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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. On 12/8/2023 at 10:54 AM, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Well, as a newbie I gotta tell you that 3-4 days of this warlike combination of business talk & family talk is wearing very thin. Tucker McCall seems like someone who is not worth all this trouble. And everyone seems to be talking in code.

    It's wearing thin because it doesn't make any sense. I can't figure out -- and no one has explained it to me -- how and why Tucker can impact these companies in ANY way. Jabot and C/W have teams of high-powered lawyers working for them, yet Tucker walking around the GCAC is enough to steal companies? Huh?

    Why would Jabot and C/W have to work together to fight this guy? It makes no sense.


    2 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I feel as if the most experienced performers know how to do subtext in various ways, Eileen with her frosty mechanisms, Victoria Rowell with her ad libs, Tricia with her expressive eyes, Jess Walton modulating the tone of her voice, depending on who she’s talking to. They do it because they know the scene needs something extra to add subtext.

    I wish more of the younger cast would do theatre, it might sharpen their skills,

    Re: your long post about Friday's episode, I agree with so much of it about why the actors made it work -- even though the story itself is so flawed.

    Here, though, you mention Tricia Cast and her expressive eyes, and I'm out on that one. I've enjoyed Cast in the past, but her recent stints on the show are lacking for me. I don't see any real connection between her and Chance, and while it'd be easy to blame Conner Floyd (Chance) for that, I blame Tricia Cast. Nothing about her performance seems warm or motherly.


  2. 19 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Agreed.  It's really hard to invest in Adam when he only interacts with Joss.  This seems like it's going to be a heavy story and I find it hard to get into it when I don't really know much about the character or how he would fit on the canvas.  It's just an excuse to make Joss the hero and the show already knocks us over the head with how awesome Joss is.  I know I am going to regret saying this, but even if he became Esme's friend somehow thus interacting with Spencer and Trina even Kevin/Laura and everyone starts to see signs he was acting erratically it would help.

    Agree with you. Feels like they're giving Eden McCoy the Laura Wright playbook -- and that is not a compliment.

    In other news, that Quartermaine Christmas tree is lame. It's much too small and doesn't scream excess. Hopefully, the Tracy complaints we see in the previews are about the meager decorations.

  3. 3 hours ago, Ponds said:

    I had stopped watching this endless storyline of Eric dying and constantly coughing up blood, but I am really pissed now.  They have spent weeks showing us his suffering and trying to finish his FINAL collection and now Finn is simply going to Google to find a cure while the "expert in his field" didn't have a clue?  This show doesn't deserve to be on anybody's television set.

    Yep. I saw the spoilers for every day next week. It looks insufferable.

    1 hour ago, Soapsuds said:

    The ending was just dreadful. John McCook can no longer act. Why was everyone crying? Eric fall was cringe worthy bad.

    Yeah, this story has really exposed John McCook as an actor. It's all been beyond awful.


    14 hours ago, Jeff said:

     I think Ashley Jones has been emoting the best.


    I'll co-sign to that. Ashley Jones is the only one who seems natural and comes across as a real human.


  4. 18 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Agreed.  It's really hard to invest in Adam when he only interacts with Joss.  This seems like it's going to be a heavy story and I find it hard to get into it when I don't really know much about the character or how he would fit on the canvas.  It's just an excuse to make Joss the hero and the show already knocks us over the head with how awesome Joss is.  I know I am going to regret saying this, but even if he became Esme's friend somehow thus interacting with Spencer and Trina even Kevin/Laura and everyone starts to see signs he was acting erratically it would help.

    I agree about having Adam interact with Esme, Spencer, Trina, etc., would help. Still, even though the actor is 19 IRL, he reads younger to me. I don't think he seems like someone who'd be part of that circle.

    The crazy thing is that GH obviously did Maurice Benard a huge favor by hiring his son -- and then failed to set him up for success. Again, that's no comment on Josh Benard's acting abilities, because I thin he's doing a solid job.

  5. 2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I think Mo's son is okay, but this is too much of a story for him.  Plus, Joss doesn't need MORE to do.  Trina, Joss, Spencer already have plenty to do.  This is just a weird side story.  Adam is just not that close to Joss (thanks for his name lol).  If he was, say, Cameron's roomate and Cameron was in this story it would make more sense.  This reeks of nepotism if you ask me and I honestly don't think Mo's son is awful or anything.  There just really isn't a good reason for this story.

    I agree that Joshua Benard is a decent actor. I have no problem with him at all, and I'm not bothered that Mo opened doors for him. Like you, though, I don't yet see a reason for this story, and especially have a problem with Joss' constant involvement.

    If they're working towards a stronger tie to other characters, they'd better do it soon.

  6. 22 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Don’t care about Joss and Mo’s son either. She’s still disgusting. 

    That storyline doesn't work for me either. Joss doesn't belong in it. It's not believable that she'd spend that much time with Adam on his studies and grades. Lining that up with her life with Dex is a complete head-scratcher.


