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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 6 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I think Vanessa did pretty well in syndication money with Las Vegas and 90210.  She also make a lot on GH overall and if she invested it well she probably doesn't have to work.  She was never a massive star, but I think she has made enough to live comfortably, if not extravagantly if she was smart about it. 

    I think Vanessa also mentioned she was pausing her career until her son and stepdaughter were out of school.  Her son is, but I think the stepdaughter is a senior in high school right now.  I actually don't think she's married to her partner btw.

    Right. I think she's engaged.


    I checked Sabato's Instagram -- and it's as hilarious as you'd expect.

    His "devoted fans" slather on the praise that only a grand narcissist can appreciate, so Antonio should love it. They all miss him, they're horrified he wasn't asked back, they hate Frank, GH is terrible, they're all buying his book....



  2. -- Those Antonio Sabato Jr videos are....special. The guy is a lying MAGA narcissist.

    He lied about making GH #1. He lied about not having any bad blood with GH for 30 years, when he just tweeted that Frank V should be fired. He lied about having all these projects he's working on -- Wikipedia says he works for a construction company. He lied about giving his "truth" in those videos. If anyone can figure out what he meant by that, let me know.

    Worst of all, Sabato is DELUSIONAL about what he meant to the show.

    I'm fine with the recast. The character's been gone for 30 years. THIRTY. The recast is a solid actor with a real resume, so I'm giving him a chance. I think a recast Jagger is much easier to get used to than a recast Molly.


    -- I agree with Errol about recasting Brenda -- it won't work with anyone but Vanessa Marcil. Anyone can b technically recast, and sometimes great actors are recast and it works (see Edward Quartermaine, for ex.)

    However, there's just something different about VM/Brenda, and I don't think I can explain it. I just feel it.

    I do wonder what she's been doing to make a living. Her IMDB and Wikipedia show nothing since 2019 -- that's 5 years. Makes me feel as if she decided to leave acting and that it's not about playing Brenda again. Her husband is a Deputy Sheriff in CA, so it's not like they're rolling in money.


  3. 22 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    He's a mess of a person, but he still looks pretty good now.  Not in that particular picture, but in some recent ones I have seen.

    Yeah, I agree he still looks pretty good. I guess my point was that it's not entirely fair to compare older NuJagger with YoungJagger.

  4. 4 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Honestly, I think even Deidre has made comments saying she thought John and Marlena were the next Tom and Alice, so it's not a crazy notion.  I just don't see it.  I don't think Days ever tried to mold another couple like Tom/Alice, so to me there really isn't an heir apparent to them.  It's not a slight to J&M.  They just stand on their own as a couple.

    To me, When Deidre refers to John & Marlena as the next Tom & Alice, I think she means that they're the anchor couple on DAYS, not that they're like T&A.

    A couple like Tom & Alice is a throwback to decades-past, and I don't think today's soaps have much room for them, let alone use. Years ago, DAYS could have turned Doug & Julie into a Tom & Alice-like couple, but decided not to.


  5. 5 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Josh Griffith is infantilizing Ashley (as well as seemingly writing the beginnings of some sort of psychosis or mental breakdown, seemingly in a (failed) attempt to revisit and exploit Ashley’s history of mental health instability (as if someone of Ashley Abbott’s means didn’t have access to a good psychiatrist and effective therapy). Josh is infantilizing Ashley, the way he used to infantilize Sharon, the way he is also infantilizing Heather.
    In Val’s defense, she has had much better writing and an actual career that we saw her working on in her previous stints, so she wouldn’t have had time to handwring over Daniel’s indecisiveness. Also, that’s not a cold sore on Val’s lip, she’s had it for years and it’s the same type of mark that Eileen Davidson once had for decades until she either had it smoothed down or makeup artists started covering.

