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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 6 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Why isn't it deserved? and how is JMW a "right wing MAGA"? MCE was pure emmy bait GMAFB

    I'm sorry but this is beyond idiotic. Go cry somewhere else. 

    I'm crying HERE -- the same as you.

    Regardless, IN MY OPINION, 3 Lead Actress Emmys for a 36-year old is ridiculous. And if you're calling MCE "pure Emmy bait," then what the hell was JMW's 2-day addiction problem where she wailed at the camera?

    JMW got called out years ago for her right wing LIKES on social media. I guess she' learned her lesson, because she doesn't do it any more. Now it's more subtle, as in "Shout out to Kimberlin Brown!"


  2. 15 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    Outstanding Lead Actress: Jacqueline MacInnes Wood

    THREE Lead Actress awards for JMW already? I'm sorry, but that is overload, and not deserved. Even though the Chelsea character is worthless 98% of the time, MCE was superb in that "I want to die" storyline. She deserved that Emmy.

    And I GAGGED when JMW thanked Kimberlin Brown. OF COURSE the right wing MAGA woman would thank the other most MAGA person in the cast.


    15 hours ago, BoldRestless said:

    Lol no best show emmy for the Chelsea stunt.

    So the Chelsea story was a stunt but lighting Holly on fire wasn't?  LOL


  3. 16 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    They should have at least gotten a fair chance to win. And two kids going up against an adult, who propped as lead is not fair at all.

    But that's the way the Younger Performer category was set up, so it IS fair.

    If one of the "kids" won, the other "kid" would cry. You can't give awards away with the idea that "you can't hurt little kids."


    15 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    I wish Kelly Clarkson had been there to perform the "In Memoriam" tribute.

    The song used for the In Memoriam was completely underwhelming. No emotional impact at all.


    15 hours ago, teplin said:

    Man, we lost a lot of great people this year.

    We really did. And while I appreciated the Tyler Christopher tribute and the multiple references to Sonya Eddy, I wanted others -- like Billy Miller and Jaclyn Zeman -- to be given the same respect. That didn't happen.


    15 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Billy Flynn was robbed

    Agree. Another ridiculous award (after giving Hat Daddy the Supporting Actor Emmy).

    Thorsten Kaye??? Really??? This is his 3rd nomination for Lead Actor since 2020. WTF.


  4. 20 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Everything else is silly especially Violet because it seemed like GH was just trying to get an episode to an appropriate length by inserting a cute little girl singing.  Her OWN SONG she wrote.  At least give her a well known Christmas Carol or something.  Violet must be some sort of savant or genius.  She writes songs, rehearses said songs with her uncle to put on performances, plans dates, makes necklaces, butts into adults personal lives, and probably rescues abandoned kittens and puppies in her spare time lol.  No 8? year old does this.

    ***everything Hat Daddy is unnecessary so I completely ignore his scenes entirely.


  5. 1 hour ago, carolineg said:

    And from spoilers 

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    Harris gets thrown into the mix when Stephanie wakes up in his bed.

    This girl must have something I am not seeing.  I didn't think Abigail was all that special either so I might just have poor taste lol.

    Your taste levels are just fine. This is beyond ridiculous, and I hope to God the actress is embarrassed with this writing.

  6. On 12/12/2023 at 11:29 AM, carolineg said:

    I don't dislike Stephanie or anything, but I just don't find her compelling enough to have three men chasing her.  She's nice and pretty, but I don't find her to have any distinct personality traits.  Someone like Jada is much more interesting and gets half the screen time.

    Complete eyeroller that Stephanie would have all these guys chasing her. Even better is that none of the three is really what so-in-demand Steph wants.


  7. 11 hours ago, Fevuh said:


    And no - for some reason some people do not see the awful squinting and reverting to the exact same dialogue that has been said for decades.  Kimberlin has shown her ability - wonderful.  NO CHARACTER is worth the stupidity. 

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks Kimberlin Brown's acting is overrated like crazy. That squinting to show emotion drives me crazy. And don't even mention tears. She can't bring them up.


    10 hours ago, OpportunisticSlut said:

    It is clear to me that Sheila is not going to be interesting to people that are watching for shirtless men and fangirling.

    Watch Sheila 1991-1993 and tell me Kimberlin is bad. Tell me.

    I am getting tired of people bashing actors here. I think some of you need to just find a decent porno film to watch. Bold is not it. It is not a show for abs and sexy shirtless guys only.

    Your post is really special. For someone who calls him/herself "OpportunisticSlut" you sure are judgmental about someone enjoying shirtless men on the show. Your "find a decent porno film to watch" is just ridiculous.

    The FACT is that people can enjoy seeing beautiful men and beautiful women on the show AND comment about lousy acting and stories.

    And honey, if you have to go back 30 years-- THIRTY -- to tell me how good Kimberlin Brown is....well, you've done a good job on your own of explaining the problem.

  8. 9 hours ago, Fevuh said:

    The problem with Sheila is that too much attention has been given to her and two shows have allowed themselves to be eaten by the character with no explanation and frankly - I no longer care about what Sheila did to anyone and I don’t care because all of the characters were written to be stupid. And I don’t know how we got to a place that people would think Kimberlin Brown was worth all of this.  

    The Sheila ship needed to be introduced to a good iceberg 15 years ago.  

    Exactly how I feel. Sheila is no longer fun or threatening or interesting or scary. She's become a ridiculous caricature of what she once was. I want her GONE.

  9. On 12/9/2023 at 8:07 PM, DramatistDreamer said:

    In terms of Cast and her expressive face, I was definitely referencing her time when she was a series regular with actual story, not so much these days. It’s nice to see her interact with LLB but I don’t have much to go on with her and Floyd. Perhaps there is hope for their onscreen chemistry in the future, but it would entail more screen time for both.

    What sealed it for me was when Nina visited Chance in the hospital when he was shot.

    When she bent over to kiss him, she couldn't even bring herself to put her lips on his forehead. She got close, but no cigar. I'm sorry, no mother acts that way. It was just poor acting.

  10. 15 hours ago, Beachstorm said:

    Ugh, Violet singing. Actually it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. She is a very talented young girl. My good friend in southern California is friends with her parents, who used to be performers in Cirque du Soleil. The girl has many artistic talents (and does write her own songs).But a little Violet goes a looooong way. ;) 

    I see her front teeth have fully grown in now. That must make her about, what, 7 or 8 years old?

    That singing was torture. Give me 20 seconds of it and I won't comment at all, but that went on FOREVER. GH acts like they've discovered some child singing prodigy AND THEY HAVEN'T.

    Of course, GH also acts like Eddie Maine is a Spotify sensation, so there's that.


    21 hours ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    I don't know why I didn't know this! I LOVE IT! It's driving me crazy that Robert likes her. EW. And she has horrid attitudes! She is so superior. I really think she thinks she is better than everyone else. The friendship with Alexis makes me want to barf. I haven't used the word barf in years! 

    I haven't liked Diane since forever, for all the reasons you name. I think Carolyn Hennesy is a decent actress, but to be perfectly honest, I can't get past her right wing politics, and that's what I see when she's on my screen. I am probably unfair, but I feel like she's playing herself.


  11. 2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Absolutely.  I think it's on Ron and the producer.   I still think the ideas and stories are there, but no one is thinking about pacing and character because Jamey is thinking about how many laughs and odd nods to history he can fit in to his one day a week breakdown.  It something that starts from the top.

    All true.

    To be honest, for me, without Arianne Zucker, DAYS gets an F. She is the only thing elevating this show in any way. Every other element of it (including those mentioned in this latest discussion) is just poorly done.

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