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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 1 hour ago, AMCOLTLLover said:

    Nah it’s just that her character has run its course.

    I‘m a die hard fan of longevity in soaps and love Maura. But her character has caused so many havoc and is now told. What else can they do now? She kinda looks pathetic.

    The same can be said for ANY character on the show -- that it's run Its course.

    Can the writing for Ava be better? Absolutely, but the same can be said for Carly, for Nina, for Sonny, for Liz, for Laura, for....

    You just don't drop a talent like Maura West. This is nuts.


  2. 1 hour ago, Soapsuds said:

    Can this soap be any more repetitive and dull?

    Does anyone care who is newbie Luna's dad?  She hasn't been on that long for me to care. Like we don't know who the dad is.

    Thomas/Hope repeat episode 1 million.....zzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Don't care!

    I should've avoided today's episode.

    It really feels like the writers just don't give a sh_it -- as if they write a script just to get it over with, and repetition makes that easier. It's hard to feel like anyone cares.


  3. 4 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    Jack/Victor crossing paths at Society. I'm sorry but I can't buy these two as frenemies, after all Victor has done. It seemed like Eric was reading his lines off the counter. Maybe not, but his halting delivery makes it appear so.

    There's no doubt in my mind -- Eric Braeden is definitely reading his lines off the counter, off the desk, off of the chess board, off of whatever.


    6 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    Chance/Summer look good together.

    They do look good together. However, Summer still reads as young/immature for Chance.

    Of course, I'm saying that while also acknowledging that Chance is kind of a himbo who doesn't have many deep thoughts rattling around in his head.


    9 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    I focus a lot on the visuals because the stories are not interesting.

    One thing I applauded from vet director Sally MacDonald was the Society and GCAC scenes utilized tight shots so the lack of other customers was not noticeable. Quite effective.

    However when Esther was serving Nikki and Diane at CL there was one extra who was not really in camera and the rest of the place was empty. Looks crap.

    I do the same, Paul --  on Y&R more than on the other soaps.


  4. 21 hours ago, Beachstorm said:

    Right. The ADA does not preclude someone for not getting their contract renewed due to other reasons. That's preposterous to think they could NEVER terminate KS or anyone for that matter, for some other just cause or purely for other perfectly legal reasons. She would not win a lawsuit for those reasons.

    However, I could see her psyche being bent for not getting renewed and I wouldn't want that for her.

    Have to agree. I just don'T understand the idea that someone with a disability can NEVER be let go.

  5. 2 hours ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    And, I have spoken about KS & wardrobe. The thing I can tell you is a kind of rule of thumb. If 99% of a show are coiffed & dressed well & one person is not, guess what, it is something with that person & not with the support teams. In the case of KS, this rule of thumb does pertain. Apparently some of the stuff we see her in so much is her own personal clothes, comforting to her, when she is essentially refusing to wear the stylish clothes they have for her. One day, one single solitary day they got her out of the granny sweater & into a nice blazer & some stylish slacks & she looked fabulous! Unfortunately they cannot make this happen with any consistency. 

    Add me to the list of people who don't care about KS's weight, but about her wardrobe and styling. It's insane that she has control over these things.

    The fact that she's so tortured about her clothes and look but STILL wants to be on national television is worthy itself of multiple therapy sessions. Instead, she gets to hold the show hostage -- another thing I will never understand.

    GH would lose nothing by cutting the Maxie character. Storms' portrayal doesn't even make sense. She's not believable -- at all -- as a fashionista. She exudes nothing that says she'd be a romantic catch. As a mother, she doesn't bring any warmth or feeling to that role.

    On top of that, GH has now given her an "I'm in financial crisis!" storyline that makes NO sense considering that she has a job and money coming in from Nathan's pension and elsewhere -- and that we've never seen her spending wildly on anything.

  6. 18 hours ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    I see people say this & I think that the point is being missed. It is entirely irrelevant that there is some theoretical someone who could steer this ship. Is there someone in the known pool of talent who could do it better than Frank? And with only 4 soaps the number of jobs is shrunk & correspondingly the pool of known available talent is also shrunk. But I don't think people get Frank's pedigree & rep as a rainmaker.

    I respect your opinion on this and all things soap, but I just don't agree. Everyone can be replaced.... Everyone. If something happens to Frank tomorrow, another person will be in there to do that job, and it just doesn't make sense that there's no one who can do it as well.

    Regardless, I'm not asking that Frank be replaced. I just question this whole "He's a miracle worker with a budget" mantra that we hear constantly.


  7. 15 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    Budget is part of profitability, so I think that does play a part. And these changes we have been seeing since Howarth was let go signify to me that the ratings decline has finally gotten ABC’s attention over Frank producing the show well and under budget.

    I think a huge part of why he remains is his consistency, coupled with they don’t have anyone ready to take over. He is also the last home grown executive talent for these shows at ABC. I imagine he has relationships above him that are good.

    Who would they install that could run the show well right now? Tomlin is no spring chicken, and his tenure at DAYS looked cheap as hell. JFP is retired, and I doubt ABC would go there. Lisa De Cozette passed away. Shelley Curtis would be interesting but I doubt she wants the headaches. Riche could come back but does she want to?

    I just do not believe there's no one else who could run GH. I'm guessing there are MANY people who would take that job and do it well. The problem is that GH -- and every soap -- lives in this world where they look for replacements only in the soap world.  Who gets notice? People fired from other soaps. People who have been around for decades.