    I have contended for years that most of Y&R’s writers over the last 15 years haven’t a clue as to how to write women with any sort of nuance-it’s down to the most flattened stereotypes: fragile basket case, harpy-shrew, overly ambitious seductress/promiscuous, doormat or practically asexual presence/nonenity. JG is no different.
    He is simultaneously giving us lush/needy Nikki who Victor calls “baby” every five seconds while he reminds her to sit down(why not just buy her a fainting couch?), Angsty Ashley, who has taken to shouting at waiters in Parisian alleyways. Hapless Heather, who is practically using all her intellectual powers (instead of as the strong-willed, occasionally cunning and ruthless, brilliant lawyer that she was once written to be) to get Daniel to canoodle with her in public (and the stupidity of that hamfisted contrived scene if Lucy giggling behind the door, left ajar was the stuff of constant eye-rolling). They have Phyllis even acting like a collegiate with half the emotional intelligence, in a quest to do what? Mess with Christine (seemingly the only female character operating with operating with any autonomy-maybe LLB put her foot down or inspires some regard as a Bell?, as much as I like ZS, what I like about Audra has everything to do with Silver and nothing to do with how she’s written), mess with Danny, operating out of sheer boredom? Phyllis has never looked more brainless than she does now (one thing Phyllis never used to lack was savvy).

    For this reason, I only ever sporadically watch this show for the past 15 years.


    I haven’t touched upon Sally whose actress seems to have been given Sharon’s cast off storyline of bouncing between two brothers (feeling like a fool?).

    This is a perfect description of what Josh Griffith has done to the females on Y&R. You have nailed what he's done -- and done horribly wrong -- with every character.

    It's the same formula for all of them:   I love_____________, but I hate the writing for ______________.

    I love Ashley, but I hate the writing for Ashley.

    I love Audra, but I hate the writing for Audra.

    I love Sharon, but I hate hte writing for Sharon.

    I love Nikki, but I hate the writing for Nikki.

    I love Phyllis, but I hate the writing for Phyllis.

    I love Heather, but I hate the writing for Heather.

    You get the point. Josh Griffith is a TERRIBLE head writer.



  6. 10 hours ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Or was it really a case this time of being storyline dictated? At any rate I don't know & I don't know anyone who knows. Everyone seems to wonder. 

    What's clear is that the storyline for Avery Pohl gave her little room for redemption. If the show wanted to keep her, that story doesn't air.

    Still, you're right -- she may have wanted to leave.


  7. On 1/31/2024 at 8:58 AM, Donna L. Bridges said:

    One of the examples of Chris Goutman's failures. I think most people who saw it would agree that it is an EPIC LEVEL OF FAILURE. 


    The final scene with Rachel and Carl (played with the Bette Midler track) was absolutely brilliant, but I will never -- ever -- understand writing that includes a gorilla in a series finale. I'm still dumbstruck, 25 years later.


  8. 3 hours ago, Michael said:

    I think the overdose itself was in Carlivati & Quan's plans, so the scabs executed it, but then they put that story on ice because they're not really doing anything huge or canvas-changing during the strike material. But it's taken the most compelling story on the canvas (the drug story) and shifted its focus from Tate, Holly, and their families to... Ava, Stefan, and Harris, which is an absolutely hideous trade.

    Really hideous.

    Imagine telling your audience "We're going on strike for a while, so we're giving you 6 months of sh_it until we return! Hope you enjoy it!"


  9. On 1/28/2024 at 10:26 PM, Soapsuds said:

    Whit Johnson beautiful backside!😍


    Yep, and Whit Johnson is hot from the back AND the front.

    ABC News has THE hottest guys working for them. I think David Muir does all the hiring.


    4 hours ago, OpportunisticSlut said:

    @Soapsuds I'm happy IT'S back


    SAME.   Always.


  10. 18 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    I totally agree. re: Audra. It's been fascinating seeing all these layers coming off of her. Like she seems to genuinely respect Nikki, but is having flashback to her father and his drinking. She genuinely seems to be hot for teacher a la Tucker, but she is NO ONE's doormat when it comes to him now which I felt she was at first. And you can STILL see she has feelings for him, but she ain't stupid and sees he still loves Ashley. Meanwhile, all that is on her face and body language and yet it's hidden as well. And her vixen scene with Nate just reminds me of how she was when she met him in her first scenes, but her and Nate had turned into more mentor/confidante in the last year. So...ANOTHER case of Hot for Teacher. And all that going on and you can still see her screws turning in her head, giving an old school schemer.

