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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 1 hour ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    This Will story falls so flat because:


    1. Will and WilSon are BORING.

    2. Freddie and Chandler suck.

    3. Will just came back from the dead, only to get a story where he might die again.

    4. Even if Will dies, we know he'll just come back. There are no stakes here.


    Just awful on every level.


    I agree with you. I thought the whole thing was awful, and nothing about it moved me in the slightest. Will’s quick visit to the other side had nice mood lighting. Wow. Give it up for mood lighting.


    Meanwhile, Chandler walked through the scene like a lost and bored deer. 


    Then he he wakes up in the hospital bed and TA DA! He’s cured! GAG ME. It was so, so bad.

  2. Josh Morrow doesn’t seem burned out to me at all. I think he was great this week, and seems energized performing with Mark Grossman.


    i don’t agree at all that JM half-asses his performances at all, let alone 90% of the time. Nick is sometimes written as a dick, but that doesn’t mean Morrow gives less than his best.


    Grossman has had a strong first month, and his scenes with JM had both actors delivering the goods.

  3. They won’t replace JM because he’s good in the role, and because he is Nick. Some people want to replace half the cast, as if that will work. 


    Grossman has has been great as Adam, and Morrow did just fine opposite him yesterday and today. I realize I’m an outlier on him here, a board that hates JM in general. 


    I think it’s stupid to give Mariah such a role in Devon’s company, just as I think it’s stupid to believe she could so easily. Leave a contract job at GC Buzz.


    Tessa singing at Society like it’s some coffeehouse? Gag me. I think it was lip sync, which makes it even worse. I want her gone. Maybe she and Lola can ride the food truck out of town.

  4. The Collonade Room is not coming back, and neither are any 1day sets.


    Today’s U.S. show was great, start to finish, except for the Kyle and Lola scenes. All the actors did great work, and Gina T is going out like fire. Damn, I will miss her. I’m critical of bad stuff, but today was incredibly good.


    Jill was missed, but we all know Jess Walton doesn’t want regular work. Yes, they could’ve thrown in a line of dialogue, but I can’t make a big deal about it.

  5. It’s ridiculous that Society is this first class restaurant with an awesome chef — but then pushes the tables out of the way to turn into a nite club after hours. So does the restaurant close at 9? 10? Never mind. It’s all crap.


    Speaking of never mind, the same goes for Jabot Collective being this HUGE online success on frickin DAY ONE. I mean, really? Who writes this stuff?


    Gina Tognoni and Mark Grossman were fire together. I do not want to see the brittle overacting that Stafford will bring.

  6. I don’t think Adam is a problem, and neither is any character he’s dealing with.


    Not when I see scene after boring scene with Kyle and Lola, and the utter wasteland that is Teriah. Lesbians are fine. Boring lesbians living in a dump are not.


    I’m all for character-driven writing, but I don’t see character development when Kyle builds a bookcase, or when Lola helps Kyle paint an accent wall, or when Tessa tries on clothes to se where she fits in the music world. I mean, WTF.


    Thank God fo4 the Adam stuff.

  7. The assistant who killed himself was decent until that last scene -- then he wass all kinds of awful.

    The whole stock broker storyline ended lamely. Just a mess of a story with two supposedly brilliant brokers becoming morons when police asked them questions.

    The Twitterverse was going nuts over the show, the ending, Viola removing her makeup, and those last 9 words. People are falling all over themselves to praise this show, and while it's decent, it's not THAT good.

  8. I have been hearing that Y&R has been using pre-JFP music. Is that true? I do wonder if JFP is getting fired if it is true.

    There's no question; Y&R has definitely been using pre-JFP music. In addition, some of the recently-written music sounds more like the Y&R stuff we liked from the past.

    Yes, for a time, the old Y&R music cues completely disappeared, and the new music was awful. But that's changed, and I wish people would stop parroting what they said a year ago. The music has improved dramatically from what we heard a year back.

  9. I'm not buying that article.

    It was written by someone who obviously has an ax to grind, and it all comes across as ridiculous. I'm no defender of JFP, but hyperbole and drama like that doesn't help anything....it's impossible to know what the truth is.

    Josh Griffith is having meltdowns? WTF? Any confirmation of this? Does anyone know what it even MEANS?

    I actually think the music has improved in the past couple months. The modern stuff isn't getting in the way and is used sparingly, and the old, classic cues are being used to good effect.

  10. Anyone remember "Bright Promise"?

    It aired on NBC at 3:30 pm from Sept. 1969-March 1972, and centered on young people in a university town.

    I was in high school at the time, and remember falling for Susan Brown, who played BP's heroine Martha Ferguson -- whose college professor husband cheated on her with a student.

    I write to Susan numerous times during the show's run, as well as afterwards when she joined GH and PC, and she responded every time with nice notes, BP scripts, and more... what a classy lady.

    "Bright Promise" was a terrific soap, I thought, ahead of its time -- no doubt aided by Gloria Monty's leadership.

    A young Tony Geary was in the cast, and I remember his making an indelible impression as a young man of seemingly "limited capacity" taken in by Martha (Susan Brown) who turned out to be a creative, artistic type. Geary sang on the show, strumming a guitar, and I can still hear one of those songs in my head, "Hello, Rainbow," that played in one of the show's last episodes.

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