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General Hospital: January 2023 Discussion Thread

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Honestly, I never thought I’d hate a soap character as much as I hated Gwen on Passions, but this bitch is getting there pretty fast. 

She’s beyond disgusting. Easily the worst character on the show right now and for GH, that’s saying something. 

If she was killed off tomorrow, I would celebrate on here. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Thanks for posting.  That was cool to see.  Wow at her admitting she was waiting tables after she left GH the first time to support herself financially.  She's so brave for leaving GH so definitively this time.  Britt was definitely one of the best additions to the show in the past decade.

I love that they've given the Esme actress a whole new sympathetic role to play with this amnesia for a while, but GH needs some more messy trouble-making female characters.  All these bland goody-goodies like Sasha, Wallow, Sam need permanent vacations...

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I am still of the opinion that social media users overestimate their influence on the writing and production of the soaps.  It is a self-fulfilling proficiency that people who profess the most obvious views feel as if they are being heard when the plot follows their wishes.

It never ceases to amaze me when an adult born before the invention of social media continues to believe that if a writer, actor or producer likes their tweet it means that they know that person's taste, motivation, and work habits.  Usually the writer, actor, or producer wouldn't even remember that interaction five minutes later.

Edited by j swift
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Its odd seeing everyone treat Esme with kid gloves as if amnesia erases the impact of what you've done to others. I like Laura but she needs to dial down her compassion and forget idea of Esme being a good mother.

Loved Spencer is supporting Cam and that the writers didn't make Cameron do something wrong to facilitate audience acceptance of Joss' cheating. 

To my surprise and delight there is virtually zero support for Joss in the YouTube comments. The storyline is being recieved as black and white, Joss is wrong, Cam is the victim. This comared to odd support for Esme during the custody battle, plus the support for some of SJB Carly's antics. 

Finally Liz's mother is revealed after all these years!

Edited by ironlion
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No, but this is crazy. Anna and Valentine not only got a hotel set for this story (that frankly isn't remotely interesting and I like Lucy, who I guess has been tied up and gaged for 4 months? This is stupid, I'm sorry), they got a church set! And now catacombs!) But everyone in Genoa City lives in one of the 4 restaurants in town! What is going?!

Now Dante and Sam are going to LONDON??? Meaning more (potential) sets!

Glad that Cameron got to say his piece. He was completely in the right and Joss did not care about anything about his feelings, just her stupid mobster boyfriend.

I really have to praise GH for their familial connections. They've been good about family not just being biology. For instance, I've always liked that Mac is a father figure to Robin and a father, perhaps not legally, to Maxie (and Georgie) and thus they were cousins and acted like it. Not to praise Sonny or the hell Michael's existence has thrust upon this show but there's no question that Sonny is his parent.

And I really love that Laura is Cameron's grandmother and they don't feel the need to say "Well, not biologically". Liz adores Laura and I think she would have served as a grandmother to him regardless but Lucky was an involved father to him during his childhood, he was his dad and didn't care about DNA because he loved Liz. And I hope they've kept that connection off-screen. I don't want some scenario whenever Jonathon comes back or they decided to recast where they act like Lucky was some deadbeat or only fatherly toward Aiden. It's not in his nature.

Edited by Darn
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GH regularly caters to their older, whiter Facebook audience who only care about stuff like Sonny and Carly forever and the nice boring couples the show puts forth, because they believe that audience represents the remaining major soap opera demographic. They've also recently discussed (in that Paley Center interview I believe, or wherever it was) seeking out a specific portion of their social media audience and discarding others. They just clearly don't care about much that does not reinforce their or Frank's priors. On occasion that fluctuates, like with the Cam scenes, but am I expecting Cam to get an A-story or be featured at the same level as Joss, or for the writing of her character to be more nuanced going forward? Nope.

They tried on and off to say over the years that Lucky Skypes with the boys a lot, lol. They did that a lot in the 2010s. But yeah, at this point he has checked out on being a father for too long. I don't like it at all because he used to be a devoted father to the kids for the 2000s - all of them, Jake, Cam, Aiden - but it is what it is.

Ron clearly had something in mind with this during Jonathan's brief appearance for Tony's exit, where he implied that the aftereffects of Helena's brainwashing of Lucky had left a 'darkness' in Lucky that made him want to stay away out of fear for his family (and JJ and Tony also personally rewrote their scenes about this completely so much that they stuck out from the rest of the terribly-scripted show and felt like some material out of the early 2000s; it was very good and very jarring). But this being Ron (and the fact that he got fired shortly after) he never picked up on the thread.

Edited by Vee
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