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Y&R January 2023 Discussion Thread

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Someone would have to sit Joshua Morrow down for that to happen, but would he accept it? Nick Newman does not need any more children on this show. He and Sharon need to work their way back together, and perhaps they will tie the knot officially for next year's anniversary week. Nick and Sharon are 50 years old and need to be involved in the lives of their children, who should be having the stories Nick is in. No one is saying they won't have a story; of course, they will. But the days of him possibly impregnating his daughter's rival and being in love triangle after love triangle need to end.

And when Sally and Summer were feuding too. Sally could've said this to her.  "You might have gotten to run Marchetti, but I'm f*cking your daddy," 

Edited by Forever8
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Nick and Sharon kinda don’t work anymore for me. I don’t feel like they’ve preserved that chemistry and spark. It’s weird: They should be more involved with their kids, but especially JM reads so much younger (in spite of his greying beard) that I don’t find him credible as a paternal figure. They are also hanging on to him as a romantic lead, and he does look great, but Y&R hasn’t really allowed these characters to evolve. Noah should be dominating stories the way Nick did at his age, and he’s just not. Structurally the show hasn’t allowed for that to happen.

They give these characters all these kids for a short-term story peak, then don’t know what to do with them down the line. 

A writer really needs to come in and do a rethink on the Newmans, and it’s unlikely to happen given the state of the show and CBS Daytime.

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I don't think this is an unpopular opinion. At least they have history and their reunion would make sense. Not to mention that it might help "erase" Sharon's other six marriages. If you are not Erica Kane, after seven marriages you should either be written out, or serve as a talk to. I have seen enough of her love life. The only reason I wouldn't want her written out, is because I really like the actress. 

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Worth the wait. Awwww Danny and Cricket. And those flashbacks...especially the fire that came out of LLB in that one flashback...were great.


We know I live for all Jack vs Ashley scenes so while it was jarring to see that abrupt transition to the next day without Ashley letting Jack have it for kissing Diane, it was great to see ED just let loose. Though I thought it was a missed opportunity for Jack to not throw Ashley being an exile under Mal Young in her face. 


Speaking of missed opportunity...so we didn't even get to see Billy and Lily's therapy session. So tell, don't show indeed. smh. If that isn't stilted writing, I don't know what is.


I cheered to see Devon was smart enough to see that Tucker might be trying to manipulated him and now might have a clue about Audra working for Tucker. And speaking of Devon...I cannot believe Abby/Devon is happening. Especially since I just read one of BJ's interviews and he mentioned that they were supposed to happen when ER was playing Abby, but direction changed. While it makes sense, I would think Abby would try to fight for Chance more. Oh, well.


I am already over this WTD story. I'm not over Josh Morrow taking off that jacket though.

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And yes to Kyle and Summer finally having some drama and arguing how we argue over here over their mothers. 

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The romantic spark seems to have faded between Nick and Sharon. I like them as friends and co-parents, and the closing scenes on NYE were nice.

They seemed to be an "end game" couple for eons, but it's almost as though too much time has passed for it to make sense anymore with them barely in one another's orbits.

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One thing about Nick and Sharon is that the show has really worked to destroy them over the years. Or rather make them seem blah. They’ve been in so many different all-consuming love stories, yet they’ve had very tepid, unenthusiastic reunions (like their short-lived “romance” leading up to the aborted wedding a few years back) and have stayed in each other’s orbits, so we’ve never really had a chance to “miss” them as a couple (in the way that fans might rally around Bo/Hope since Peter Reckell has been off DAYS’s canvas for so long).

And I don’t feel like JM and SC are playing any subtext of the other being the “love of their lives” in their scenes IMO. If their characters have evolved at all, it’s been away from each other.

Over the past 30 years, neither SC nor JM have left to pursue bigger opportunities in their careers. We’ve never had a real break from them, and they feel really stale to me.

Edited by Faulkner
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