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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. These Eric monolgues today about his design and creation were cringeworthy, especially backed with the melodramatic music and Katie's tears. UGH to the whole thing.

    He won't go to the hospital. If he can design in the office or in his living room, why the hell can't he design in a hospital room? And that purple gown he put Donna in? LOL What was special about that?

    I think it is time to die.

  2. 16 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Doesn't Spinelli pay her child support?  She got nothing from Nathan-the police officer/Liesel's son-dying?  Didn't Anna just sublet her place?  I am so confused. Also, I am pretty sure Dante would let her slide on rent for a few months if she needed.   

    All true. I was going to mention child support from Spinelli, but I hadn't considered your other points. Then they gave Felicia dialogue that sounded like it was written by Chat GTP for a Forbes website article. So bad.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Fevuh said:

     I caught about 5 weird minutes of Li with Poppy or - it's her sister.  But anyone she's around, Li is irritated by or she fights or she's -- despisable.  I don't even know why she's suddenly crazy not-so-rich asian woman on the edge. 

    Can't argue with you on Li. This is a person we've never seen, and it doesn't make any sense.

  4. 8 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Maxie can put a nice blouse on and fix her hair.  And if KS can't do that-there are other actresses that could play Maxie and would do that.  It sounds mean, but KS can't coast along forever half assing it.

    Yep, and this is the very definition of half-assing it. I realize she's had health problems, but if GH is indulging her and enabling her because of that, it's wrong.

    And I realize it's early, but this "Maxie has money problems" storyline is an eye-roller. Have we ever seen Maxie live to excess? Her place isn't extravagant, and certainly her wardrobe isn't. She doesn't have a drug problem or a gambling addiction.

    The "Deceptor isn't making any money and it'll take a few years" doesn't work for me either. So no one there gets paid while they're in the red? That's not how it works. I'm willing to let some things go, but make it make sense.

    It's the kid of story that's as meaningful as the Newmans on #YR changing positions and companies.

  5. 6 hours ago, Fevuh said:

    I haven't seen much to be honest - in weeks.  This month.  But I feel like I've seen a couple of very touching moments with Eric/John M. - and then a few days later, we regress,  repeat dialogue, and get to the exact same moment again.  And again. 

    I don't think this is a way to send out a long term actor and character.  But then again, I also don't agree with making Scott Clifton become 'cray' as Liam.  He's delivered and made some sow's ear dialogue and material look like cotton.  I won't say turned sow's ear into silk because NOTHING on this show is silk.  But I'm just not into the redemption of Thomas and Hope, and the few minutes I saw of Li one day made her absolutely despisable to me.  I didn't think I'd want Sheila to kill off any additional characters, and she will be the last standing on any show she infects - but Li can go.

    For me it's the difference in B&B and other shows that I truly loved over the years.  There are just no loveable characters on this show and it sticks out like a sore thumb.  We don't really care that Eric is dying because honestly - he was never a developed character - 30 or 40 years and - never truly developed.  He really never loved any of the women he was with, just like all the men on this show.  It's like "On to the NEXT!" with all of the characters on this show and who they sleep with and "marry".   Then it's divorce, marriage to someone else and pregnant the very next week.  It makes people not care.

    That's what you're seeing with Eric.  There's no explanation to his "disease", and B&B is masterful at just saying people are dying and it's just so offhanded and emotionless.  Who cares?  

    Interesting take on Eric's development over the decades, and I think it's spot-on about why we don't care. And yes, the repetition is pathetic.

    I disagree completely about turning Liam dark and even crazy. We've seen repetition with Liam to the point where we're crazy about that, so it's time to shake it up. Why not turn the tables and have a redemption arc for Thomas and Hope? At least it's different. When this has run its course, they can write a redemption arc for Liam. Isn't that part of what soaps are and do?

    I'm not wild about what has been done to Li, but Sheila killing her? Uh...SHEILA is the one who should be killed off if we're talking about characters written into a ridiculous and boring rut.

  6. 4 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I am not saying everyone on GH looks bad.  Most characters look fantastic. It's just the fact that Joss/Trina wear $300 Mother jeans everyday and no one can go to the mall and grab KS a cute, flattering $30 top from Torrid and force her to wear it.   Maxie looks sloppy.  It would be one thing if the show weaved it into her story as a frazzled single mom, but nope.  She's supposed to be a fashionista.

    I don't think Laura looks sloppy and her wardrobe generally fits the character and role, but it is unflattering a lot of times.

    Have to agree with all of that. I'd comment on Maxie's sloppy dress even if she was a stay-at-home mom, but the fact that she's supposed to be a fashionista makes it ridiculous.

    How sad is it that you have to say "force her to wear it"? In what universe should an actor have the call about the character's dress. All it would take is one directive from Frank. I'm OK if Maura Wright or Finola Hughes says "I don't want to wear that because it's too low-cut and revealing." I am not OK with Kirsten Storms wearing what she wants and looking like hell.

  7. 20 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Just out of curiosity, when did that office to the left become the design office?

    In the beginning, that really was Ridge’s office. 

    It's ridiculous. The fashion element of the show is now a joke. Apparently designing is "Eric touches the dress and RJ adds a necklace." There is no designing at all.

  8. 3 hours ago, Jeff said:

    I think Eric dying had potential.  But he has been "dying" for months now.  This type of story should not be dragged out, cause it starts to lose its effect.  In contrast on Y&R (for those that watch Y&R) the Jordan story is a bit too fast-paced.  It's like I want to put the brakes on Y&R, and jump start B&B.  It can be very mind-boggling!

    I agree with all of that.

    With Eric, you cannot have 2000 discussions about his legacy and expect viewers to care. Trotting the Logan sisters into the room to look at him cough is an eye-roller, especially since we don't hear about his own kids.

    And that "legacy" included a final fashion show with gowns that looked like off-the-rack purchases from Kohls.

  9. 3 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Oh sh!t!


    @ranger1rg and @Jeff will enjoy today's episode.😂

    OK, I cant watch until later, but I now I know I'm getting some PECS hehe

    I. Am. Ready.

    23 minutes ago, TEdgeofNight said:

    I do think it's gross that men who are old enough to be Joshua Hoffman's grandfather post pictures of him

    Are you serious with this? Joshua Hoffman (RJ) is 24 years old. He's a grown man.

    I really think it's despicable to hear someone call posting a photo of a grown adult as "gross." Judgment like this is the real perversion.


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