wig is awful, and I feel like I'm watching Gwen play a woman with an American accent.


  6. 10 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I wonder if it's more of a space and time issue than a money one.  Because you can find a nice antique table at Goodwill for cheap and it would probably look good on camera.

    I think it's a combination of budget and those in charge not caring enough. There's absolutely no reason for DAYS to look as bad as it does.

  7. 2 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Kayla and Marlena are both Drs and can afford a kitchen table that's not from Target.   I am pretty sure John is still a millionaire.  I don't have high hopes for the income Black Patch brings in, but all these people are established to be successful.   I can understand a single person not prioritizing a table, but both these couples have their grown ass children living with them too😂


    I guess when you rent a crappy apartment, there's no sense furnishing it with expensive stuff.

  8. 7 minutes ago, I Am A Swede said:

    I agree that it feels like there's more to this story than we know. I know that Brad Bell has a history of dropping stories and characters seemingly on a whim, but Taylor is not just any character. She's been a major part of the show for a majority of its existence, and a very popular one at that, with both actresses. So it seems odd, even for someone like Brad to just drop her like this out of the blue.

    Or maybe I'm giving Brad Bell too much credit.... Maybe he really is that stupid.  🤔

    You just said it -- that Brad Bell has a history of dropping stories and characters on a whim. That's why I don'T understand why you  think it's odd that Bell dropped her.

    I personally don't think there's more to the story than Brad Bell making terrible decisions.

  9. 22 hours ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    I'm afraid you've had limited experience! Lots of people entertain under challenging domestic situations! 

    Donna, I really can't tell if you're serious or just being facetious LOL  I understand "challenging domestic situations," but I wouldn't expect the entire town of Salem to live under those.

    Don't any of these people make a decent salary?


    6 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Johnny half naked with a tie and a red rose in yesterday's episode.😍

    Carson Boatman's wife is so lucky.


  10. 9 hours ago, 1974mdp said:

    How many times has someone told Carter that he's "family" at this point? And, then everyone not acknowledging the whole Quinn affair. "I know I used to get it on to your ex-wife while you were married to her, and you used me to be her personal stud...but you've been like a father to me. " If Eric's been like a father to Cater, that's one sick father/son dynamic. So crazy!

    People have almost told Carter he's family as many times as Steffy and Finn have told each other they're amazing or Thomas telling people he's a changed man. I want to buy the writers a thesaurus.

    I just find the whole thing so patronizing. It makes me cringe to hear Carter say "I feel like family" or for someone to say it to him. It all comes off like groveling for acceptance to me. It's the writers saying "Look at how we treat Black characters! Like family!"

    It makes me sick.


    1 hour ago, TEdgeofNight said:

    There’s obviously more to the Krista story. She’s no angel and knows how to do PR and make herself be the victim. 2 sides to every story. #TeamBrad when it comes to Krista. 

    "Obviously more"? Really?

    -- How is Krista Allen "no angel"?

    -- How does Krista "know how to do PR and make herself the victim"?

    -- What are the "2 sides to every story"?

    -- Why -- exactly -- are you "#TeamBrad"?

    Please fill us in when you get a chance.


  11. 7 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    So they brought back Wyatt for one episode just to say he was leaving town?😂

    Yes, Bradley Bell has no stories to tell. He has run of ideas.

    I can't believe Darin Brooks agreed to that appearance. He's probably thinking they'll bring him back at some point since that's what awful Bradley does.

    Not addressing Taylor? Just more proof this show doesn't give a damn about its viewers. Bell KNOWS how much we enjoyed KA for a year. He doesn't care.

    Instead we get a storyline about Eric dying from a disease that was never named and getting a transplant for whatever. And today? Carter tells Eric he's been like a father to him.

    I just can't.

  12. 12 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Perhaps we can pause to consider the irony of preaching independent thinking when for years some folks have turned up mostly to rail against anyone not enjoying these shows and suggesting anyone "too critical" leave the thread.

    Also, it was a two day memorial, not four.

    Some people just wait to jump on my posts. LMAO. Good to know I can always count on being "corrected."

  13. On 1/13/2024 at 7:22 PM, Darn said:

    And I appreciate that you and @ranger1rg recognized yourselves in my "wah wah flashbacks" comment. I didn't even need to tag you!

    LOL Your posts never entered my mind, so you might want to pull back on the self-flattery. I fully explained my feelings about the first 3 days of the memorial and why the 4th and final day was so special. Nothing you said had anything to do with my comments.


  14. 20 hours ago, AMCHistory said:

    Ryan Carnes knocked this out of the park. All the dramatic close-ups were on him. Even with few lines, his brooding and sadness, was so complex, was such a feeling. He out acted many of the vets. Gosh, I wish they could entice him to come back. I understand that in every other run he was a b-player in storylines. He can really shine.

    Cannot tell you how much I agree with you about Ryan Carnes. It's a shame that the Emmys never reward performances like his, instead choosing actors who (over)emote. Carnes' realness brought me to tears.


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