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DAYS: Makeup room photo chart reveals contract cast for some point in 2022

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A former co-worker of mine married his wife, had a kid and they were married for 20 years. He's now happily married to a black man and they've been together for many years. His son is WAY taller than him (around 6'6 to his dad's 6' or 6'1), and hot AF.

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Yeah it happens. I was once upon a time attracted to a female. We would talk on the phone for hours. I could've seen myself marrying her and having children too. Unfortunately things didn't work out. 

Edited by Soapsuds
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I understand the impulse. And if it was a different situation I might be more for it, since Kevin Spirtas has been flamingly gay for decades. But the Craig/Nancy thing was wish fulfillment for a segment of the audience and I think it's a shame to take that away from them. Nobody needed to make David Vickers gay on OLTL because I think most of us assume David was already omnisexual and would sleep with anything; why not simply do the same thing with Craig?

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This is one of the reasons I am reacting as vehemently about it.
I definitely remember this and it makes it doubly offensive to "vindicate" this kind of gross thinking.
Their love story was incredibly positive representation - for characters that were not particularly likeable.

I have no objection to such a story being told. Pick any of the dozens of other straight men that have come through the show over the past thirty years to bring back and do that with.

I have a strong objection to it being told for a character whose portrayer is, oh look at that what a coincidence, one of the few out gay men on daytime. Let's not be naive about why they'd go there with Craig who has not been around in years, of all people, if the rumor is true. It is because KS is gay.
We have had VERY few out gay men on daytime and if they keep retconning their characters as gay, what message does that send?

And the Philip storyline was offensive for a gazillion reasons more than just the gay thing, we agree there.
But the fact Philip was all of sudden supposed to have been closeted when nothing had suggested as much was solely down to TB being gay.
And I stand by my anger at it.

Gay men can portray straight characters and not put in a box of only being able to play gay characters. And it is gross that when the number of out gay men on daytime is still fingers of one hand high, this would turn into a pattern.

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I will say this about 'retconning characters to be gay': I'd do a Far From Heaven story with both Michael and Kevin on Y&R turning out to be gay and/or bi (probably Michael being bi and Kevin gay) in an instant. It doesn't destroy the audience's memories of the good times with Michael and Lauren but it is a more honest accounting.

Edited by Vee
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I feel one of the reasons you might feel that way is that Michael/Lauren has been stuck on below-neutral for ten years and none of the pairings Kevin have been in have ever worked.
I hear that.
But I stand against it on principle - it sends a terrible message. If ALL the gay men on daytime were out, and this would be a small sample, I'd unclench my buttcheeks and accept some creative leeways (and it could be fun in a vacuum for those characters and as Soapsuds said it does happen in real life).
But when we have four or five and it has already been done once, it feels intentional and wrong to me.
It vindicates EXACTLY why all these actors stay in the closet: because they are terrified of being typecast in that way. And I want more people to be out and comfortable and the audience getting to see them do all kinds of roles.

In a world where sexuality is irrelevant to an actor's career and success, by all means, retcon away. Not in daytime in 2022, sad as it may be.

Edited by FrenchBug82
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I just frankly think that as CLB has got campier and campier the pairing has seemed like more and more of a farce. I think you can tell a sensitive storyline about a bisexual Michael coming out late in life without dishonoring the couple. It's not like they're doing anything else! And it would definitely make the latter-day Michael more interesting.

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