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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. EOB is not working as Theresa -- not at all.


    She's too one-note and hard, without any of Jen Lilley's vulnerability. I don't know if she can do justice to this role, regardless of her acting abilities. It's not her accent (which goes in-and-out for me), but the entire package.

    2 hours ago, dragonflies said:



    Deidre Hall & Drake Hogestyn On New Days Co-Producer Bringing Light Back To Set - Exclusive Interview


    It all sounds sweet, but it's all so surface-level. Everything is nice and good, and Janet Drucker cares and is sweet and makes everyone comfortable and brings light to the show.

    What does any of that mean? They're really saying nothing at all.


  2. -- Can writers please top making Laura CLUELESS when it comes to her grandchildren? Her complete shock that Charlotte is a little devil is pathetic.

    -- I was a huge champion of Sprina, but I'm starting to get over it. Making Amazon Baby Ace the focus of Spencer's life is a choice, and I'm not buying it. Nor am I buying his excuses for Esme while continuing to despise his father. I don't know that I want Trina stuck with him.

  3. 20 hours ago, lucaslesann23 said:

    Yep! Abbotts story seems much more interesting rn.

    I like what they're doing with Kyle.

    I was fine with the Kyle story until yesterday. We AGAIN got a parent/company owner who INSISTS on his kid "starting at the bottom," and that's just ridiculous.

    Doesn't Victor do this all the time? And what does it even mean???

    Jack sided with SUMMER over Kyle when he kept her to run Marchesa and moved Kyle. This made sense? He blames Kyle for making bad decisions, while he makes plenty of his own.

    Why the hell would Kyle want to start at the bottom??? I can't blame him if he now wants to take down his pathetic father.

  4. BOLD is Absurdity on Steriods. First there's Li's ridiculous attitude about her sister. Even worse is the entire storyline.

    -- Eric is in a designer battle with Ridge, but we see no designing being done.

    -- RJ works on the same sketch every day.

    -- Eric repeats the same lines episode after episode.

    -- So does Ridge.

    -- Eric's monologue about the stapler makes his writing worse than the writing for Ridge.

    -- The doctor makes a house call to Eric and essentially says nothing about his illness or his treatment.

    -- The music used in Eric scenes is used to hide the terrible scripting and dialogue, and to make us believe this story is in any way a good one.

  5. In no universe is it believable that Mamie would go into business with Tucker McCall.

    This is vintage Josh Griffith: create a story with tons of potential...and then sink it. This is such sh_it writing that I have no other words for it, and actually makes me angry.

    I cannot think of even one storyline that Josh Griffith hasn't ruined.

  6. 12 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    See ya, Talia.

    I have mixed feelings about this. I’m kinda glad she’s gone but I also feel like the character and actor got a raw deal.

    As for Clyde, there’s no reason why he’s even still alive.

    And as for Harris, I wish it was that easy to get a job lol clearly civil service exams aren’t a thing in Salem 😂

    I'm glad Talia is gone. Others have mentioned how charismatic she is, but I cannot get past the obvious: she in no way seems anything like someone who's a doctor -- one who graduated at the top of her class at Stanford. That is just ludicrous. If DAYS wanted this actress, they needed to rewrite the bible on Talia.

    Clyde's should have expired long, long ago. I don't even know what to say about him any longer, or about him calling Ava "Mama" over and over.

    Salem's police dept. hiring practices are evidence of why the entire PD there is such a disaster. And not to be mean, but man, does Steve Burton look rough. He looks like a robot who hasn't eaten for too long.

  7. 35 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    And I’m glad the show finally remembered of Mac being Cody’s father.  Cody’s actually grown on me, but yeah, I wasn’t really a fan of his pity party today lol

    I like Cody, but yeah, that reason he gave for not wanting Mac to know he is his father was really weak, and didn't make much sense. Because he's not worthy??? How does that change the facts???

    I don't think Josh Kelly bought it either. He's usually committed to playing whatever they give him, but I thought he tried to hide a grin through that awful excuse.

  8. -- Is anyone feeling the Deacon/Sheila love affair? There's nothing there -- just two losers bonding over being losers.

    -- How LAUGHABLE is it to see Brooke judge someone...anyone...for "shacking up" in the office? I mean, you gotta love the sense of humor these writers have. A flat out H O E -- former or not -- has no business commenting on anyone else getting the D, or where she gets it.

  9. I know Frank loves Jeff Korber as an actor, but haven't we seen enough of Cyrus at this point? And no, those scenes with Sister Laura don't make me care about him or their relationship.

    I agree that what we know about Sonny and Nina's relationship is surface-level, but for me believing they're in love trumps that -- and I do believe they're in love.

    However, I also think GH is stupid enough to break them apart about 2 hours after they're married. I think that's a much bigger fail than not knowing more insight into their love story.

  10. 6 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I don't understand the writing for Susan ever.  Sometimes she written as a psychic with special powers and a bit eccentric like when she was with Edmund, Harris and Ava.  And sometimes she's written like today where she seems to be mentally stunted or developmentally slow.  Is she someone we are to perceive as a functional adult or is she supposed to be mentally ill or neurodivergent?   The show is intentionally vague with Susan and I never know what to think of her behavior.  It's like everyone placates her like she's just a run of the mill weirdo, but some of her actual behavior suggests much deeper problems.

    Yep,  you nailed the problem with Susan. It's such lazy writing -- they adjust/contort/define Susan depending on what they need in that particular episode. It doesn't work.

    9 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    The pacing of Holly/Tate was bad, but I feel like Days always does this with rapidly aged kids.  Instead organically mentioning the child over a period of weeks they just show up one day as a teenager.

    Again, this is just laziness. It's not as if the writers have no idea that new, SORASed characters are coming to town. The casting process alone would give them enough time to drop in lines about these characters and what they're up to.

    It's just another reason daytime soaps are failing and going away. No one takes care of them. No one cares about viewers. It's not as if this is asking for "more," or something that would break the budget.

  11. 4 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    I really don’t get why they always run out of ideas for Chloe. I actually really enjoy Nadia despite what her limitations may be but I can never get fully invested because she’s constantly coming and going.

    Agree about Nadia. No matter what they give her, she makes it work. She's one of those actors who turns good into great and turns nothing into something. Her treatment at DAYS has been deplorable.

  12. 2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Why does Maggie care about being Titan's CEO so much?  I am not saying she's wrong about Alex, but I don't get why it's so important to her.

    And I hope that Theresa wig is a joke.

    Agree about Maggie. She's not wrong about Alex, but her moralizing comes across as sanctimonious and self-righteous when she calls out Alex for far less than others have done.

    The Theresa wig was bad, but so was Theresa, period. I know EOB can put her own spin on Theresa, but that was MILES away from the Jen Lilley Theresa. EOB came across as a Vegas gold digger to me. Yeah, I know it was only a 30-second reveal, but that did not work for me.

  13. 1 hour ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Here’s to hoping that we never see Gladys or the friggin doctor again.

    Or at least if we do, it’s just to see them get killed off. 

    I want them both gone, but I have a feeling Frank will keep Gladys on the canvas. As with Cyrus, Frank does not know when a character has run his course. I feel the same about Esme. The GH cast is forever bloated, and Frank refuses to change that.

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