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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

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Episode 73

March 30, 2006 Dusty, Meg, Jennifer, and Nick all decide that a hospital is not the place to unleash their emotions and decide to go to Al's, get a bite to eat, and settle everything there. At Al's, everything seems to have died down until Nick asks how the trip went. Jennifer learns from a gloating Meg that she and Dusty had to share a room together. Jennifer, through with the games, says she's going to be sick and leaves. Maddie and Gwen arrive at Henry's house and talk about school brie



Episode 72

March 29, 2006 Kim also reveals to Henry and Katie that Stephen wasn't happy with what they offered him at KATY and he came to her. She then tells the two that she not only tripled his previous salary but also made him lead anchor of the nightly news. Once Katie and Henry leave to lick their wounds, Kim congratulates herself on a job well done. Outside the station, Katie and Henry come down on themselves about being so naiive. Katie, however, is soon uplifted when she receives a call from Mik



Episode 71

March 28, 2006 Dusty and Nick try their best to keep the two women away from each other, but finally give up and a catfight ensues. After a spat of hair-pulling and clawing, Susan orders the women to calm down. Barbara goes to see Hal at the hospital. She's startled when James grabs her from behind and promises to go with her wherever she plans on going. Barbara just tells James that she's here visiting an old friend but he's soon enlightened when he hears two nurses talking about Hal's condi



Howarth OUT!

Howarth OUT! Sources at TWOO have confirmed that Roger Howarth will be vacating the role of Paul Ryan in early April. The role will not be recast. The mutual decision comes just a few weeks after Oakdale Digest reported that a leading man would be leaving the show. "There was just no room. There are so many stories plaiyng out right now that we are constantly trying to tie up loose ends and the character of Paul just seemed like dead weight", says Executive Producer and Head Writer Dusty Alf



Episode 70

March 27, 2006 Susan, who has returned from her medical conference, gets a briefing from Bob on Hal's condition and later promises Emily that she and Bob are doing everything they can to save Hal. Across town, Jessica reels after receiving divorce papers. She beckons Curtis and the two set out to confront Ben at the Children of Promise house, but are shocked to find the building abandoned. Gwen takes Will to the Threadz office and shows him her latest designs. She notices Will's not really in



Episode 69

March 24, 2006 Barbara and James arrive at the courthouse with a very reluctant Paul in tow. Paul witnesses the ceremony and signs the license as a witness. James promises Paul that he will never forget this. Back at Paul's penthouse, Barbara manages to sneak off and begs Paul to do whatever his father tells him to do..unless he wants t speand the rest of his life behind bars. Carly tells Nick that she has problems of her own to worry about but tells Nick that Jennifer's heart will always bel



Episode 68

March 23, 2006 Margo returns with some devastating news for Jessica. The cult's leader, Owen, has been busted for fraud and attempted murder on more than one occasion but thanks to his pricey lawyer, the cases never seem to go through. Jessica demands Margo come with her to the cult and save Ben, but is shocked when Margo tells her no. Across town, Nick and Jennfier go to pick up Johnny from the siter's house. They talk about Meg and Dusty and Jennifer finally admits to Nick that she feels li



Episode 67

March 22, 2006 Jack awakens to an empty house and finds a picture of himself and Hal on the desk. Attached to the picture is a note written by Carly saying that he really should come. Much to her surprise, Carly spots Jack at the hospital and thanks him for coming, saying that Hal would appreciate him being there. As everyone gathers in the hospital waiting room, Bob comes in and says though Hal is stabilized, he's got several factors working against him. Maddie calls Heath over to the ho



Episode 66

March 21, 2006 Andy takes Emily to Java in hopes of calming her down. She talks about the good times with Hal and breaks down when she begins talking of her affair with Paul and how that must have killed Hal inside. Andy vows that everything will be okay. Carly calls Lily and tells her to meet her over at the house. Once there, the two of them tell Jack about Hal and his recent heart attack. The pain is too much for Jack to bear, as the two women silently watch Jack fall apart. Katie and Henr



Casting News

It's A Brand New 'World' for Leachman In her daytime debut, Cloris Leachman has been cast in the role of Nadine Weaverton. A part originally intended for Betty White, "Nadine" is a headstrong grandmother figure who doesn't take anything lying down. Leachman wowed the producer and head writer with her talents and was soon receiving her first script. Look for "Nadine" to mix it up a bit with Lisa and Tom as she tries to verify the truth regarding her granddaughter Roxie. "Nadine" and Leachma



Episode 65

March 20, 2006 Everyone goes into meltdown mode when they learn that Hal has suffered a heart attack. Jennifer arrives and automatically starts berating Emily for being there. Andy pulls her to the side and tells her that if she doesn't calm down, she might be forced to leave. James explains to Barbara that certainly she must remember the excessive amount of predicaments he's gotten them out of over the years. Barbara tells him that he started every single one of those predicaments, but James



Episode 64

March 17, 2006 Meg backs away from Dusty, claiming that if they kiss, he will never forgive himself for weakening. Dusty admits to Meg that he doesn't give a damn and begins passionately kissing a more than happy Meg. Nick and Jennifer come close to seeing the two, but everything changes when Jennifer gets a call about her father. Luke goes over to Maddie's house and is shocked to find her crying. He immediately thinks Heath hurt her, but Maddie claims that as soon as she told Heath that she



Episode 63

March 16, 2006 Maddie finds Heath at Java and confronts him about his feelings for her. Heath finally admits that he never stopped loving her and hopes that Maddie will give him a second chance. Across town, Emma tells Luke that he must tell this girl his feelings, but Luke refuses, saying that she would never give him the time of day. Holden finds Carly outside the house and she tells him of Jack's attitude and how he has gotten to the point where he can't even look at his own badge. Holden