    I fully agree that Audra is a great character. Still, I can't stand that Josh Griffith has her moving from one company to another...and then back to the former company and then to another.

    All she talks about is being in charge somewhere. NO ONE spends 2 weeks at a company and gets upset because they haven't been named CEO. She took a job at Newman WORKING FOR NIKKI, and immediately decided she could never be in charge there because family.

    And then we had to listen to Audra call Nikki a "legend in the business"??? Jesus.

  11. Speaking of sets, can we talk about the GCAC?

    Like almost everyone else, I was thrilled to have that set back. For the most part, they're using it well. But what's with all the living room furniture -- sofas and plush chairs and sideboards -- pushed up THISCLOSE to the tables? I can just imagine eating dinner while someone sat on the couch right next to me, staring in my face.

    On most days, we see only two tables in the entire dining area. How that place stays open I will never know.

  12. 2 hours ago, janea4old said:

    Griffith has revisited a lot of old storylines in the past 10 months for the 50th anniversary and beyond. For example: Mamie/Jill, Victor/Eve, Victoria/Cole,  Devon/Harmony/Tucker, Cameron Kirsten, Daniel/Lily, the horrid Christine/Danny/Phyllis triangle, etc. and now Ashley feeling gaslit.
    And one-or-two-day tributes of the Winters remembering Neil and the Abbotts remembering John.

    Some of these storyline revisits worked, and some were bad, and some were merely checking off boxes.

    The thing is, I'm fine with these boxes being checked. I love seeing old storylines revisited, seeing characters from years ago brought back.

    The problem is that Josh Griffith introduces them with fanfare, and then the follow-through is PFFFFTTTT. Every single storyline ends as a disappointment.

    Take the Cameron Kirsten/Sharon story. What a great month -- followed by NOTHING. No emotional trauma for anyone involved. All we got was a Sharon Case statement that she was excited about where it was going for Sharon.

    That was all company-speak, because it led to months of NOTHING except Sharon inheriting a company from a psychopath who apparently ran it all from PRISON. And now we're reduced to Sharon having zoom meetings from her coffeehouse.

    Kill me now and light me on fire.


  13. 6 hours ago, 1974mdp said:

    Sharon and her new "corporation." Snore. As if this show needed to talk about one more vague company that does zilch for the story. The show's obsession with these takeovers/mergers/CEOs is a head scratcher. It's ZERO interesting to hear the characters drone on and on about this company or that company. And, they seem determined to put EVERYONE in that "world." Chance leaves being a cop to do what??? To do some vague office job...why? Now, Abby wants in on the action, too, at Lily and Devon's ill-defined company. Soon, every single character (I wouldn't be surprised if Esther does next, too!) will work at one of these "companies." What is the story in any of this???

    You absolutely nailed exactly what's wrong with all these business stories. In addition, we have execs changing positions AND companies all the time -- and on a whim. None of it makes sense.

    What happened to the days when we saw actual Jabot lines and products and an argument over shelf space? I had problems with those, too, because of the stupid idea that only 2 cosmetic companies existed and that one of them had to be put down, but at least those stories weren't like potato soup made with mashed potatoes. (I don't know what that means, but neither do the business stories we see).

    What does Chancellor-Winters do? What does Billy do? What is Chance doing? Can anyone explain what Sharon's company is all about? And yeah, the Cassidy First thing is a nice touch to history, but that's meaningless because it's the last time we'll hear about it.


  14. 3 hours ago, Beachstorm said:

    They did a minor remodel not that long ago. They put in a lovely glass pastry display case at the cash register and got rid of the cringey fringe-edged table tops.

    But that jukebox, creepy eyeballs and puppet dude need to be put into storage pronto.

    I'm going to be the outlier here -- I really have no problem with the Crimson Lights set, including the jukebox, eyeballs, and puppet. I'd miss that set if they ended it or drastically changed it.

    But why not change that side area. That makes no sense unless you're just a fan of having a space where ONLY cast characters can talk privately.

    But Sharon holding her zoom meeting from CL? No. Just no. That's really just an in-your-face reminder of the sets problem on this show. If they cared about Cassidy First, they'd turn that side area into an office for Sharon.



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