  7. Luna: "This party is incredible!"

    Honey, you're standing around in someone's living room with a bunch of dressed up people you see every day.



    9 hours ago, divinemotion said:

    Guys why are you putting Eric to this high standart just now... when this man is practically dying...  Even if he was a cheater... the lack of empathy for someone dying even if it is only on screen... is mind boggling. Also... practically 99.9999 percent of characters in soap operas... if they are on the show for longer than 2-5 years... CHEAT.

    Seriously? It's because we SAW all the cheating and now they're feeding us Eric as Jesus. It makes me gag.


    8 hours ago, Fevuh said:

    But this is the result.  You reap what you sew and there’s no thought - why should the viewers care?  And we had the “last party” with Stephanie.  It’s old hat.  This sours viewers more when you drag this out then - oops - Eric really just has long haul Covid and a hangnail, y’all! Thank GOD! Woo hoo!  

    Someone mentioned Katie.  Has she cried and gone into hysterics recently?  No?  She will, they need to give her Emmy reel material.  Anyone that got an Emmy after about 2005 to 2010 needs an asterisk next to it (*90% of the really good actors and actresses who were in this category were the victim of a cancelled show).

    So much truth to all of that. I don't care about Eric dying, and I'm hate-watching this garbage while i laugh at it. Everything about this "last party" is a campy joke, from the set to the outfits to the crafts services food spread.

    None of the dialogue is remotely real or genuine. My favorite is when an actor pretty much says "We have to pretend that Eric isn't dying" while the look on his/her face says "My God, he's going to die right here." Oh, that and the multiple times Eric indicates it's the end for him and he's so glad for this "party."

    Kudos to remembering that Katie HAS to get a sob scene so her Emmy reel is complete.

  8. 8 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Question—In Eric’s moment of flashbacks of  “happy memories”, why was his interrupted 1997 wedding with Stephanie one of them? Did he forget about the scandalous picture of him that fell out of the Bible? 🤣🙈🙈🤣

    It's part of what makes this episode so laughable. IT not only tries to rewrite history, but we see all these women Eric treated like crap -- while the show tries painting him as some saintly genius.

    On top of that, we get this insistence on a frickin PARTY. LMAOOOOOOOOO Shouldn't that "final collection" and winning over Ridge been enough? This material is a laugh riot!

    Side note: I loved Hope's new hair when she first got the new cut and style. Today, the hairdresser who hates her was put in charge of making Hope look 10 years older and like Jane Jetson.

  9. 1 hour ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Did something unusual happen today? 

    Otherwise, color me clueless, What struggle? What trauma? 

    We've got 2 girls who have been seeing each other often & flirting a lot & now they've talked about past relationships & kissed. This to you is an afternoon special? 

    You didn't see today's episode? It was all about Blaze's worries about acceptance from her conservative Catholic family. That's after school special stuff to me, and as carolineg said, it's dated.

  10. This stuff with Kristina and Blaze's struggles with coming out....sorry, I'm just not feeling it.

    It all comes off as trying too hard to me -- like an after-school special. Weve had plenty of gay characters and couples on this show in the past, and it's not like we're being introduced to some alien species.

    Unless we get to meet and know Blaze's Catholic family -- and I highly doubt we will -- I just don't see the point of any of this. I'd rather see these characters just like each other and fall for each other rather than watch this trauma bonding.

  11. 2 hours ago, Fevuh said:

    I haven't seen the show since I posted in the November thread, but - what I mentioned is that - I feel like the reason you're seeing the ambivalence in general feelings toward Eric - I still feel, he was not developed.  We just don't care about the character all that much.  He was just always a philandering dress designing fashion house owner - and that's.....kind of it.  I've never felt sympathy for him.  I don't know why, but I'm confident we don't get the warm and fuzzies about Eric, because we just don't truly care about an underdeveloped character.

    I'll go to other shows as examples.  The one I know best, which is - and always will be IMO on another level when it comes to developing characters.  And you can tell, because we adjusted to new actors or actresses in the role - because we loved the character(s).  

    Alan Spaulding, Ed Bauer,  Can't imagine people screaming that they want them "gone" and just die already.  Played by numerous actors.  But the character was such a part of the show, it didn't necessarily matter who played them.  Yes, we had our favorites.  We didn't want the character dead and gone.  Blake.  Pretty much grew to love every actress because that character was born into a whopper of a situation and little Chrissy had to navigate having a strong anti-hero as a Dad with people constantly judging her.  And she embraced becoming the wild cat.  Dinah, almost ditto - we ended up growing to love the actress that stepped in because - what a character.  There are other examples on shows I didn't even watch. 

    Alexandra - my opinion but I didn't dislike any actress that played her.  I loved every one of them. Beverlee McKinsey was the gold standard, but I didn't dislike when Marj Dusay played her nor even Joan Collins - she BROUGHT it in that short time in the role.  But we LOVED Alexandra as a character.

