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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 32 minutes ago, Beachstorm said:

    I mean, how many times has she retired? It was ridiculous the last time she retired because everyone knew she would be back. Just like everyone knows she'll be gone again whenever the mood strikes her.

    I don't think Eileen Davidson ever announced her "retirement." Does she call some shots on her contract? Yeah, and I'm fine with it. That's what superstars are able to do. Y&R knows how valuable she is.


    7 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    I don't think Eileen Davidson ever announced her "retirement." Does she call some shots on her contract? Yeah, and I'm fine with it. That's what superstars are able to do. Y&R knows how valuable she is.



    Also, I'm enjoying all the whining on X about Victor calling Nikki "my baby" over and over. I've got to think Eric Braeden knows exactly how many people he's irritating and is having fun with it.


  2. 14 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    LOL. Okay. We're saying different things but the same. 

    I see something good but it needs to be fixed

    You see something bad because they didn't fix it. 

    You're right, of course. But the thing is, they can't fix it once it's done and over.

    If we get those clips in the next couple episodes, I'll revise my criticism. Even if they do, though, I think 2 days of just talking about Bobbie is excessive.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    I don't agree. I think this is an interesting way to pay heed to an important player. And, I think I am feeling the experience more. But, I do think they aren't using enough clips. There should be flashbacks galore. On UglyX someone posted that NV had said they aren't doing flashbacks because they're too expensive. Well, basically that's because a royalty, no a residual may have to be paid. And, if that is really their reason then they need to reprioritize to be able TO afford them. Because they are that important. 

    OK, Donna, but you just made my point that this isn't working as is.

    The clips are essential. Without them, we're left with people visiting Carly. They tell her they're sorry, they start to walk away, and she calls them back. Why? To TALK. It's not working.

    Jaclyn Zeman died 8 MONTHS AGO. You mean in all that time GH couldn't reprioritize enough to afford clips of Bobbie Spencer?


  4. 10 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Meanwhile I thought Brian Gaskill did an excellent job. Above average.

    Completely agree about Brian Gaskill. I've only seen his day one appearance, but I thought he was excellent. It felt like he really knew Nikki and that he was really comfortable onscreen.

    I imagined the script he was given -- and how he turned that dialogue into something special of his own. Really good stuff.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Khan said:

     I just don't believe Josh Griffith took enough steps to get us (or at least me) to a place where I could buy Chance and Sharon as a couple even temporarily.

    If Ashley's current storyline ain't working, it ain't because of Eileen.

    I can't disagree with your point about Josh Griffith. The steps weren't taken, the beats weren't played. Still -- and it pains me to say it because I love Sharon Case so much -- I don't think Sharon gave anything to that storyline.

    Consider what you said about Eileen in her current story. No one can accuse her of not giving her all in every scene, regardless of the problems with the writing, the storyline direction, or TSJ.


  6. These episodes with characters talking about Bobbie -- the complete opposite of "Show, Don't Tell" -- could not be more annoying and infuriating.

    Talking about Bobbie for a week instead of during a 2-day memorial does NOT make it a better celebration and remembrance of Jaclyn Zeman. This is just a reminder that FOR YEARS this effing show has ignored Bobbie and kept her off canvas.


  7. 8 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    I don’t think she’s capable of phoning it in.

    She's not. Eileen Davidson is present in every scene she's in, even if she's there only as a talk-to. She elevates every other actor in her scenes.

    And no, she never phones it in. Instead, if she doesn't like Ashley's direction or needs a break, she leaves the show. She doesn't float through scenes, thinking of pizza.


  8. 12 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    Yikes. Eileen hasn’t even been back that much and you want her gone? We will have to completely agree to disagree from this point forward.

    I'm with you. I never get enough Eileen Davidson. She brings something to EVERY scene she's in and is one of daytime's greatest actors.


  9. 18 hours ago, AMCHistory said:

    The Sharon episode fell flat for me. So it was a fever dream to prove that Nick is her one and only, again? I bet both actors are dreading the idea of getting re-paired up.

