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GH: April 2024 Discussion Thread

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Yeah, I am definitely not saying Vanessa isn't both those things at all.  I agree she's earned it.  And at the end of the day she might be a little more work, but the upside she brings is worth it.  Maybe Frank doesn't want the headache and that's up to him.  Seeing Vanessa/Brenda as only a vehicle for MB/Sonny's happy ever after does irk me (if true) because Brenda is so much more than that.

And it becomes a double standard when Genie/Vanessa are treated as "difficult", but Steve, Mo, and Tony are just fighting for their characters.

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It really cost ABC nothing to give Tony and Genie favored nations contracts- which means what one gets the other gets. They should have the same money and as proved to be the sticking point when she quit in 2002- equal time off. I know she came and went more, but some of that was because of crappy treatment next to Tony. They had almost equal pay in the 90’s through her quitting, and all both of them negotiated for was more time off repeatedly/favorable schedules.

They also both had clauses that they could quit every 13 weeks without penalty too with enough notice. I bet nobody has that anymore. And they got a payout if the network got rid of them before their whole contract. But that was back in the days before the budgets got involved in contract negotiations.

Edited by titan1978
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It's like what I always say: you can get away with acting like a diva if you have the goods to back it up.  It's only a problem when your behavior is as shitty as your performance, or vice-versa.

IMHO, GH needs Vanessa/Brenda, because Carly in particular needs Brenda.  In fact, Carly probably needs Brenda more than even Sonny does, because Brenda - again, IMO - is the only character who can fight Carly's fire with fire of her own.  IOW, Brenda brings out the best in Carly.  (Or the worst, depending on how you look at it, lol).

Carly by herself as a lead (anti-)heroine is okay, but Carly and Brenda...?  That, my friends, is like having a license to print money.

Edited by Khan
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They seem to be dragging to appease May sweeps expectations. But unless that damn wedding leads to a massacre, I am not interested in it or this couple. 


Michael Easton is as charismatic as a piece of rotting wood. I hate seeing him on this show and have no use for this character. 

Edited by BetterForgotten
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That's been the #1 thought running through my mind for the last few dozens of posts, and for every post about Vanessa Marcil. The double standard is so bad that even those of us who KNOW there's a double standard can't fall prey to it anyway.

Those actors you mentioned -- Steve, Mo, Tony -- were NEVER scrutinized in the same way as Vanessa Marcil. There was never the same passion in that discussion, either. Frank's relationship with them was never discussed in the same terms, with the same language.

And no, Ingo isn't proof that there isn't a double standard. If a woman pulled the same crap as Ingo -- then and since -- she would have been pilloried beyond belief.

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Lol.  I have always said watching Carly's head explode was the best part of Brenda's last return.  LW just gave the unhinged portrayal perfectly and VM and LW sparred great together. 

I am not disagreeing with most of your points especially about Vanessa, but what does Ingo have to do with it?  It wasn't a sexist thing-it was a safety thing.  Steve being allowed back with open arms is more of an issue than Ingo who will mostly likely never be back.

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I brought up Ingo in case anyone thought "Well, Ingo has been criticized a lot, so it's not only women who are trashed." To me it doesn't matter that it was a safety thing. The double standard applies because of gender.

Ingo will likely never be back but we don't have these recurring discussions about Ingo's relationship to Frank, or his demands on the set, or about him being difficult. And yes, Steve is an issue, especially since he was able to return with seemingly so little discussion or pushback.

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I don’t really see Maurice leaving as much as he bitches about it. Anyone that listens to his YouTube show knows he doesn’t do well with his mental health and not working somewhere he is well respected.

And the drama with Vanessa is the will she won’t she. She isn’t on my radar for co-worker complaints. She’s a lot like Rena in that she demands Brenda has a certain look in order to help her play the character.

I know she was promised one thing and the show tried to do something else with her last return (I will forever thank her for not letting them create a romantic backstory where she slept with Dante).

Riche still socializes with her, as does MVJ. She and Guza got along. Her co-stars like her. I think the issue is the tried and true show wants all the eggs in their basket, and she wants a level of control or freedom or both that they have no problem giving to MB and TG in his day. But they balk at listening to a woman.

RC was never going to be a good fit writing Brenda. Of all the Valentini writing teams, the current one has the best shot.

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I like Brenda. I like VM. Issue is she wont do anything longer than a year and then bolts. How can you write long-term when as soon as the story gets gangbusters VM walks. 

Thats why I am not shocked taht GH wanted her to stay. That she wanted to stay and it looks like PM is writing for her. 

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