    Regarding the budget, I will agree that Frank produces the show well. Under budget? We don't know what that means, because we don't know the budget he's been given.

  8. 4 minutes ago, John said:

    If GH were not on or under budget I think he would have been replaced

    That's not my point, though.  EPs are fired when ratings drop. I don't believe any network watches a budget get out of control for months and then says "You know what? This guy can't watch money."

    And sets? That hotel room in Paris for Sprina looked nothing like Paris. It wasn't remotely French or European. I guess we're lucky they piped in the cheesy French music.


  9. 18 minutes ago, John said:

    However now a days its all about who saves the Networks the most $$$$$

    We're all told ALL THE TIME that Frank Valentini is a miracle worker when it comes to budgets. Is this true, or is iT just that people keep repeating it and now everyone says it and repeats it and believes it?

    Yes, GH has a bigger (more bloated) cast than the other soaps and yes, we see more sets. How does that translate into "Frank is a genius with the budget!" when we have no idea what his budget is compared to the budget on the other soaps?


  10. 16 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Alright then JY again? CM as Lucky?😊 

    Seriously there was nothing special about JJ last return. 

    Knowing Valentini he will hire a model big pecs guy😂

    Knowing Valentini, he'll kill off Cyrus and bring back Jeff Korber as Lucky.

    I know Jacob Young was criticized as Lucky, but I really didn't mind him.


  11. 15 minutes ago, AMCOLTLLover said:

    Darin as Lucky? Interesting. Can’t be worse than Greg‘s lucky or JJ‘s last run as Lucky tbh. Just bring back Lulu and Lucky. Don’t care who plays them just bring them back 

    Are you seriously saying that it doesn't matter who plays characters???

    And yeah, Brooks would be 100x worse as Lucky than Greg V (who I thought was good in the role).

  12. 3 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    He has the Lucky vibe. So who knows.😂 He does seem like a nice guy. His interview with Michael was boring as hell. I could only muster watching half of the interview and shut it off.

    We agree on Brooks except that I'm not seeing the Lucky vibe at all.

    On BOLD, DB always seemed just a moment away from grinning or outright laughing, as if none of the material made sense. His "bro scenes" with Scott Clifton were painful.i

    And although I know Darin Brooks is straight, I think He could have played gay VERY easily. I'm not one of those gay guys who thinks every male is gay, but I think Brooks pings. And yes, I know he's married with a family.


  13. 18 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    ... Darin Brooks just mentioned there's been online talk of him taking over the role of Lucky.... hmmmmm.... don't know if I buy it.

    I'm sorry, Darin Brooks as Lucky is LAUGHABLE. He seems like a nice guy, but I don't think much of him as an actor. Playing Lucky would be a disaster.

  14. 19 hours ago, OpportunisticSlut said:

    RJ is his mother's son. Sex is in the genes. Slut from the valley 3rd generation. Now we need a big reveal that he is gay, and the show could perk up these ratings a bit. Bradley can risk it now that we are in living in 2024. And let us be honest, half of the viewers of these shows are gay men. Myself included. AND these are fashion designers living in LA. How homophobic to not have one gay designer for nearly 40 years in the show.



    Yep, just beyond ridiculous that the fashion industry has ZERO gay people. All we ever get is some flaming wedding or party planner used for laughs.

    A gay RJ would be amazing.


  15. 13 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Leo just needs to go away and never come back.

    And surprisingly, I thought RSW did better than he usually does today. He still needs work though. Alex actually seemed sincere today in trying to get Theresa to stay in town. Usually, in scenes like this he comes off as sneaky and manipulative but he didn’t today. 

    You're exactly right about Leo -- he needs to be dumped, period.

    RSW was better in those scenes, but I think Alex actually OVER-apologized to Theresa for reacting when he caught her kissing Brady. I mean, what??? She was kissing another guy.


  16. 55 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Catching up and I'm surprised that @ranger1rg didn't mention how delicious RJ looked in Thursday's episode.

    LOL I wanted to -- I really did -- but I thought I'd get eye-rolling and "There he goes again."

    But yeah, RJ did look incredible, and someone in production clearly knows it, starting that scene with his shirt off as he was closest to the camera. Wardrobe makes sure his jersey-type shirts hug every muscle and the sleeves are beyond tight around his biceps.

    So yeah, delicious.


  17. On 1/21/2024 at 3:22 PM, TEdgeofNight said:

    It’ll come out in time. It’s not my place to say at this point. In due time. But notice the silence from those who ‘thought’ they were her friends. 2 sides to this story. 

    Huh? Not your place to say? LOL What a ridiculous statement -- when you're the one who intimated that Krista was a problem. Silence? We all know that almost no soap actors put their own jobs in peril by questioning the firing of another actor.


    On 1/21/2024 at 3:33 PM, OpportunisticSlut said:

    I am sorry, but this is way too vague and seems like you are only speculating, while wanting to seem like you know something, when you don't know anything. If you know, say it. Otherwise this is just a baseless speculation. Krista Allen has done nothing to deserve this.

    Have to agree with you -- it's speculation based on nothing.


    10 hours ago, TEdgeofNight said:

    I stand completely by my statement. Dear Vee, bless his heart, is always ready to troll people he’s “blocked”. lol It will all come out in time. Patience my dears. Patience. 

    Vee and I have been at odds before, but I agree with him on this.

    You stand completely by your statement? You mean the one that offers nothing? Offers no specifics, no proof? And now all will come out in time? LOL You know nothing.


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