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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

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Episode 54

3.3.06 Barbara returns to the station and catches a glimpse of Paul. She argues with Margo about setting bail and finally, Margo tells her that Paul's arraignment will be tomorrow and she can take it up with the judge if she still wants to pursue it by then. Meg arrives at Worldwide for her first day on the job and learns from Dusty that he will be working with her to secure a very big client from New York. Though Meg is overjoyed at spending more time with Dusty, Dusty again tells her that t



Episode 53

3.2.06 Dusty finds Jennifer at the Threadz office and asks how Jennifer is going to handle everything in regards to forgiving Paul, Emily, and Meg. Jennifer snaps to Dusty that she will handle it in her own way and with the help of a new found friend, Nick...just as Nick enters. Carly and Lily have a talk about their husbands and Carly tells Lily that this is really hard for Jack since he's never lost a partner before. Lily feels for Carly, but assures her that Holden will do anything to help



Episode 52

3.1.06 Barbara goes to Memorial to check on James. The nurse on duty tells her that he slipped into a coma about a week ago, but all his tests show improvement and she wouldn't be surprised if he wakes up any minute now. The nurse verifies the fact that Margo said James named Paul as his attacker. Jessica goes to the Children of Promise and learns from the head priest Owen that Ben has requested no visitors. After some badgering, Owen finally allows Jessica to see Ben. Katie and Henry go over



Episode 51

2.28.06 Luke runs into Maddie and Heath at Java's. While Maddie goes inside to get coffee, Heath jumps all over Luke, claiming that he isn't going to let some rich, snobby brat steal Maddie away from him. Tom finds the police station a war zone, complete with media crews and upset Oakdale citizens. Margo tells Tom that due to Hal being out on medical leave and an Oakdale Police Dept. rookie dying on his first assignment, this is the busiest she's seen the station in a while. Carly gets a call



Episode 50

2.27.06 Katie and Henry talk over lunch about what to do with the house Maddie bought. Henry finally comes up with an idea. He concludes that the house has plenty of room and would be a wonderful place to host the new TV station. At the hospital, Hal awakens and pages Susan into the room. He asks what made him pass out and Susan just tells him he must have gotten a little light headed. Once outside Hal's room, Susan goes over Hal's medical charts once again in disbelief. Jennifer calls Dusty



Episode 49

2.24.06 Lucinda asks Meg to come over to the house. Before Meg gets there, Lily asks her mom to reconsider giving Meg a job. She knows all the good Meg has done, but she also knows all the bad and all the lives she's hurt in the past..and recently. Not knowing that Meg is listening through the door, Lily tells Lucinda that hiring Meg at Worldwide would be the biggest mistake ever. When Meg enters and Lucinda asks if she's thought about the job, Meg says yes and is delighted to see Lily a litt



Episode 48

2.23.06 Susan tells Andy and Emily that Hal has been stabilized for the moment, but to be careful when they go in and see him because the least little thing may upset him. Andy encourages Emily to go on without him and she does. While Emily is in with Hal, Jennifer comes in and asks her cousin how he found out. Once he tells her that he's there with Emily, Jennifer goes crazy, demanding to know why a tramp like Emily Stewart is the first one that gets to see her father. Susan tries calming he



Episode 47

2.22.06 Lisa gives Roxie her first assignment: to call every guest in the Lakeview and see what they like/dislike about the hotel. Roxie laughs at Lisa's assignment and tells Lisa that she sees no reason to do such a thing. Lisa insists that it helps her figure out what needs improvement. Paul arrives at the Oakdale Police Department and turn himself in to Margo. She not only charges him with escaping from a federal penetentiary, but attempted murder. Back at the cabin, Barbara becomes worrie



Episode 46

2.21.06 Lily and Holden get ready to renew their vows. They gather Luke, Meg, Sierra, Lucinda, and the girls and head to Luther's Corners Church. In a very moving ceremony that features plenty of Holden/Lily flashbacks, Lily and Holden re-establish their love for each other and renew their commitment to their wedding vows. Across town, Jennifer apologizes to Nick for kissing him like that. He assures her that he thought nothing of it and knows she is extremely hurt by her boyfriend's recent a




As of today, I will no longer be doing weekly previews. Looking back at the past weekly previews, nothing seems to ever happen that I say is going to happen. I know this may confuse some of you, but I really don't intend for this to happen. I just get so sidetracked and I start thinking of stories that I forget to include stuff from the weekly previews. So, in order to cut down on confusion, I will no longer be doing them. Thanks for reading and I hope you are anjoying my fan fiction. Sincere



Episode 45

2.20.06 Jack and Dallas meet Panzico in the alley behind Yo's and he gives them the time the truck should be getting there. He tells them they can have any girl they want to, but be careful. They've been in the back of the truck for a few days and they might be delirious. Susan rushes Hal to the E.R. and immediately starts working on him. After a few attempts of trying to get Emily on her cell, Emily finally arrives with Any in tow and is horrified to see Hal's health deteriorating right befo



Epsiode 44

2.17.06 Ben and Jessica both arrive home to find Curtis. He tells them that he's home on a college break for a few weeks. Later, after Curtis has gone out with some old friends, Ben and Jessica begin to make love, but are interrupted when Jessica's pager goes off. Andy and Emily go shopping and run into Kim. After a few heated words between Kim and Emily, Andy poiltely tells his mom that his love life is none of her business. Lisa tells Roxie that her long time personal assistant DeDe recentl



Episode 43

2.16.06 Jennifer goes into work and finds Dusty. She rails him for bringing Meg. He finally tells Jennifer for the last time that she's got to let go of all the anger she has in her heart for Meg. Lucinda gets a call from Meg, saying she's going to be a tad late for work. Sierra talks a very skeptical Lucinda into giving Meg a job at Worldwide since Meg's nursing abilites are no longer needed because Lucinda's in remission. Tom runs into Roxie at Java. She thanks him for such a wonderful nigh