    Another World and Vicky/Marley - played by different actresses but that character "had it together" to sustain it.  In support of what I'm saying - so legendary that I didn't even watch AW and I know this.  



    Excellent post about Eric that says it all.

  12. 1 hour ago, j swift said:

    Negative:  The Jackie Cox stuff makes everyone seem ridiculous.  And Leo's epiphany over delivering Nicole's baby is just plain stupid.  If Leo becomes an OB-Gyn, I may need to scream.

    Yeah, I can't believe the first strike script has this horrendous Jackie Cox stuff. It's embarrassing. And ANY Leo moment where he considers another person is a waste of my time. Just not believable.

  13. 5 hours ago, divinemotion said:

    I get while Eric is pointless character, but the hate and the disgust some people here feel towards this old man is... strange. I guess he lack the abs of Tanner Novlan and that is why. LOL

    Would I feel differently about Eric if he had abs? Uh....probably. Why? Because I'm shallow and at least it gives me SOMETHING to watch.

    Eric isn't eye candy AND he's become a ridiculous character. I'm also tired of the rewriting of history -- all these people talking about his greatness and as if he never misstepped. Making it worse, we heard Eric trash Stephanie. SHE was the hard one to live with. This from the guy who cheated on her how many times???

  14. I liked the intro of Tucker St. John into the story, but Josh Griffith has really botched his character.

    He had fire chemistry with Eileen Davidson, and Tucker/Ashley would have made a great couple. Instead, JG made us wonder why Ashley was ever attracted to Tucker in the first place. There's bad and then there's BAD. There's lies and then there's LIES.

    We've been given no reason why anyone -- including his son Devon -- would want him in Their lives.

    We don't even get motivation for Tucker wanting to do what he does. Why take over Jabot? Why take over Chancellor/Winters? Saying it's "for Devon" is ridiculous, when an 8-year old would know thatwhat he does is completely outside-the-lines.

    It's a shame, but I'm ready for Tucker to leave. Again.

  15. I know "it's a soap" but the business stories on Y&R get me crazy.

    Can anyone tell me....is there really any way for Tucker McCall to take over Jabot or Chancellor/Winters? Especially with something secret and under-handed?

    I don't get why this show constantly resorts to this "I'll just step in and take over the entire company" crap.

  16. 2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    As far as KS/Maxie-I am just going to leave it alone.  My comments end up getting fat shaming replies and that really isn't my point. 

    As a note of support, I want to say I never felt you fat-shamed Maxie -- or anything like it. I haven't done that, either. If someone wants to make that charge, bring the receipts, because we never mentioned her weight as a problem.


    2 hours ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Now, still in the spirit of caring, they did some important taping this past week & Maxie was suitably dressed in this great black dress & she looked fabulous & they issued her call to come to the set & she freaked out at the last minute & changed into some very ordinary black pants & an ugly big black sweater. So she went from panic to calm but others just had broken hearts again. Sigh. So we are forewarned that she's going to stick out like that veritable sore thumb. Blast it. 

    I am appalled that once again, KS has been enabled.

    You know, if Meryl Streep throws a wardrobe fit, I'm OK if she's accomodated...because Meryl Streep. Kirsten Storms is no Meryl Streep. I do not think she's essential to GH and I do not think she's irreplaceable.

    It's just madness that they've given her so much control.


  17. 6 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Eric at the party

    “All this food is delicious. Too bad I won’t be able to eat it anymore.”

    “This’ll be my last party ever”

    “But don’t be upset. Don’t start crying. No reason for it”



    2 hours ago, 1974mdp said:

    And, now Zende is probably the only person in LA that doesn't know Eric is dying, but Ridge told Carter because he's "family."

    The writing for Carter is so patronizing it makes me cringe.

    I can see Brad Bell telling the writers "Make sure Carter is referred to as family at least 3 times so the audience knows we care about Black people. As we go around the room and let each character speak at least one line, make sure Carter gets a line, too -- and that he expresses his gratitude at being a part of the Forrester family."






  18. 25 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Eric: I don’t want sadness. I don’t want long faces in here.

    Really? Then stop constantly bringing up your impending death, dipshit 😂😂

    LMAO I actually started laughing when he did that AGAIN today. That's all he ever says! And honestly, John McCook is playing all of this badly. It's a complete caricature of a dying guy with those coughs and bad posture.

    Then there's everyone standing around talking about Eric dying. Every day. That's all anyone does.

    And now? LET'S HAVE A PARTY!!!

  19. 18 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    It is so totally problematic that he told her it was too soon for him & instead of waiting with him, she strikes out on her own & doesn't tell him. 

    I know "it's a soap" but I just hate tired, cliched writing like this -- both with not telling TJ and with using Molly as a surrogate.

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