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DAYS Actor OUT: "I'm just ready for something different"

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Isn't this the truth!

Her last shoot day was April 28, but her last airdate is many, many months down the line.

By the time she stops airing she'll want to return.

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She had complained about her character a while back.

She sees the writing on the wall even though the show was given two more years.

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say she's actually leaving permanently. As you said, she's still young and marketable and can be cast younger. 

Maybe she'd return in a few years (if the show still exists), but I don't think this is a 6-month/1-year break like everyone else's exits. 

That said, I think she's a great actress with great screen presence who can do comedy and drama. To think Gabi Hernandez used to be the butt of the joke years ago when she kept popping up and getting story (see: anything that happened prior to the Nick Fallon "murder" mystery) and yet somewhere along the path, she became a viable character to root for, IMO. I'll miss her. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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Days has moved from the main network to streaming, and what few coins were there for Days have surely been whittled down to practically nothing. Certainly I have to imagine that the lack of payment for generating this content on streaming is what prompted Jamey Giddens to depart the writing team last week. This could well be a financial decision for Banus, too. She's obviously a beauty and there is still TV work out there to be had for somebody like her.


I remember there was basically a death watch out for both Gabi and Rafe back in the day, LOL. Like, there would be a serial killer on the loose, and we on the Days thread would be asking "How is Gabi still alive??" When Days decided to stop writing her like a milk-sop and turned her scheming and naughty, a Young Sami-esque character if you will, that's when viewers began rooting for the character.

Edited by Cat
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Her Gabi was originally written as a goody goody.. but Camila had an edge to her that helped make the Gabi character not be so insipid (unlike the late Paige).

I think it was MarDar that started placing Gabi in a darker role with her originally harmless crush on Chad turning into an obsession..and she tried to have her rival Melanie kidnapped... which ended up resulting in that disaster story right as MarDar was fired.

I'm glad the show managed to find a healthy balance for the character where she still had an edge.. but wasn't all evil.

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This is too bad.  Like everyone else has already said, CB has more than come into her own and, over the years, certain writers have really found that sweet spot with Gabi.  Pre-Nick, I thought she had to GO… but probably because of their Rafe obsession, TomSell managed to very effectively position her as a very dynamic character and CB definitely rose to the challenge.

But Gabi is only as strong as the writing, despite CB’s strengths.  And it’s too bad, bc when the writing for Gabi is good (TomSell and parts of RC), she’s great and can move through stories like a lighting rod (kinda like Kate and Nicole).  But under like a Dena Higley, the character flounders and unfortunately since her 2020 return, she’s been on a bad loop with Brandon Barash’s characters (they’ve never been able to recreate that 2019 magic… but let’s face it, the premise of Stabi is completely sordid).

But this really is the end of the JJ/Lani/Eli/Gabi/Chad/Abby/Will/Sonny group, which is such a shame because there was so much strong potential for them to become the new leads.

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