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GH: April 2024 Discussion Thread

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Those scenes with Dex remind me of those deeply embarrassing scenes on Ryan's Hope with Ann Gillespie training for the force by running around cones to wacky music. At least he doesn't look like he's on his way back to his Dreamhouse, I guess.

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No, it's all in one vein, that being once he won the Emmy he was anxious to move on to try his hand at Hollywood, that it went to his head, that he got a big head, that he was too good for the show, very typical things that are said about certain young actors who have their first taste of serious fame & acclaim & it changes how they act to the people around them. The implication is that they do not handle fame well. Considered temperamental. I hope this satisfies your curiosity. Personally I hope it is not true because if it is he is likely in for a rude awakening. The kind of fan appreciation he has experienced from SprinaNation is unlike what he is likely to find in his future experiences. If it is true, he is hardly the first to fall prey to how early fame can affect people. 

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I have heard that stuff about NAC for awhile now.  No idea if it's true, but it's been a pretty consistent rumor for a few years.  I think MB even alluded to a certain young actor getting a big head (didn't name names) on his you tube show and most everyone thought it was a dig at Chavez.  I do think he's a very talented guy and may hit it big, so good luck to him.

I have no problem with the show waiting to recast Spencer.  I don't have any particular hope Chavez will be back in any long term capacity, but waiting seems right in this situation.  

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Thing is, Ryan Murphy shows are hit and miss when it comes to success and sometimes problematic. I hope NAC aint hitching his wagon thing RM will be his new wave of success. Also I can see him getting the emmy puffing his ego but to be asked out of his deal? Why? I am sure during the strikes I bet he was glad he still had the GH gig


I say bring on Spencer recast later this summer/Early fall.

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-- I second the fact that starring in a Ryan Murphy show is no guarantee of future stardom/success. Plenty of actors in Murphy shows who were labeled "The Next Big Thing" never were.

-- If GH doesn't recast Spencer, that tells me the show isn't any longer invested in the Cassidines.

-- The Dex montage of him trying out for the police academy was cringe. However, it is absolute art compared to the Y&R greenscreen we get of Connor sitting on the bench in front of his new school.

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Yesterday Eden McCoy was on the Daily Drama podcast. She said the new writers broke up Joss and Dex because they want a clean slate. They would have broken up Sprina if Spencer had still been around. With Spencer missing and Nikolas in prison, the cast is still bloated, so I don't think the new writers want the Cassadines back.

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Thursday's show: It's always a sight for sore eyes when Felicia pops up. Just her presence makes everything better, however, her scenes with Maxie were genuinely good and made me realize I do actually care about Maxie.

Today's episode was very engaging and the cliffhanger made me excited for Monday. Ava vs. Nina inject it into my veins!

Edited by Bright Eyes
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Personally, I wouldn't want them back either, if I were handling the HW'ing duties on this show.  No offense to the actors or to their fans, but I truly believe the time has come to bring these shows back to the kinds of characters and storylines that mean the most to viewers.  So much is happening in our world these days, and I feel soaps as a whole really lost something vital when they stopped reflecting that reality.

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