Episode 42

2.15.06 Jack returns to the station and phones Carly once there. Carly meets him there and they share a brief reunion until Jack says that he has to get back on the case. Later, Dallas gets a tip that a truck load of girls is being unloaded tonight and soons calls Jack & Hal to tell them. Paul insists to Barbara that this is not going to happen. He will not let Barbara go down for doing what everyone in Oakdale has wanted to do all along. Barbara makes mention of shooting James before



Epsiode 41

Valentine's Day 2.14.06 Lily and Holden arrive at the gym with Luke in tow. Luke regrets showing up until he finds Maddie. They immediately hit it off. Heath, becoming a bit jealous, presents Maddie with a heart shaped locket. Kim finally sees the blonde woman that Andy is talking to and goes crazy when she finds out it's Emily. The bidding starts and the fashion show begins. Everyone is shocked at how beautiful the new line is, and comments that Gwen could be the next big thing. W



Episode 40

2.13.06 Everyone gathers together at the gym for the Bachelor Auction. Tom and Margo arrive wihtout Casey. They fill Katie in as to where he is and Katie is heartbroken that he felt the need to leave Oakdale to find himself. Katie also tells Margo that Mark is doing a lot better, but Mike still won't be back in time for the auction. Maddie reminisces with a friend from high school, Heath Clayborn. They agree to go to her brother's fundraiser and they both get suckered in (by Henry) to r



Epsiode 39

2.10.06 Will meets up with Gwen at Java and tells her what Cass told him. She questions how Barbara could do such a thing, but consoles Will when she tells him that her paycheck will get them by. She tells him that she, Jennifer and Carly are showcasing the new lines of Threadz at the bachelor auction and promises that he will love his outfit. Dusty and Jennifer enjoy a nice business lunch at the Lakeview with a few investors interested in investing with Threadz. They all tease Dusty about



Epsiode 38

2.9.06 Jack and Dallas are both fearing for their lives when Panzico pulls a gun on him. Dallas takes control of the situation and explains that the girl reminds Jack of his wife who just died. Later, Jack thanks Dallas for having his back. Gwen and Carly end up at Java where they both settle down over a capuccino. Gwen tells Carly that she just can't do this anymore and it's way too stressful for her, but Carly takes the tough love approach and rails Gwen for wanting to quit as soon as sh



Episode 37

2.8.06 Jack and Dallas meet up with Panzico, who has brought along some buddies of his. They take Jack and Dallas to a strip club. When one of the girls starts getting a little too intimate with Jack, he pushes the girl off and declares that he's had enough. Nick calls Carly and Gwen into the Threadz office. He lets them both know that their designs have been selected by a world-renowned fashion house in Paris for their spring runway show. Carly and Gwen are furious that Nick would shell o



Epsiode 36

2.7.06 James wakes up to find the airplane cabin empty. He manages to dial 911 and tells them he's been shot. Paramedics rush in and take James to Oakdale Memorial. Paul takes Barbara back to the cabin in the woods. Though rattled, Barbara explainsto her son the fight over the gun and it going off. She tells Paul that if she knows James, he'll blame this all on her and press charges. Barbara thinks their best bet is to flee the country, but Paul calmly tells her they're not going anywhere.



Episode 35

2.6.06 Casey gets a call from Adam, asking him to move to California with him and Abigail and finish school there. Caey runs the idea past Margo and Tom. Though, hesitant at first, they agree that it would be a nice change of atmosphere for Casey. Carly and Gwen run their ideas for the inaugural Junior Line past Nick. Nick is blown away by the designs and claims they're the best he's ever seen. Once Carly and Gwen leave, Nick faxes them to someone. Jack covers with Panzico by explaining



Episode 34 (Late)

2.3.06 Ben and Jessica attend the service. After the srvice, Ben still remains admamant about the group and is still intrigued by them, while Jessica sees it as a bunch of hogwash. Later, after Jessica's left for a trial she has to attend, Ben talks with the priest and makes plans to visit again. Will runs into Cass at Java and asks if there's any way to sneak through and get his trust fund money. Cass is shocked that Barbara hasn't told Will. Will is flabbergasted when Cass informs him th



Episode 33

2.2.2006 Dalls phones Hal and tells him of the latest developments while Jack phones the man they met with earlier and makes plans to pick up two girls for he and Dallas "to enjoy for the night". Dallas asks Jack what exactly he plans on doing and Jack just urges Dallas to wait. Barbara and James finally settle down and James cozes her into joining him for a nice dinner. The two seem to be warming up to each other, until James mentions Paul again and sends Barbara off the edge. Nick tells Jen



Episode 32

2.1.2006 Ben tells Jessica of the man that he ran into at Java and the intirguing lifestyle that he and a group he leads are currently living. After much persuading, Jessica agrees to go with Ben to the service. Katie drops by Margo's and asks her for help with the bachelor auction. Margo agrees and the two sisters start talkign about Mike and Margo begins to realize what an overwhelming gap Mike's departure has left in her little sister's heart. Maddie and Casey run into each other at Java a



Epsiode 31

1.31.2006 Luke watches Lucinda as she sleeps in her hospital bed. When she awakens, she badgers Luke on whether he's finally stopped drinking. Luke confesses to Lucinda that he tried weed, too...but nothing is helping him and he has no idea what's wrong with him. Henry and Katie recruit Tom, Hal, Nick, Will, Andy, and Dusty as bachelors...but they struggle to find bachelorettes. After much deliberating, Henry and Katie decide to nix that part of the show and head home to gather decorations



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