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Y&R: March 2024 Discussion Thread

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I cannot stand that baby-voiced Heather. Omg, she can't really talk that way irl, does she? And I'm very sorry to belabor the point, but that mole always, ALWAYS distracts me. She is a very beautiful woman, but that mole looks like a cold sore. Paired with the baby voice and the hair that looks like it weighs 100 pounds, she is my least favorite character on this show right now. She's one step in front of Sally for me.

They last trotted Sharon out when they had her show up at Adam's apartment (which we hadn't seen in eons) in order to give Adam and Chelsea advice about Connor's problems. She was super-cute in her little skirt and boots, then she was gone. One day's worth of scenes, that's it for our gal Sharon. She must really be on someone's chit list.

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Good question…last I knew she appeared was in early Feb when she met with Devon and Nate about Cassidy First and maybe put in an appearance to chime in about OCD..??(I fast forwarded through just about all of that story. 

I don’t know, it’s obvious JG is clueless about what to do about Sharon. For awhile there in both 2022 and last year it seemed like a Shick reunion was planned but I’m guessing either Morrow and/or Case (or both) asked to nix it, maybe. 

2024 is the 30th anniversary of Nick and Sharon so I’ll assume at some point the show will have special episodes surrounding them. I’ll just say JM’s Nick gets way too much airtime even in the supporting role he has lately, and now Nick is sniffing around Phyllis again? Yuck!

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Joshua Morrow 30th anniversary in June and Sharon Case 30th anniversary in September.

Are you giving Josh Griffith an idea?

I think we're stuck w/ Joshua Morrow until Y&R ends.

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But seriously.  If anyone should have a hoarding problem, it should be Traci.  And we should totally see every minute of it on-screen, too.

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All I can say is, this better not end with John Abbott being exposed as a pedophile.

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A good Rey Rosales style car crash would suffice, and for some unknown reason Chelsea was in the passenger seat and she’s dead as well. 

The Newmans are devastated. Victor thinks Chelsea was to blame for the wreck, Adam and Sally yell at each other, Nikki almost drinks, and Victoria has grief sex with Cole. 

An offscreen funeral is held; afterwards Sharon and the Newmans discuss how wonderful the service was yet how odd that Nick requested to be buried next to Sage. Apparently he never changed his will. This causes Phyllis to feel betrayed.

Chloe tearfully tells Billy Nick and Chelsea were having a secret affair. 

Three weeks later Abby learns from Devon about Nick’s death and feels bad she hadn’t reached out as she didn’t know he had passed.

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Poor Abby, lol.  She's an Abbott and a Newman; yet, for whatever reason, I don't believe she's ever fit all that well into either family.  The opportunity was there to have someone come in, exploit her unofficial "outsider" status and use it, potentially, to bring both families down, or at least make all their lives hell.  Instead, we get "The Two Faces of Ashley" and Colleen Zenk hamming it up in shitty wigs that you'd find in the back of an Ashro catalog.

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