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Days of Our Lives: November 2023 Discussion Thread

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When will these dumbasses learn that rushing something ruins it? I felt like I watched a whole weeks worth of episodes in one and I barely have any idea of what the hell’s going on. I’m sure we’ll hear a lot of excuses, but this is just laziness, pure and simple. 

There were some things that I liked about today though lol 

The Chad/Nicole scenes were really nice. Her helping him out and giving him advice about his relationship was nice to see. Plus, it’s always good when characters who don’t usually interact share scenes together.

Btw, slow your roll, Everett

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I do like that he’s going to be working at the Spectator though. Tying it back to things getting rushed, it would have been nice to see Xander actually hiring him. He doesn’t need to be stuck in a bubble with just Chad/Stephanie. 

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The final batch of "Days" episodes written before the WGA strike started in May will be airing over the next 6 to 7 weeks. The remaining 30-35 episodes airing in November and December will include the final episodes written by long-time script writers Carolyn Culliton and Richard Culliton, who retired in April. "Days" episodes airing from around Christmas through late May 2024 will be written by a team of uncredited writers who wrote "Days" during the 5-month WGA strike.
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You might be right.  I could have sworn EM's Brady and Nicole have discussed it, but they may have only talked about it.  Nicole may not have been drinking.  I just remember she was drinking in the morning at some points and characters commented on it.  I don't know if it's forgotten, but I do sort of like the idea that characters go through up and downs and sometimes go on benders.  Shawn's alcoholism felt so out of the blue to me.  

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I thought the way they played with time was clever today.

It starts with Eric and Sloan getting ready for their wedding, then they get dressed.  We don't really see their wedding.  But, in the time it took for Sloan and Eric to get home, undress, and have sex, Li was killed.  So, there was a small time jump which allowed Gabi to be in the apartment, and we'll see why Stefan needed to barge in.

Also, I like Everett.  I was hoping that there would be more of a Spectator crew, because that's the only place that I find Leo tolerable. 

Remington noted on his Instagram that he was pleased to be back behind the camera, which may be for the best.  He's just too inconsistent, and it is not only due to the writing.  He was sympathetic in Marlena's office earlier in the week, then he was super cringy when holding the knife today.  He needs to either get better at managing his reactions, or just go back to working behind the scenes.

Edited by j swift
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I don't think the show ever actually changed it.  I think different regimes have just incorrectly stated his middle name.

This is when I started liking Nicole.  I couldn't stand her when she first showed up dating JA's Eric.  I can't believe Nicole not only survived this long, but became a main character I like.

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@JAS0N47  can you shed some light on EJ's name?
What is his legal name?  I thought it was Elvis John DiMera.
But the during the wedding vows of Nov. 2, 2023 episode, 
both the officiant Chad and the groom EJ said
"Elvis Junior DiMera".

I thought he was named (or planned to be named) as John Black Jr. when Kristen had the suberfuge going that it was her child by John.   
Meanwhile Susan thought Elvis Presley was the father due to Stefano's costume, so she (privately) thought of him as Elvis Aron Presley Jr.   
Then when it was revealed that the baby was the son of Susan and Stefano, he was renamed various things. 

But then I thought a compromise name of "Elvis John DiMera" was finally arrived at?  

But Jason's Days Births page says : "Elvis DiMera (parents: Susan Banks & Stefano DiMera, via artificial insemination; born at University Hospital; delivered by Dr. David Robbins; originally named John Black Jr. by John Black & Kristen Blake) "
That page has no middle name at all.

I found this from the archive of bethsdayspage, subsection "children who grew up in Salem"
Dillon, Avalon, and Vincent Ragone played young Elvis 1997-1998
Beth has them as "Elvis Aron Banks DiMera".

@JAS0N47 has the Ragone siblings credited as "Elvis Banks" on his site.  (no middle name)

I also found this:
"MATTHEW BOTUCHIS Teenage Elvis Banks 1997"

And then of course in 2006, James Scott debuted in the role using the character name
"E.J. Wells".


Edited by janea4old
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Baby names change so much, and I wasn't keeping track of middle names in 1997. I had barely started my site at that time. I usually refer to the pages you mentioned for that type of info (via the Internet Archive), Dustin and Beth chronicled as much as they could on Days for their websites in the 90s and 00s.

I haven't updated this page of my site in many years, but this is the most recent list of full names I have (when EJ wasn't an active member of the cast): http://www.jason47.com/days/datesofourlives.html
Checking Internet Archive, I see this was archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20121114034417/https://sites.google.com/site/jason47days/dates-of-our-lives    and I listed him as this in 2012:
E.J. = Elvis Aron DiMera (since changed to Elvis John DiMera)

So, as of 2012, I had the J standing for John.  I never had his middle name as Junior.

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