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Days of Our Lives: December 2021 Discussion Thread

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I finally watched today's episode and I'm guessing that this quickie marriage is largely going to be a plot point to make Allie jealous. But since Chanel is now a DiMera, I really want Paulina to worm her way into living at the mansion. Imagine her mixing it up with Tony and Anna, Susan, EJ, etc. 

I do really like Chanel and Johnny though. They have really good chemistry and Carson Boatman is just totally charming in his scenes with her. 

Edited by AlexElizabeth
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At the risk of applying logic to an illogical situation, one of the things that doesn't work in the MarDevil reboot is that nobody seems to be using the communication devices that are literally at their fingertips.  I know the devil emoji showed up on the phone, but why aren't people warning their loved ones and keeping them informed of the danger?  It's 2021, aren't the Brady siblings on a text chain where they can tell each their suspicions about Marlena?  Don't Belle and Shawn text each other throughout the day to know when they're coming home?  Haven't Doug and Julie facetimed with Kayla since Thanksgiving?

In the 90s it made sense that most of Salem wouldn't know information until it was published in the newspaper.  But, today information would run much faster than it seems to amongst the Bradys and the Hortons.  I find myself yelling at the screen to Tripp, "why don't you message your father before confronting evil demons at work!"

Edited by j swift
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Sorry.  I meant the one they had in 2018.  It's either different or being shot differently now.  It looked so much roomy before the shoot the bride wedding.

Again, it feels like everyone knows about Mardevil and no one is taking it very seriously.  Instead of the police force charging brady for murder of someone who isn't dead they should be more focused on the Prince of Darkness casually running around town.

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(Not a spoiler. Just guessing.) I think the devil was in Salem long before it was revealed to the viewers in October.  I think the devil entity was using Philip and Lucas for its own longterm agenda.  I think we'll learn eventually that it was behind a lot of things that we haven't yet suspected.
Just a theory.

Edited by janea4old
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I really hope so because Lucas and Phillip are not looking great here.


I wish he were in town instead of Rex. I still don’t really buy Kyle Lowder’s Rex as part of Kate’s brood. We never actually see him with Lucas or Phillip.


Speaking of homes. Kate has been an executive for years and years at multiple corporations. Why the hell is she living above the pub like she’s broke?

Edited by Antoyne
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