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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 3 hours ago, detroitpiston said:

    Randomly caught five minutes of the show and man this is the best Annika Noelle has ever looked my goodness 🤩 

    The haircut is fire on her, showing that going short doesn't have to mean "not sexy." Not to be mean, but contrast Annika's cut with Linsey Godfrey's on DAYS. I don't think there's anything good about that style on LG.

  2. That photoshoot with the alpaca. Jesus.

    GH usually does a much better job with this kind of thing. That outfit on Sasha -- worse than anything the Forresters ever created on BOLD. That background -- how many photos were they going to take with that one backdrop? Maxie in charge -- with her style sense, they essentially put her in charge of the photoshoot? That photographer -- could they have found anyone less believable?

    My favorite thing was the shot at the end where Maxie was SO pleased with it all -- as the alpaca faced AWAY from the camera. What a mess.

  3. 21 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    I just got to Victor firing Nate and I’m truly at a loss for words. Nate used his previous medical experience to create a plan of action for Victor’s health and he instead fires him? Couldn’t he have just fired Nate months ago instead of putting his children through this? This is definitely one of the stupidest Victor stories in awhile. He’s just sitting in his office yelling at his family for worrying about him. Just rest the rest whole Newman clan at this point.

    Glad to know others think Nate was poorly treated and that this story makes no sense.

    And while I read that again, Eric Braeden must be happy that Victor wins and is in charge, I don't see this as a victory for the character OR the actor.

    How is it a win for Braeden if Victor acts like a nutjob to make something happen? If Victor rearranges the names on the exec office doors for the 4th time in a year? That is not a character who knows what the hell he's doing.

  4. I realize the Nate fan club is small because he's done so many shady things.

    But I still don't understand the "You go, Victor!!" posts from people so happy that he fired Nate. None of that story made any sense to me.

    As a doctor, wasn't Nate thinking of what was best for Victor? Wasn't he thinking more like a doctor than a guy wanting to take over a company? And what would have been Nate's move to support Victor?

    Victor set Nate up -- completely. Isn't that a more dangerous and pathetic move for a CEO, not forgetting the fact that he put his family through all this?

    We're supposed to see Victor as a man on top of his game, but instead, Josh Griffith painted him as a guy who should be put away.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Li should've been killed long time ago. His murder now is very late coming.

    But leave it to DAYS to get rid of the guy the week he does his best acting.

    He's been so below average for so long, and then those therapy scenes with Marlena show up -- and he was more than believable. He made me care about the character beyond the pretty face.

    Two days later, Ron C kills him off. Because of course he does.

  6. On 10/31/2023 at 9:30 PM, soapfan770 said:

    I had to howl at Katie’s lifeless narration of the show, like HT put in zero effort.

    It was bad. Just stupid to have her character do any of it in the first place. and couldn't she have dressed for the occasion?

    And why the hell would Esther want a "Forrester Creations Original" in the first place? Couldn't she buy one off the rack at Fenmore's? NONE of those gowns was special in any way.

    That contest? Honestly, if you gave me photos of all those gowns, I could NOT put them into a collection. I have no idea who created what, because they all look like they came out of the same design knock-off factory. Couldn't they have created two lines that looked separate and different?

    And then all this talk about onlookers "placing their bids." For those gowns? LMAOOOOOOO And why the hell would ANYONE care who "won "?

    The entire week has been a FAIL.

  7. -- I don't think LLC is Lois-lite, and I like her as a character. However...and it is a big however...when she gets loud and strident and overbearing, I find her exhausting and I want her off my screen.

    -- The Kevin and Laura scenes were unbelievably boring.

    -- The "Valentin talks to the kids" about Halloween scenes were beyond unrealistic and awkward. Nothing about any of that seemed real.

  8. 45 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    That's probably the right career choice for her.

    But as far as budget, I don't think she was making much.  They did lose Camila and Martha and dumped Nadia and Brandon Beemer and Barash.  I think that freed up money as well for Holly/Tate/Greek guy.  

    They were probably just letting her down gently and actually did not like her eyebrow acting is what I am saying..

    I agree they let her down gently, but as I've said before, they also created a character -- a doctor -- that did not work for this actress. There was nothing about her that said "This girl went to medical school  for a decade."

    1 hour ago, Liberty City said:

    Definitely a new wig. This is about to be like Taylor on The Bold and the Beautiful with the league of 1,000 wigs.

    They can put a new wig on Theresa every day. That will neveer make EOB a good fit for that role. So far, it's not working, and it feels like an entirely different character.

  9. 5 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    It's more about Josh Griffith has said Sheila is staying dead in the YR universe so any Sheila is alive story is in it's own universe 

    I agree. I don't think Tracey Bregman has the power to dictate storylines.


    2 hours ago, Fevuh said:

    Eric's still mystery disease?  Or did they ever say what it even is?  Then the yawner of "he's dying".   God, we all are and dude is like 85 or 90.  Of course he's dying.  LOL.  Whether by a strange disease or other - we're ALL DYING but he's 85 or 90.  Meh.  I'm so callous.  

    Maybe you're callous, but you're also right. I'm already sick of that cough and the shot of blood on his handkerchief.

    Even worse is seeing these "couture" designs he's creating in his living room. THIS is the best collection he's ever done? Those gowns could not be more generic.


  10. 1 hour ago, carolineg said:

    I agree with you about EOB as Theresa 100%.  You said it well.

    As far as Deidre and Drake, they have never given any information or interviews that weren't surface level.  Maybe Deidre was slightly more willing to in the 80's or 90's, but it does seem like this is going to be the obvious spiel.   It may or may not be true, but those two have been toeing the party line for a long time now.

    I think it is toeing the party line. I like them both, but I also think they had the power to speak out when Alarr was there, even if they didn't name him. Things were bad for A LONG TIME, and it's not like there was a bad couple weeks.

    These are daytime icons, and they were silent -- and they stayed silent after Alarr was fired. Others with much less agency than they had spoke out. I don't want to punish them, but I'm just not ready to give them flowers for that interview.

  11. EOB is not working as Theresa -- not at all.


    She's too one-note and hard, without any of Jen Lilley's vulnerability. I don't know if she can do justice to this role, regardless of her acting abilities. It's not her accent (which goes in-and-out for me), but the entire package.

    2 hours ago, dragonflies said:



    Deidre Hall & Drake Hogestyn On New Days Co-Producer Bringing Light Back To Set - Exclusive Interview


    It all sounds sweet, but it's all so surface-level. Everything is nice and good, and Janet Drucker cares and is sweet and makes everyone comfortable and brings light to the show.

    What does any of that mean? They're really saying nothing at all.


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