Episode 62

March 15, 2006 Curtis arrives at the Children of Promise house and asks to speak with Ben Harris. Father Owen informs a stunned Curtis, however, that Ben has asked that no family members to be allowed to visit him. Jack gets a call from Dallas's family, asking to see him. Carly tries to persuade Jack into going, but Jack refuses and again pleads with Carly to leave him alone. Emily is comforted by Andy and she apologizes for scaring him. She tells him that she remembers Bob saying something a



Episode 61

March 14, 2006 Maddie calls Luke over to the house and asks him exactly what he thinks is going on between her and Heath. Luke admits that Heath has always kind of looked at her with lustful eyes, but he has no clue what Heath's true mtoves are. Maddie thanks him and Luke retreats to Emma's where he confides in her that he has found "the one". Katie and Henry find out from one of the contractors that there has been some confusion about who owns the land that the house sets on. The contractor



Episode 60

March 13, 2006 Andy and Emily rush Hal to Memorial. Nobody says much of anything to Emily, which drives her crazy. Desperate to know something, she sneaks over to Hal's room and hears Bob say something about "lost him". Emily faints in Andy's arms. Meg and Dusty come back from a business meeting. On the way back to their room, a passerby grabs Meg and demands she hand over her purse. Dusty leaps into action and attacks the man, who flees. Dusty takes a shaken Meg back to the room. Katie tells



Promo #2

ANNOUNCER: This week on The World Of Oakdale... --------------------------------------------- ANNOUNCER: One teen confesses his true feelings... *Clip of Maddie and Heath* HEATH: The truth is, Maddie. I do still love you. I never stopped. ANNOUNCER: ...while another tries to hide his.... *Clip of Emma and Luke* LUKE: Grandma, I've never felt this way before...and it scares me. EMMA: You have to tell this girl how you feel. LUKE: Never! Not in a million years!! ...



Episode 59

March 10, 2006 Jennifer learns from Sierra that Dusty and Meg have gone to New York on business. Jennifer, baffled at the news, asks what Meg went for. Sierra shocks Jennifer with the news that Meg is now working alongside Dusty at Worldwide. Jessica thanks Curtis for coming home so soon and pleads with him to go to the Children Of Promise house and try and talk some sense into his dad. After much persuading, Curtis agrees. Will arrives at the police station and wants to know what Barbara wan



Episode 58

March 9, 2006 Dusty and Meg decide to go to New York in hopes of getting a better idea of the company they're pursuing. Once there, they learn from a hotel clerk that their hopes of two seperate rooms are dashed. A famous concert band is in town, forcing Meg and Dusty to share the only vacant room left. Back in Oakdale, Carly finds Jack in the den. Knowing that he never comes there, she realizes that the loss of his partner and Panzico's escape have totally unnerved her husband. Though she tr



Rumors, Rumors, Rumors!

Oakdale Digest has learned from an inside source that a leading man will be exiting the show in mid- or late March. TWOO had no comment. O.D. has also learned that a fan favorite may be returning in time to shake up the lives of many Oakdaleians. Who could it be? And when is this fan favorite returning? Time will only tell. Mark Collier was supposed to re-emerge in time for his storyline to kick off, but TWOO mysteriously delayed his return and scrapped those storyline plans, slated for F



Episode 57

3.8.06 Carly and Gwen go over last minute designs for the ad campaign. Carly consoles Gwen on her watered down relationship with Will and suggests the two take a trip. Gwen refuses the idea, saying that everytime they "take a trip", something bad happens. Dusty and Meg get a briefing from Sierra about the client company from New York. Sierra suggests that they not let work interfere with play. Dusty insists that he and Meg are only friends, as Meg fantasizes of Dusty realizing his love for he



Episode 56

3.7.06 Andy and Emily decide to go out for lunch, but are in for a surprise when they get stuck in a snow bank. They finally are abe to start the car, but it won't budge due to the massive amount of snow that has accumulated on the car. Jessica tearfully pleads with Ben to re-think his petition for a divorce and tries to force him into remembering his love for her. After a heated argument, Jessica leaves and is more brokenhearted than ever. She pulls out her cell phone and vows to do whatever



Episode 55

3.6.06 Nick and Jennifer head over to the police station to see Paul before his arraignment. Hal comes by before going by the drugstore and finds the two there. While Jennifer has a heart to heart with her father about his health and how truly worried she was, Nick preps Paul that Jennifer just might be forgiving towards him. Roxie tells the person on the phone that she has yet to tell Lisa, but knows that Lisa won't believe her. Lisa sneaks up behind her and demands to know what "she won'



Promo #1

ANNOUNCER: This week on THE WORLD OF OAKDALE... *Barbara standing in front of Paul's jail cell* ANNOUNCER: A mother will break her own rules... *Barbara talking to Will and Gwen* BARBARA: If you do this for me, I will allow you to continue seeing Gwen AND grant you access to your trust fund again...no strings attached. ANNOUNCER: ...to grant one son his freedom. *Barbara holding Paul's hand through the jail cell* BARBARA: I don't care what you say. I will find a way to get you out of this



Bryggman's Back!

In a last-minute casting move, Larry Bryggman has returned to the role he created. "He will definitely be involved in some heavy storylines" says The World Of Oakdale EP and HW Dusty Alford. "We have always loved the character of John Dixon and hated to see him go but we are ecstatic to have him back." Bryggman's first airdate is March 15.



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