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Y&R December 2021 Discussion Thread

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EB accidentally referred to Moses as "Neil's grandson" several months ago, and the editors didn't catch it, so it aired.

Yes obviously Chance is not Katherine's biological grandson. But she thought of him as sort of honorary grandson of the heart. Katherine even thought of Jill's son Philip as a sort of honorary son at times

I think EB was just using the German pronunciation of Dominic.
He wasn't trying to say "Dominique" which is slightly different.

Edited by janea4old
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Rule #1 for New Soap Scribes: Learn your damn show's history.

I really doubt that was an error on EB's part.  Unless, that is, EB just plain doesn't give a [!@#$%^&*] anymore.  (Not that I'd blame him.)

Edited by Khan
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Not to me. Katherine considered herself mother to Phillip III (and then grandmother to Phillip IV) for most of the show. Even when Chance returned as John Driscoll she was front and center as grandmother.

It wasn't until when they connected Devon to her that the writers started to ignore that connection.

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What wealthy family == or any family — has a party in the lobby of a hotel??? Ami the only one disgusted by this?

if they can’t afford another set, have the party at home. The hotel lobby is just pathetic. Even worse, they lay over ambient sound of a LARGE crowd that’s supposedly there. 

Those same crowd noises are used at Crimson Lights, even when there’s no one in the place. 

Maybe I wouldn’t notice these things if the writing didn’t suck.

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Because Y&R tends to have the heirs end up working in the family business. 

-Newman's at Newman Enterprise

-Abbotts at Jabot

-Glo at Fenmores (even Jill was working there when they were playing that part of her life)

-Phillip III, Cane (when he was thought to be Phillip III), and Jill as Kay's daughter,  at Chancellor

Paul's father Carl was a police detective, so Paul was a detective, then ended up working for the GCPD. 

So it seems to me they are having Chance takeover Paul's former role...once again.  It kind of bugs me that they have stereotyped those who have served this country as only fit for being a detective or a police officer. I have people in my family, and friends, who are former military and NONE of them are those two occupations. (One former Navy seal who crawled down foxholes in Vietnam became a psychiatrist on the GI Bill.)

Chance is a Chancellor, Jill should be offering him a place at the company that she and his grandfather have both run, it's his legacy. His father worked there too. Not to mention the company bears his name. Given he almost just died -again- Chance's safety should be uppermost in Jill's mind. It doesn't seem like Jill not to offer him a less dangerous career in the company. She goes out of her way for Billy by setting up subsidiaries tailored just for him. What about Chance?



Yep, that was the case for 6 years, even Billy was a grandson.

But even before the blood connection Kay tried to be the mother/grandmother. First she tried to buy Phillip III as baby for a million dollars. Next she convinced him to live with her, then she tried to adopt him. And finally she just settled on acting as a 2nd mother anyway. Phillip lived with her, after that Kay was having him trained to run Chancellor etc.

She repeated it to a lesser extent with Chance by trying to control Nina. And always being side by side with Jill when they would visit little Phillip.

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This show has been playing it Peppy & Cheap, in the words of Soapdish, since JFP came in, and that desperate drive for an Fronsian ABCD aesthetic, narrative focus and budgetary overhead has driven everything ever since.

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