    Honestly, I do not care if Josh Morrow and Sharon Case dread a renewal of their relationship. Have their storylines been that good WITHOUT each other? Nick's multiple pairings have all been meh or failures. I'd say the same about Sharon's. Let's not pretend her marriage to Rey was a barn burner.

    I still say the dream episode was a way to extricate Sharon from Chance without "hurting" any character. Chance and Summer don't cheat on Sharon and get called bad guys. Sharon isn't seen as the aggrieved older woman who can't keep a guy. One episode and it's all over.

    I'll repeat:  I love Sharon Case to death, but she was NOT invested in the Chance pairing. She never gave it her all -- and that came across on the screen.



  10. 9 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    I mean, Zende’s not wrong for feeling the way that he does but jeez, he’s such a whiner 😂😂

    Yeah, I'm tired of it, too. It was fine the first couple times, but now it's absurd. Why does RJ even listen to this? Why not just leave the room? And don't get me started on the absurdity of EITHER of these two being responsible for the entire damn collection.


  11. Did GH ever hear of "Show, Don't Tell"?

    If we're getting Bobbie/Jaclyn Zeman clips later this week, I won't be as pressed about this, but hearing people talk about Bobbie endlessly while not seeing her in clips is...a choice.

    And when Felicia and Maxie visited Barbara Jean's grave, why did the 30-year old grave marker look like it was just 3 days old?


  12. 35 minutes ago, Beachstorm said:

    That doors scene harkened me back to the finale of a Gordon Ramsey Hell's Kitchen episode where the winning chef steps through an unlocked door. It was cheesy, but I liked it.

    Like the doors scene or not, its placement in the special was problematic.

    You're celebrating 60 years of GH and THIS is what you leave your audience with??? As if Jesus is returning??? The Genie Francis toast should have ended the special.

  13. 14 hours ago, Beachstorm said:

    What was with Stamos talking so fast it was hard to keep up? That business about his favorite time on GH when Sammy D. Jr. was on and they had some sort of jam session with Blackie on the drums. Why didn't they show that clip, I wonder? Stamos told everyone to go look it up on Youtube. Wow, really? Does he have some sort of rights to the scenes? (I highly doubt it). Can't figure that one out.

    I like John Stamos, but that whole thing was a mess. They let him riff, which is why they ended up with fast-talking nonsense, and then kept it in. Even worse, they gave him MORE to do. The Blackie clip was ridiculous and gave us nothing about why the character became popular. There was no way to look at that clip and say "Oh, THAT'S why they brought back Stamos for the special!"

  14. 20 hours ago, j swift said:

    Forgive my repetition because I just had the same thought about Steve Burton on another thread about his return to GH.  However, I am struck by the contrast of his age versus the stories that are written for him.  When John Clarke (aka Mickey) and Bill Hayes were his age, they were being written off as too old.   IRL if he was a Navy SEAL, he would retire in five years. But, we saw Harris have his first kiss with his girlfriend and buy her a pathetic gold chain for Christmas as if he was a teenager experiencing first love. 

    At the risk of sounding ageist, it feels ridiculous. 

    It is ridiculous. And has anyone seen Steve Burton in HD?

  15. It is insanity to believe there's no story for Sharon and Nick if they're married. If they get together and there's no story, that's strictly the fault of writers.

    I do not believe that ANYONE at Y&R -- including Eric Braeden -- any longer has veto power over story. Can actors give interviews and say what they'd like? Of course. That doesn't mean they can go to Josh Griffith and say "Don't put me with Sharon."

    Josh Morrow left social media a good while ago, pretty much because of the negativity. Anything he said was constantly distorted and stretched -- and still is. He NEVER criticized Sharon Case, but you'd never know that from people's comments. He said something about working with other actors a dozen years ago, so today people write "JM wants all hot babes and doesn't want to get back with SC."

    Josh Morrow is 49. Sharon Case is 52. If they're endgame -- and almost everyone believes they are -- it's time to get there. I don't want a Nick and Sharon reunion during the last month before the show is canceled.

