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RIP: Tyler Christopher has passed

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This is devastating. As with Billy Miller, I held onto serious hope that he would return to Daytime, and specifically GH. His portrayal of Nikolas was indelible. From day one, it was clear that he didn't just have acting talent, he had soul. This was also abundantly clear in his recent interviews about his struggles with depression and addiction. He spoke cogently and with great insight about what he was dealing with, and it really stayed with me a long time. It also gave me hope that he was going to eventually get to a better place in terms of his addiction.

There is a mental, addiction and loneliness epidemic in our societies and, either directly or as a secondary effect, it is claiming more and more lives, it seems. I fervently wish we had the resources to give people the tools to better manage and overcome the worst of it.

Edited by Cat
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Just awful! Some crazed anti-vaxxer has taken it upon himself to blame Nancy Lee Grahn for Tyler's death! You see he says she forced him to get the vaccine. These people just drive me bonkers. 


And, the other shoe here: Tyler wasn't even around during Covid! 

We've got 2 problems with celebrity deaths that is unlike times in the past. Anti-vaxxers & people insistent that family & friends grieve IMMEDIATELY in public. 

Edited by Donna L. Bridges
the other shoe
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I had to leave Twitter (X?) - I don't know how the influencing works - I sound old.  But I guess the more followers you get the more clicks you get, somehow the more money you make.  So - there are "personalities" on Twitter/X whatever - that all they do is scour the Internet and make crazy flaming statements every single day - and get people arguing.  

It's all fake to me at this point.  And people really are deplorable.

After Matthew Perry passed - there were all kinds of posts from all of those characters about his 'fishy' death or "sounds suspect to me!"   MUST HAVE an INVESTIGATION!  This is VACCINE related YOU CAN BET!  ALL DEEP STATE!

It's sick and it's just enough at this point.  I don't want censorship but something has to be done at this point.  People just go on there, get their base of followers fired up over - speculation, and LIES.  And WHO does that sound like?

Several months ago I started responded to these types of trolls in regard to other posts, and their responses by and large - they would reply to me.  "HAHAHAHA!  You have 91 followers! You're a BOT! HAHAHAHA! "   or "You're NO INFLUENCER so YOU DON'T MATTER!"    It's scary and it's menacing and it's all bullshi* to me.  

And - to me, how many "followers" a person has just means you're engaging in trying to form a cult of people following you.  It's cultish to me and I'm not interested.  When I SAID THAT, their response was - "you're an IDIOT!  the WHOLE POINT of SOCIAL MEDIA is to GET FOLLOWERS! and YOU DON'T MATTER!"    That is what will destroy this world.  The idea that just because someone is loud and obnoxious that  they THINK their opinion counts more than others, or they're somehow more valuable.  

So sad to see, and it's sick.  I hope his family is OK and I hope they turn OFF social media.

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All sorts of places online have different cultures & in some of them some people are trying to get as many followers as they can or as many LIKES or thumbs up, or whatever. However, a lot of people just aren't going to do that. 

But, apparently Musk has altered the algorithm so that it encourages inflammatory exchanges. In other words when & if you indicate you don't want that kind of traffic, the algorithm gives you more of it. Or at least it is said that he has done that. Obviously I don't know. All I know is that it does not work well anymore. 

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I don’t know why, but this death has me unusually bummed. Maybe because I watched him grow up and develop or that he was something of a contemporary? Or that I knew his lengthy struggles and held out hope he’d overcome them? 50 is no age at all. He could have potentially done great work for 30+ more years.

Vanessa Marcil has been posting a lot of photos of her and Tyler to her stories. 

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I think it's because we were all rooting for him. We were all familiar with his work over the decades and how he can really shine. Plus, this is yet another celebrity gone too soon who had a long struggle with addiction. We hoped he could turn things around and have a successful comeback, just like Matthew Perry and others. It's sad to see public figures succumb to this, especially when there are so many non-celebrities trying to overcome the same inner demons. 

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