    While I still believe Sharon's dream episode was written solely to quickly break up Sharon and Chance without sullying ANY character (Chance, Summer, or Sharon), I'll be dumbfounded if the Nick/Sharon relationship mentions mean nothing going forward.

  16. 14 hours ago, Errol said:

    I personally am sick of revisiting the 60s, 70s and especially the 80s of GH in terms of anniversaries. At this point, we're getting one every five years, and I don't know how much I can take of only seeing stuff about Luke and Laura, AIDS, and the like. While I have yet to watch the special myself, I'm glad they focused on more current content as the older stuff won't be bringing in any new sets of eyeballs. While you can embrace your history, you can't just sit on what happened in the past.

    I respect what you say here, Errol, but when you watch the special, you'll see that there's really not a focus on current story that can bring in new viewers -- or even lapsed viewers.

    I feel the concentration was on the production, on the look of the special. For ex., the entrances and exits of actors were expertly filmed on various sets...and we did get to see they were actually sets. Emphasis was also on spreading the joy so some lead actors (Laura Wright) were treated especially well with dialogue while other leads were also treated well.

    Genie Francis? We didn't see much of her during the hour, but she was given the final lines, the toast to GH, the cast, and the fans. I was pleased that Becky Herbst was given so much to do.

    So for me, the special was style over substance. I don't think anything about it pulls in relapsed viewers beyond the "Jason is my everything" crowd.

  17. This Sharon dream episode just seemed like a cheap and easy way to break up Sharon and Chance without writing a real story to do it. That's really why I disliked it so much.

    I love Sharon Case, but I don't think she was invested in the Chase romance. I had no problem with the age gap, but SC never seemed to care about the pairing very much. This break up protects Chance from cheating on her and protects Summer from being the one causing the cheating. It protects Case from being the older woman dumped for a younger one.

    The fact is that the chemistry is off the charts for Sharon Case and Joshua Morrow only when they are together. They are endgame, and everybody knows it. I wish they'd get to that endgame now.

  18. 1 hour ago, carolineg said:

    Listen, I think it's lovely GH tried and ABC did a primetime special.  It was really weak as far as flashbacks and too much of current things.  I can't believe there wasn't even a single Jason flashback to announce Steve's return.   I would say we cut John Stamos out entirely and give a little montage to the 95% of good stories and characters that weren't included.  

    That's my problem with it -- once again, daytime trying to kiss up, acting as if they're honored that someone in primetime would be so kind about the soaps.

    Take the open. Yes, Donna Mills and Morgan Fairchild were on GH, but they weren't legacy characters. Why have them open the show. People who watched the show -- and the ratings were not very good -- were there for GH, not for glimpses of primetime stars in the 80s.


  19. -- With Jason's return, I think that guarantees more Spinelli appearances. That's bad news. The whole Spinelli act is beyond played out.

    -- The special last night had some good, special moments, but also a lot of head-scratchers and missed opportunities.

    More clips, more history was needed. Instead, we got a lot of cool looking actor entrances (where we could see the sets) and too many minutes of people like Stephen A. Smith.

    For Luke & Laura's wedding, we got only a severely tight close up of Tony and Genie -- none of the grandeur of the wedding. Oh, we also got a clip of Elizabeth Taylor as Helena Cassadine. Yeah, that was huge news at the time, but I would have loved seeing another clip from the past with Steve and Audrey Hardy, Lucille Weeks, Jesse Brewer, and Amy Vining.

    John Stamos was great as Blackie Parrish, but he ate up too much screen time, and the clip they chose of him was bad. I actually thought Rick Springfield did a better job with his appearance.

    I thought it was a great move to bring back a character/actor at the end, but the execution was dismal. "When one door closes, another one opens"? Really? This isn't the dawn of a new day, or even recovering from the loss of Jaclyn Zeman. This isn't some savior. The guy has his fan base, but I don't see his return as moving the ratings needle very much at all.


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